Add Videos And Images Using SkyScraper - New Scraper For RetroPie 2019

Add Videos And Images Using SkyScraper - New Scraper For RetroPie 2019


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@eatonjb - 13.12.2023 19:37

any chance you can do an updated video of the Backup method? seems to be deleted, i think.

@vash47 - 11.10.2023 23:52

great video my dude

@ViXtOwN - 06.10.2023 19:59

Was skyscraper removed from newer versions of retropie? I don't see it in the experimental packages anymore

@Thesnugglebottom - 28.09.2023 16:37

Followed all your steps to a tee and it just spits out hundreds of errors when i start scraping, maybe a updated video is needed?

@bobriquardo5317 - 16.06.2023 18:23


@DerekMatthews - 03.04.2023 23:24

most of my games haven't worked. Would this be because the game names have like (U) or (J) after the name?

@MrVideoyoulike - 02.03.2023 04:02

That link does not work. A message says video is not availible

@kaseyjohnson9927 - 13.01.2023 18:21

I'm having an issue where the game data gets offset by one or more so the data is useless because every game shows the wrong game in the list and opens a different game than listed. Seems to scrape but even in the text while running, it is showing the title mismatched. So far the only scrapers that work properly for me are the built in scraper but I want video previews which that does not do so kind of annoying. Probs going to try and scrape on PC and manually transfer over or something

@iggybrah - 03.11.2022 09:35

Hi eta prime im building my own retropie img but your backup retropie link is unavailable

@andreluicci - 19.09.2022 07:36

What's the Theme you're using?

@PeterRinblad - 14.08.2022 20:46

your backup video link goes to a "private" video

@itchyisvegeta - 05.08.2022 13:21

Awesome. For arcade games, will this scrape the arcade marquee image as well?

@flexetiquette8224 - 27.07.2022 05:42

Great video but ALWAYS back up your disc prior to updating any of these scripts etc. luckily I had about a month ago because when I followed ETAPrimes instructions it froze and said it couldn’t update blah blah blah… when I rebooted I could no longer access retropie menu. I got pretty scared because I’ve put so much time in this emulation station.

@DannyNilsson - 18.07.2022 00:27

great guide. i was looking into this, but thought it was a part of the gui. so i am glad to know about the exit of ES and run the SH script. everything now worked out fine.

@Iamthezackster - 24.06.2022 02:08

It just says "game not found" for every single game I have 😔

@FishcatGames - 29.05.2022 14:49

idk as of when... but skyscraper is only found under OPTIONAL packages now, not experimental. otherwise it doesn't really effect your instructions.

@OldManTheseDays - 26.04.2022 09:24

This works fantastic, thank you for the awesome video! Note to anyone trying this in 2022: Skyscraper is now in “Optional Packages” but everything else works the same. If you deselect video, it will download nice screenshots in place of video if you’re trying to save space. Also, it mentions creating an account as a line of yellow text when it starts scraping. I highly suggest doing this (it’s not expensive) as it makes the process FAR faster.

@Heartbeatpb - 23.03.2022 22:54

Thanks for the Video. I have a question. If i delete a rom what happens with the files from skyscaper. Are they delete automatically. I dont want the files because i wont save space on the sd card

@daphneblake7889 - 14.01.2022 01:39

How do I get retropie to find and use my local art? I'm not a fan of entering everything manualy. There is a menu setting to turn this feature off. But honestly it hasn't used any of my images I already have.

@joecusick4400 - 11.01.2022 21:40

Have tried to do this using a laptop with Ubuntu and Retropie and snap videos do not work with either scraper or skyscraper following instructions in both ETA Prime videos. Video files do not exist in game Metadata. Does anyone know if there is something I am missing?

@Semper_5 - 25.12.2021 06:37

does this work anymore? it dismissed every attempt/system, saying I have to sign in or something to that matter

@exciteproductions4two0 - 21.12.2021 20:17

What if we don't see skyscraper on that list?

@uncletacosupreme7023 - 29.11.2021 23:59

Not sure about on all other pies but on the 3b+ you have to type it in exactly like you see it on the screen. With $HOME.

