Guild Wars 2  - 1-80 Leveling Guide! (how I do it)

Guild Wars 2 - 1-80 Leveling Guide! (how I do it)

CommonTate Guides

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@disposiing9405 - 26.06.2020 19:17

What is your aspect ratio

@angelcordero5745 - 09.07.2020 03:23

is there no mob grind spots??? only quest grinding??

@vallinner9814 - 28.07.2020 22:22

I just want me a mount so i could travel a little bit more faster

@blin5033 - 07.08.2020 03:53

wow the grapics in this game are really bad

@raelynne5409 - 11.08.2020 03:52

I’ve played guild wars since the first one came out. I even did the beta testing for GW2. Sadly I had to leave for a couple of years for reasons.

And I will say...GW2 has changed a good bit.

@123jantonio - 15.08.2020 05:46

warrior guardian or necro from player free?

@Dragnmastralex - 26.08.2020 02:34

I only do events when they help me complete the heart in the area they happen. events give very small exp and are mainly there to farm Karma not exp. the only exception to this is group boss events. those give a fair amount of exp and sometimes good items. I only do exp this way until level 30. at which point I begin to do dungeons on story mode and repeat them. they are short, they give a massive chunk of exp, and a decent amount of gold for the mats you gather inside. The diminishing return is not that much and mostly effects item rewards. the kill exp and the final reward are not that reduced. meaning I can do a dungeon and the first run i get 65% of my total exp required to level the first time and then repeat for 40% over and over again to level every 3 runs. this scales at your level so that means a level 50 can do the level 40 dungeon and level up every 3 trips all the way to level 80. I still explore maps but I do them while I wait for dungeons and usually only the non heart parts of the map like vista, waypoints, point of interest, and hero points. I go back later to do hearts when I run out of same or lower level content to explore. I do break every 10 levels to do my story missions tho.

oh and for the cities. do not explore them completely until higher level like 70+ the reason is the exp for completing those maps unlike the level set zones SCALE with your current level. meaning if you do them at level 10 you might get 2k exp as a final reward for completing the maps... however if you wait until level 70 you will get 52k exp it will complete the same % of your exp bar BUT at a higher level its a cheap and easy way to get exp so you don't have more grinding to do.

@ImSarpD - 26.08.2020 03:00

Me: decides to play gw2 again after 7 years

Also me: has 7 years of anniversary gifts on old lvl 80 char, gets a token to lvl a new char to 60 instantly and uses it

@ahnafrazin7559 - 28.09.2020 23:01

This leveling style is soo boring .. im new to gw2 I thought gw2 have dungeon at low lvl😒I guess Ive wasted my time

@xSkye629x - 30.09.2020 06:01

Me: Slams Tomes of Knowledge in LA at the bank to annoy everyone

@vingot8706 - 02.10.2020 06:15

rob zombie

@1337l4m3 - 07.10.2020 11:27

How I lvling to 80? Buying the boost ;)

@christien6230 - 17.10.2020 15:17

Thats facts Ill be finishing a chapter and it says cant continue till you reach this level so i end up running around doing random stuff to level which was annoying at first but now i love it

@luisdascondongas6199 - 02.01.2021 04:01

After upgrade one character until 80 how can you upgrade a new one without doing the story mode?

@sexypianonotes6212 - 02.01.2021 22:24

because i'm broke and cant afford the purchasable content, i cant go to the lions gate, or rather, enter it.
is there anything else i can do to access the different towns?

@bpontes89 - 04.02.2021 00:54


@Nathouuuutheone - 28.02.2021 18:35

May I just say? Back in highschool, I was immensely enthusiastic about playing this game but I didn't have a computer nearly performant enough.
So I've spent years kind of imagining how playing would feel, based on the previous game, the devellopment videos, and the gameplay I saw after release.
Thing is, I didn't watch a playthrough or anything involving story as the game presents it to new players.
And I must say I'm disappointed.
The "personal story" stuff is quite weak, writing-wise, and I'm frustrated at how the game gives you a pinch of personality costumization at the beginning but then throws it out the window and puts words and decisions in your character's mouth without any consideration to actual roleplay. Like, don't tell me I have the driving wheel if you're gonna yank it away every cutscene.

