2.6.2 Binary Search Recursive Method

2.6.2 Binary Search Recursive Method

Abdul Bari

6 лет назад

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Tridip Mukherjee
Tridip Mukherjee - 08.10.2023 17:07

Hello Sir, lots of respect to your teaching. I have implemented this in JS : please check :)
Thank You.

let arr = [3,6,8, 12,14,17, 25, 29, 31, 36, 42, 47, 53, 55, 62];

function recursive_binary_search(target, low, high) {
const mid = Math.round((low + high)/2);
if (arr[mid-1] === target) {
console.log(`Element Found In Position : ${mid-1}`);
} else {
if (low >= high || (mid >= arr.length)) {
console.error("Range Error: Element Not found!");
} else {
if (arr[mid-1] < target) {
return recursive_binary_search(target,(mid-1)+1, arr.length )
} else if (arr[mid-1] > target) {
return recursive_binary_search(target,1, mid-1)

recursive_binary_search(2, 1, arr.length)

Vignesh Prabhu
Vignesh Prabhu - 25.09.2023 11:39

I love u sir you're my bahubali

saivaraprasad mandala
saivaraprasad mandala - 06.09.2023 22:50

why isn't the order of binary search is O(log n to the base 2)

NAMITA SANDIL - 24.07.2023 16:42


Akshay Sharma
Akshay Sharma - 03.07.2023 16:31

Sir, a function can return the function itself which you have done int binary search algorithm ???

practice mail
practice mail - 29.06.2023 10:19

I'm a non-cs background student and even i can understand such simple explanation. Hats off to you sir for your contribution sir.

lucky white
lucky white - 31.05.2023 08:56

Great to come across your clips on algorithm, you lecture just rolled away huge pressure off my neck. Thanks Sir

Mohammad Faisal
Mohammad Faisal - 06.05.2023 07:55

i wish there was a coding part also. i Have NEVER seen a teacher with this level of understanding in data structures.

Yan Min Thwin
Yan Min Thwin - 05.05.2023 14:55

Thank you soo much sir

kyokibot - 10.04.2023 00:40

I know that my ex will always come here because she is studying algo now. I just wanna say, I miss you and I love you to the moon and back. I really do. Keep it up with your studies ok? ❤

Saran - 13.11.2022 21:16

There is a slight mistake in your algorithm if(l==h) will throw you a stackoverflow error instead you should use if(h<=l).........

Seng Keat
Seng Keat - 05.11.2022 00:17

Master what kinds of problems we can divide? like in case of the binary search above?

FELIPE - 27.10.2022 09:50

I have just one thing to say: Thank you!

WEIXIN WANG - 24.09.2022 06:02

That's the thought I was looking for, thanks

coding vibes
coding vibes - 19.09.2022 16:53

Why are we using return in if else block..instead we can avoid return in if else block
I think return mid is sufficient

Jayadev Pulaparty
Jayadev Pulaparty - 13.09.2022 13:21

One thing i observed is that if we take an even sized array, we are getting tree of depth 5 instead of log(16)= 4. Please let me know if my observation is valid

Nacho Macho
Nacho Macho - 31.08.2022 15:09


Niti KT
Niti KT - 21.08.2022 01:09

Bari Sir, hats off to you. I brag to my friends that I was your student and thought me DSA during my engineering and every time I have an interview I make sure I go through some of your videos..

Shirin Nurliyeva
Shirin Nurliyeva - 19.06.2022 07:17

cannot express my gratitude. Thank you Mr Abdul - all of your videos are priceless! you're a legend. Thank you for helping to improve

Shirin Nurliyeva
Shirin Nurliyeva - 19.06.2022 07:09

Thank you Mr Abdul - all of your videos are priceless! you're a legend. Thank you for helping to improve

Md Ayan Ali
Md Ayan Ali - 14.06.2022 21:19

31st video

Mustafa Mahmoud Ahmed
Mustafa Mahmoud Ahmed - 19.04.2022 19:15

Thanks for this helpful playlist, you are the best.

I tried to implement the algorithm as it is in the video, it didn't work except for values already in the array.

My recommendation:
1- remove the if block
2- Modify the else block to be "if (l <= h)"
3- Add else block which returns -1 in case "l > h"

Here is my implementation in C++:

int BinSearch(int l, int h, int key,vector<int> arr) {
int mid;
if (l <= h) {
mid = (l + h) / 2;
if (key == arr[mid])
return mid;
else if (key < arr[mid])
return BinSearch(l, mid - 1, key, arr);
return BinSearch(mid + 1, h, key, arr);
return -1;

Finally, I want to thank you for your effort in this series which really helps me to learn from scratch.

