[GW2] The Extensive Guide to Ranger Pets - Path of Fire Edition

[GW2] The Extensive Guide to Ranger Pets - Path of Fire Edition

Sam Ajesté

6 лет назад

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@sentofwinter - 02.10.2017 13:18

Keep em comming Sam! Love your in depth ranger guides! Although i can't seem to get the dps you have on your soulbeast

@connorconcarne - 02.10.2017 13:30

What are your thoughts on One Wolf Pack over Entangle? I was getting marginally higher DPS with OWP (approximately 500 extra).

@heldor8538 - 02.10.2017 16:04

No love for the Minstrel Dog? Downvoted & unsubbed.
Jokes aside, good informative video. Gonna add in the comment that, as suggested by Sam, I tried to merge with Iboga on Soulbeast and - while not being exactly outstanding on golem (with average of 36.9k dps) - it is really good, and probably best choice, for Matthias. Probably also Cairn, not sure yet.

@oooSKYLIGHTooo - 02.10.2017 16:58

I run Jaca/Ele Wyvern as standard now as a SB. Jaca cleaving DPS lightning strikes, CC imob then a strong group healing/condi clear/resistance when melded is awesome balance. Ele Wyvern for CC (melded and unmelded) is strong for break bars too.
PS also if you have a Jaca melded (for heals) towards the end of a close 1v1 and go down state, the un-melded Jaca can snatch victory from defeat with its DPS alone when an opponent tries to stomp and I stun them from down state. This has saved me on a number of occasions since I started using it.

@itzcoconut - 03.10.2017 02:05

Nice video, but the pet DPS comparsion in the end is very inaccurate IMO.
In no realistic scenario your pet is going to have full boons (specially Quickness), and Feline pets not being affected by Quickness just makes them fall behind pets like Jacaranda, who are.
If you do it with more "realistic" boons (something like 10 Might and Fury) you'll see that Lynx is still superior, and Jacaranda/Iboga will be close to the other Felines.

@Rakukuru - 03.10.2017 13:42

You say at the start of the video that you might need gw1's pets to have the TRULY best pet in some case scenarios, but as far as I know, these 3 pets share the same stats and abilities as other gw2 pets meaning that they are only skin variants. black moa == pink moa | jungle spider == black widow spider | white raven == raven

@niamorleviloj4120 - 03.10.2017 15:30

1: nice sound! I don't know what changed compared to your previous vids, but I think it's the first time your voice and the music are at the same volume. My ears thank you for that ;) !
2: interesting guide, ty! Learned things, especially on the new PoF pets (haven't them all yet. Must get that Flying-Turnip-Jacaranda thing!).
3: Question: do pets benefit from the ranger stats at all? If i play a condi ranger (let's say full viper), does my pet benefit from my condi damage and expertise stats? Or I can take a power pet like Lynx without a loss on DPS? And if I play a power ranger (full berserk), will the Iboga still be as good as if I have viper stats?

@zigaro5482 - 05.10.2017 02:14

What about using the Warthog for Soulbeast? When merge you get a nice power/condi attack and a three second knock down to use on break bars/trash mobs. I find it useful when pugging fractals.

@cloudedscreen908 - 08.10.2017 22:26

Shouldn't Bristleback and Smokescale both be in the saurian family?

@sunshower4041 - 26.08.2021 23:54

It seems like a nice video, but without any way to navigate to the pets im looking for its like a wall of text - takes too long to find info ont he pet you need so cant practically use it unless you randomly wanna watch it all the way through