Also about the story, I'm really shocked that the game doesn't give you any context before sending you off in the world. GW1's opening cutscenes were much more compelling.
In GW2, you just have a short tutorial for moving and fighting, and then you're not even allowed into your literal place of birth until you're level ten, after which the game tries to convince you that you have a "friend" waiting in town for "important stuff". It's kind of strange in that moment, to have the game impose that characters you've never met, in a city you've never been, are your friends and that you should really talk to them. For a game that has a great open-world-ish event system for general quests, it sure missed the mark on the overarching storyline and the immersion of the player in their own personal story. I feel zero investment in what my character says or is asked to do, now. I'd say I preferred the "Oh you're the chosen one. Yes, I know there's millions of players and they're all being told they're the chosen one so that makes it really not unique, but you're the chosen one" of GW1 over this lack of an immersive narrative.

I'm also kind of frustrated at the progression system. GW1 had a pretty simple interface for progression. Within the same page, you could selec you skill points and your combat abilities.
In GW2, I just have no clue beyond the weapons system. You get hero points and stuff but then it's really unclear how to spend them well. So thanks for this video I hope it's gonna make my playtime a little smoother

@MrJexx1972 - 16.03.2021 14:54

i need a guild !

@charlestomhansonmacretavar6875 - 18.04.2021 04:37

thank you for guide. simple but useful

@zombiepuppygamer2094 - 03.05.2021 05:56

You can't go to lions arch unless you have a paid acc or you are lvl 30

@eporcheetahka5086 - 27.06.2021 21:20

If your free to play while in game type: /wiki free to play This will list all your limitations such as limited bag space, who you can whisper/mail to (to help curb gold sellers), what cities and features you can access etc… the /wiki (subject) subject can be anything really, such as npc name, zone, region, event, personal story, item, etc…examples: /wiki Apple /wiki dungeons /wiki queensdale /wiki cooking an extra special command is /wiki et et=event timers this lists all running world boss (map meta) events as well as day/night timer though day n night has very few/limited/noticeable uses/functions such as silvari skin glowing, ascalonian catacombs and certain legendary effects an some cats for home

@aratzlaff794 - 11.07.2021 21:22

i really appreciate this guide cause a lot that i look for have you boosting to 80 and then completing the map, like that's not helpful lol but this was great!!

@ivanpaljetak4137 - 23.07.2021 10:40

TLDR : Play the game

@zarakikon6352 - 17.08.2021 23:41

After some years of playing WoW; I reinstalled GW2. But I'm a bit concerned about the amount of stories available (whilst leveling). Is it only the personal one available at lvl 10, 20, 30, etc ? Or is there more ?

@ZombieHunter1776 - 20.08.2021 16:20

Hello from 2021 lol 👋

@rockmcdwayne1710 - 17.09.2021 23:45

''Dont buy gear off trading post''! I would actually disagree with this statement as nowedays you can get full set with couple of silver (copper at very low levels).

@truant2827 - 01.12.2021 18:51

TL:DR to this: There's no easy way.

@insmett1elf4 - 04.01.2022 03:17

I'm late to the party, got into GW2 two days ago, about to hit 30 and although I pretty much did it the same way you did, i say Thanks for this guide!

@drekavacx5673 - 20.01.2022 22:47

Have you updated your graphics driver yet? Cause I saw it like 4 times and thought it was mine. lol

@crimsonwizahd2358 - 16.02.2022 07:34

Two things I'd also suggest for anyone's first character leveling.
1: Do map completion for all the starting zones. Believe me, by completing every zone, you'll be getting essentially a solid 40-50 levels worth of EXP just from those zones alone. Add in completion for all the major cities and that's even better.
2: Look for the "Tutorial" subcategory of Achievements under the General tab. There's a whole list of rather simple tasks you can do that reward you with Stat boosting items, movement speed boosting items, exp boosting items, decent early leveling gear, and most importantly, an item that teleports you to an exclusive location in the Human major city that holds every crafting station, a Bank, a Trading Post, a Mystic Forge (very important for endgame gearing) and even Guild Vendors.

