Understanding diabetic gastroparesis

Understanding diabetic gastroparesis


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@FLUFFYT3DDYB3AR - 26.12.2021 03:24

I’m a Type 2 diabetic and I suffer from this. It’s hard dealing with it day to day. Now for some reason my hands swell up.

@Brenda128- - 26.12.2021 08:40

Anyone know what I can do to stop burping I feel I have to always release air 😿

@willruddo74 - 05.01.2022 16:03

Cant you do abs work to help the stomach muscles help ? What a let down of a doctor ....

@deadcraftdawn0094 - 09.01.2022 02:11

I just had this diagnosed to me and they just told me to accept it, so pretty much im dead, im just waiting to die. I am half tempted to go to hospice and just have them put me asleep because you cant be cured

@riyavashishtha5228 - 28.01.2022 14:51

CAC Sheet Dhara Syrup As the name suggests sheet dhara, it provides a cooling effect to the body. This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients like Ajwain satv, Mushk Kapoor, Peppermint. These all in combination reduce hyperacidity problem & maintains healthy digestion.

@greysonsansoucie869 - 11.02.2022 08:16

Do you have to have vomiting to have this I never vomit like it’s so rare

@tahminanasrin9363 - 24.03.2022 12:24

For fast 1 month i have been vomiting but last couple of days it has become worse i have headach vomiting my stomach doest feel good at all i am tired of this i really hope to recover soon

@FPotato. - 04.04.2022 04:20

Whenever I eat I feel sick and rn I feel so sick. I dont think I have this cause I'm no professional but I feel like puking

My symptoms-

Feeling full

@kitsunelee007 - 07.04.2022 05:36

I was diagnosed with it in 2006 but I do not have diabetes and I can barely eat anything and have to be extremely careful as to what type of food I eat.
I puke on almost a daily basis which is my most painful symptom.

@Chrisjeudy - 08.04.2022 00:56

But I don’t even have diabetes

@S.khan.123 - 25.04.2022 00:35

What's the treatment and medicine for this problem

@booobowbo - 29.04.2022 15:21

From yesterday I've been throwing up,even after eating just one bite and drinking water...I'm very hungry but everything I'm eat is coming out

@annafrajohnpierre7053 - 03.05.2022 07:57

I throwed up from. A bloated stomach but no heartburn

@annafrajohnpierre7053 - 03.05.2022 07:57

Lack of hunger or reflux

@juliaroyce5242 - 07.05.2022 21:37

The meds like metformin, piaglitazone and glimiperide for diabetes causing my stomach cramps. Now doctor has put me on time released metformin to see if it helps with the cramps. I hope so because the cramps are ruining every other day for me. Milk of magnesia helps some but I don't want to take it every day either. I get cramps even if sugar in control. It's the meds causing cramps.

@daleguadalquiver3899 - 13.05.2022 16:16

What so this is why I can only eat small amount sometimes specially when I have colds, panuhot ,phlegms that has not been.remove, and when i brush my teeth I felt like vomiting...

@pikkaboo6065 - 14.05.2022 15:55

every time i eat it takes me long time because i always feel to vomit when i force myself to eat more. This kind of almost a year i have no appetite, I don't enjoy eating no matter how delicious the foods are. I feel depressed I tried myself to eat more because I am always receiving comments of why I'm getting thin. self-conscious attacks me, i often times staying at home since F2F is restricted.

@luckyintheorder - 19.05.2022 16:33

Anyone else feel powerless listening to this? Seeking medications isn't much of an option for an "incurable" condition is it? What worked for me? Improve your diet, eat FAR less processed carbs, remove ALL seed oils (canola, soy, vegetable, cottonseed, peanut, all highly processed oils) add 4+ cups of vegetables daily, smaller portions of protein and good healthy fats like olive and coconut oils and take a walk. Easier said than done as grocery stores are 90% garbage. Not going to "cure" Type 1 Diabetics but it helps resolve issues around metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and may help gastroparesis as gut health improves. Also, take a look at Dr. Gundry around removing or reducing LECTINS that harm intestinal linings and allow toxins to enter the blood stream, also inappropriately named LEAKY GUT. Leaky gut is deadly. Most people have electrolyte deficit's. Drink some magnesium, potassium and salt water occasionally but understand it can have a diuretic effect. Mitigation of the issues around diabetes isn't easy, fast or temporary. I'm late onset Type 1 and it has been a tough road back to a reasonably healthy stable condition after the ravages of this condition (significant muscle loss, brain fog, exhaustion, fear, etc) I applaud all those who've taken some control of their issues because it's an ongoing activity that takes education, planning and work. My initial recovery was based on Dr. Teri Wahl's work around eating nutrient dense foods, a lot of nutrient dense foods because the bodies of people with autoimmune issues very likely don't absorb all the nutrients the way a healthy body does. Within a year, most of my metabolic symptoms had disappeared. I've fallen off the wagon a few times and symptoms return within a couple of months, so ongoing management is key. If you're eating the diabetic diets most endo's prescribe, I'd say stop and try a plan like Wahl's for a month or two and see if there aren't significant improvements in blood glucose control. There was for me. Eating more vegetables isn't likely to harm anyone. My new regimen is similar to Wahl's keto plan with a little more protein as I started weight training a few months ago. Compared to 5 years ago when I was finally diagnosed T1D I'm healthier and more active now than when I was 20 years younger. There's been a lot of trial and error, high's and low's but I'm still alive and doing most of the things I enjoyed as a young man again. Best wishes to you on your journey.