Mohammed Adel
Mohammed Adel - 16.04.2022 08:54

Thank you for your hard work.

Shobhit Lamba
Shobhit Lamba - 07.03.2022 23:08

why aren't we using "while(h>=l)" in the else statement?

Jonelle Yu
Jonelle Yu - 23.02.2022 02:47

So helpful! Thank you Sir! Btw would you please enable the subtitles? My english is not very good. Thank you.

Ihsan Nurul Iman
Ihsan Nurul Iman - 21.02.2022 14:31

did he forget to input the array in the parameter?

Laxmi G
Laxmi G - 02.02.2022 10:33

Explain examples sir

Coleman Nelson
Coleman Nelson - 19.01.2022 05:16

Made this very easy to understand, divide and conquer!

chaosavenger2 - 19.01.2022 02:05

you'd also have to check if your lower bound is greater than you upper bound, such as for the input [2,5], target = 0

deepak1291 - 07.01.2022 12:26

Algo worked fine when item is inside the array or greater then the array elements but fails, when item is less then the entire array elements.


1-> When item is present
2-> When item is greater then all the items present

Failed: When Item is less then all the items

int[] a = {2, 3, 4, 10, 40};
int searchItem = 1;
int low = 0;
int arraySize = a.length;
int high = arraySize - 1;

private static int search(int[] a, int low, int high, int searchItem) {
if (low == high) {
if (a[low] == searchItem)
return low;
return -1;
else {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (searchItem == a[mid])
return mid;
if (searchItem < a[mid] )
return search(a, low, mid-1, searchItem);
return search(a, mid+1, high, searchItem);

Condition need to be added :

Instead of: if (low == high) {
we need to put one more check there:
if (low >= high) {

Lê Thanh Châu
Lê Thanh Châu - 01.01.2022 06:35

I can't see the method where you find the first occurrence of the element to look for and what if your array r<l, hic

abcdfghijlnopqrst - 24.11.2021 05:36

Thank you for these videos Abdul Bari. I normally struggle to learn from videos, but your concisesness helps so much. I know that my focus won't be wasted, so I can listen intently for the full video.

Mohamed Atef
Mohamed Atef - 21.11.2021 16:35

This is, by far the best tutorial for learning binary search I've ever seen.
Many people have sufficient knowledge and skills and they try passing them to others
but a few of them can deliver them in a convenient method like Abdul Bari Does.

Gayatri Barhate
Gayatri Barhate - 13.08.2021 09:11

God bless you and your loved ones..... Keep rising... 🥰😘

Kevin N
Kevin N - 11.08.2021 00:27


Aditya Singh
Aditya Singh - 28.06.2021 00:16

Sir, how is BinarySearch Divide and Conquer? We are not dividing the problem into multiple sub-problems. We are, at every step, decreasing the problem into a single smaller problem. We don't divide the array into 2 halves at each stage and process both arrays. I read on internet it is a Decrease and Conquer problem. Is this true?

Amber chawla
Amber chawla - 14.06.2021 17:05

Sir i dont think l > h , case is covered which actually could occur

ivanwhythen - 06.06.2021 04:34

This is a truly great video, but wouldn't we want to include the sorted array as one of the parameters for the recursive binary search?

1977 Dark age begins
1977 Dark age begins - 14.02.2021 19:08

You are great❤️❤️

Intuitive J
Intuitive J - 08.02.2021 08:24

I can finally write the code after this lecture series! Thank you from South Korea.

integral merr
integral merr - 04.02.2021 15:10

ofc the microphone is clipping...

ZULFIQAR SYED - 22.01.2021 19:56

Thank you x 100

Zureka - 20.01.2021 17:46

Sir in your recursive code, you didn't give a condition for when the element can't be found, i.e. you have to give a condition that when l>h return -1. Other than that amazing lectures

Subramaniyan VG
Subramaniyan VG - 26.12.2020 11:46

Sir you should be guiding students for companies like google and amazon. Also please write a book on Data Structures definitely I will buy.

aaron aaron aaron
aaron aaron aaron - 11.11.2020 16:38


Rachit Singh
Rachit Singh - 07.11.2020 19:55

Great explanation