@kennyljs - 28.03.2022 06:40

Now it's click on the level 80 boost. Lol.

@WarframeCrunch - 26.05.2022 10:05

This game like all others MMORPG is just tedious to play and also boring, slow leveling you have to go from here to there and do the same quests over and over again.
That's why I'm leaving MMORPG games. I would like to try because end game looks cool, but earlier gameplays are just naaaah not for me.

@theabnormalpenguin8150 - 14.06.2022 02:52

For the daily login, gw heroic expansion is around 1 pound right now on sites like g2a but ive heard it can be revoked due to how they aquire those codes

@KSTeddy88 - 15.07.2022 19:53

This is the slower way to level. You could just kill enemies off the beaten path that have not been killed in a while. They provide a ton of xp and they are weaker so you can kill ones up to 10 levels higher. Get to 80 from one in about 17 hours if you do it slowly.

@fev0r - 19.07.2022 09:41

Apart from the profession leveling there was really not much news even for a new player like me. Thanks for the effort though

@desel8737 - 26.07.2022 13:39

I cleared 4 maps to get to lv 80. no dungeons or pvp or anything, just the first 4 maps with my salat girl and the story quests to know were to go. Lvling is way ro fast

@briquesbts - 09.08.2022 13:31

They need to rebalance hearts, it's unbearable to complete some of them, mostly the ones you have to interact with things and walking around careying objects. Complete shit mmo design imo

@catedoge3206 - 17.08.2022 04:16

common tate W

@VisualRift - 01.09.2022 22:50

I’m newer to guild wars 2 and so far I’m loving it and live stream it each day. I say that because everyone that comes in to the live stream are very nice to me and helpful. Personally I like to just get to level 80 and then do the story mission because I don’t like to be interrupted sort of speak with having to do the story and then I can’t continue the story because I need to level up even more.

@swallowedinthesea11 - 07.09.2022 00:43

I bought the game on its Steam launch. Got my character to level 40 by just farming Events and Hearts around Divinity's Reach. Never touched the personal quests until level 50 which was a mistake as the rewards didn't scale to my level. The biggest challenge and enjoyable moment was running from Divinity's Reach to Plains of Ashford which took about three hours.

@milat9287 - 22.09.2022 16:28

Tips on remaining interested? I find that I usually come back to this game every year or so, and I can only really squeeze 1, maybe 2 days of entertainment out of it before it becomes too samey to maintain interest. It's been like 5 years now, and my highest character has only just reached 61 yesterday. I want to like the game because Engineer speaks to me as a class, but it just feels like I never stop doing the same thing on repeat, and promptly lose interest

@HooeyDee - 04.10.2022 21:06

I Just got into the game.. Is there an updated version?

@shubhampathak4967 - 12.12.2022 10:26

So we cannot go to lionsarch if we dont have a expansion ?

@codywilliams3073 - 21.02.2023 08:53

you have got to be kidding me.... at the very beginning of the vid you are making your way up to a view point to inspect.... i shit you not ive always been going from the far right of that point and fail like 2-3 jump to get to it. never even knew the way you went existed and im major pissed atm ffs

@dylankelley7335 - 02.05.2023 17:51

Doesn't work for free players. Pvp portal says u need to be level 35. U also can't even do the level 20 story stuff until after level 35 which is stupid.

@user-rn3kz7tj5k - 16.05.2023 08:53

Simple but extremely helpful. Exactly what I needed

@RootSuitMan - 02.04.2024 21:08

so i have the first two expansions and only one character that is now level 65 but i am not getting any kind of daily quests / rewards. do i need a level 80 to unlock those?