@87longhairdontcare - 20.05.2022 12:37

I don't have it everyday. I'd say every so often. It's terrible trying to sleep with a full stomach. So uncomfortable.

Surely a change of diet could help. More of a plantbased diet perhaps

@87longhairdontcare - 20.05.2022 12:43

Yeah I'm really trying not to be fed all those chemical medicines.

I think those who suffer from this, should maybe try and change their diet. Go for a plantbased diet perhaps

@sweety.gyaruu - 20.05.2022 22:02

Sometimes I have sharp pains near my heart, and my lower stomach. Do I have diabetes?

@taelian3233 - 25.05.2022 09:02

My stomach is upset every morning and can't eat cus I feel full..and feel like I want to vomit Thats my only problem..

@adamguymon7096 - 28.05.2022 19:57

I was diagnosed with GP. I am overweight. In 2003 I had a laparoscopic Nissen and ever since I cannot drink carbonated drinks and I can only drink with a straw. When I was a kid I have always had a very hard time being able to eat many different types of foods like many fruits and vegetables. My entire life if I was to eat a salad I would get sick the minute I put it in my mouth let alone if I was to get any of it down? For example, if I have a burger it could only have the bun meat and cheese and no spread of any kind. No mayo etc. If I was to have a tuna fish sandwich it could only be made with butter plane. I have been trying to lose weight but have been having a hard time doing so? I was just put on a medication called Metformin because I was told I was producing too much insulin and that was causing me to gain weight? I hate the food pyramid and even the my plate because they don't address issues like GP and other dietary issues? Because I am legally blind and use a power chair with limited mobility it's hard to read labels and count calories to be healthy and know what will help me lose weight and live healthier? I wish someone could make a video about this issue?

@jacgg2719 - 08.06.2022 06:32

Whenever I eat meat,oily food I get bad stomach and even without eating anything my stomach is always paining 😩

@minkhantzaw730 - 15.06.2022 05:58

I have All these symptoms
does it mean I have diabetes ?

@nabiltv6161 - 20.06.2022 04:45

Eric berg?

@imhungryyy - 03.07.2022 10:41

Can anyone explain me why do I always feel like vomiting while eating? Is it just me? But i just feel like vomiting while eating looks like I'm gonna throw out the food I'm eating and because of that i can't eat faster😭

@webnovelpog770 - 27.08.2022 08:49

Idk why but this has been happening but I've been throwing up after my cold ended. I thought it had passed until this morning where I vomited a chicken from dinner. This is extremely worrying. Now I'm searching a method to treat my acid reduced throat.

@lillybear801 - 25.09.2022 18:00

I have started feeling nauseous after eating. I am not sure what brought this on.

@shinypeople6337 - 11.12.2022 17:45

I have the same problems,what can I do.? Can anyone tell me

@gilbertsantacruz1397 - 15.12.2022 17:35

This video is scary

@FolakeBamigboye - 24.01.2023 14:21

Times used to be very Challenging, I had the worst days of my life living with Diabetes, I appreciate you so much Dr Igudia, You have restored me my life that was lost already . Thank you so much for curing me of my diabetes with your natural Herbs

@blakewillison9134 - 29.01.2023 02:05

Does anyone have any studies or info on pancreatic atrophy might be the cause and mis diagnosis of years of gastroparesis and feeding tubes?

@pierogiprincess8099 - 11.02.2023 19:47

23 year old here had diabetes since I was 9 just got diagnosed with gastroparesis, it has been so hard every single morning I wake up nauseous, I struggle to eat and gain weight it is so exhausting!

@dalecleife - 18.04.2023 21:50

i have G.P and have found cannabis to be a life saver, i still get flare ups but they are much less frequent, i have IM metoclopramide injections but they work at about 10% effectiveness vs cannabis hope this helps

@astilp_lbs2226 - 26.05.2023 23:15

I have nausea after a meal, I get stomach cramps, my stomach gets bloated easily, I cant lay down after a meal because it makes the heart burn worse.
Doctors gave me meds for gastritis, but they dont help at all.
Also when my blood sugar is too high all of my symptoms get worse.

@fiatguy - 21.06.2023 05:53

This really told me nothing of any usefulness. Total waste of 3 minutes of my life.

@jellyworld1112 - 17.07.2023 12:03

I have diabetes but am only 9 yrs old

@JacquiQ - 19.11.2023 06:42

"has no cure" or "we do not have any ideas how to cure it yet " ?

@throughthebookingglass4190 - 21.01.2024 05:39

is this just as likely in type one as it is in type two?

@ccxfrank109 - 22.01.2024 21:26

i think alcohol caused mine

@Tima33.4 - 05.02.2024 17:15

Nothing has no cure.

@kim330 - 02.03.2024 18:42

My son was in pain for months before we found out what it was

@thogusdonatus4607 - 02.05.2024 23:25

Would this count if u get a weird stomach feel when u consume Sodas . candy or energy drinks ?

@lostmoose9994 - 13.05.2024 11:09

I am 100 % sure my Dr. has no clue of this

@audrey..- - 02.06.2024 23:58

I’m scared

@cjwise7741 - 11.06.2024 04:29

My daughter is a type 1 that has gastroparesis. Her A1C is 6.1. Her blood sugar is very well controlled. Even with glucose levels at 120 and below she has stomach pain. Managing the diabetes does not make it pain free. At least for her.