@GovmntLacky - 26.11.2021 00:54

Unfortunately you only get about 2 or 3 scrapes in before you get shut down and booted out unless, of course, you pay in and get a password 🙄

@mrG6001 - 07.11.2021 16:55

Anyone know how much space the video files take up? I ran the scraper for the mane 2003 reference set so I was about to do 4,000 or so games until I canceled it and didn’t generate a games list, now the files are sitting there and I don’t know how or if I should delete them. I was going to back up my image afterwards but clearly not my brightest idea. Is my best bet going to command line and deleting them one at a time? Is there a whole skyscraper directory I can delete in one go? Any advice would be helpful!

@TechTalkTobi - 13.09.2021 14:43

do you know where this infos are will be saved on the SD Card ?

my plan is the realize the same Pi a second time.

@johningrassia2381 - 31.07.2021 15:38

I did everything but when I went past the reboot screen and typed “exit” then we booted once I reloaded.. no cover!

@Dannyfr33sh - 23.07.2021 13:57

Not working for me 😞

@gacarlson - 29.06.2021 15:57

Excellent video. A few of the options/steps are slightly different, likely because of added support and updates. For example Skyscraper is an Optional Package now. Also, the Gather from Chosen Resources is now Gather Resources. If you stick to this video and follow closely it will work perfectly.

@richteritwan - 12.06.2021 02:35

scrape Wheel art? Game titles up at the top?

@kdc300z - 22.05.2021 08:45

didnt work.

@sinansalimov980 - 16.04.2021 22:15

I didn't work by me. I did all the steps.

@guillermija - 16.04.2021 18:02

Skyscraper is not on my list :(

@ShadowFury576 - 28.03.2021 22:52

I tried it and no videos popped up for me for some reason

@joshgearhart6846 - 26.03.2021 22:43

Does anyone know if OMX Player is needed for RetroPie 4.7?

@hazaronur - 26.03.2021 22:38

which one do you prefer? scraper by stephen selph or skyscraper?

@sweeptheleg76 - 27.02.2021 22:16

1st time attempting to scrape. I thought I followed your tutorial exactly but after 3 attempts I’m unable to generate any artwork/videos. By all accounts it looks like it was scraped successfully but when I reboot I get a warning to make sure ES isn’t running. Didn’t see that in your end. Appreciate any help. Thanks!

@minealessio2726 - 25.02.2021 13:13

Hi I have a question I followed the tutorial but when I come back to the menu and I click on an emulator, retropie freeze

@augustheat - 24.02.2021 17:35

Inhave video but no sound in the process any ideas as to why?

@HotOneRecordz - 16.02.2021 04:13

Hey ETA... quick question. I used the skyscraper and it deleted about a dozen games after scraping video and images. When I check the SD card on my desktop the games are still on the SD card they just don't show up when in the pi. Any thoughts? Thanks

@DaveliciousVFX - 14.02.2021 18:57

It doesn't play any videos or sound when I enable the OMX player.
and when I disable the OMX player I only get sound but no video either

@stevendeseure833 - 09.02.2021 10:27

Helooo. How did you get the Game name in the header (between console name and console logo??) thx for the help

@ElisandroDeLeon - 23.01.2021 22:00

Fyi limited to 50 video scrapes a day according to their website.

@jajo_z_Choroszczy - 23.01.2021 02:08

If I add new roms, will skyscraper automatically search for videos, descriptions, etc., will I have to do something?

@origamisteve - 10.01.2021 08:14

Big thank you, I really wanted a nice looking setup for the arcade1up. This is my first time modding so videos like this are a great help so thank you again!

@LindyBum1147 - 07.01.2021 21:04

I follow your instructions to a tee but I'm not seeing any pics, videos or descriptions. Nothing seems to have changed. Has something changed since you put out this video?

@sanhanh1056 - 31.12.2020 20:46

Love you.

@chriswa2819 - 27.12.2020 12:23

Thank you very much ! Worked perfect !

@jordangough6692 - 21.12.2020 01:44

I know it's an old video but when I try to generate games list the script starts then the pi reboots itself.

@Azurantine81 - 09.12.2020 23:32

Now I just have to wait 11 and a half hours for it to scrape all my games, ouch.
