Tutorial step by step with free source code: zoom photo with scale animation on Image View in Android Studio version 1.5.1.
0:00 Create new project with Application name: Zoom photo; Minimum SDK: API 10 – Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread).
0:20 Add a picture from your computer in drawable folder, with name: photo.jpg
0:44 Create an ImageView in activity_main.xml and display the image.
1:06 Create New Directory with name: anim.
1:17 In anim Directory create New XML with name: zoom and complete the code.
1:50 Complete the code in MainActivity.java.
2:06 Run your app and see final result: photo is zooming in and out, infinitely.
See more details and source code here: http://android-coffee.com/tutorial-how-to-zoom-photo-on-imageview-in-android-studio-1-5-1/
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