History Brief: 1960s Daily Life and Pop Culture

History Brief: 1960s Daily Life and Pop Culture

Reading Through History

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@Peaches_Creme - 30.01.2024 03:34

Absolutely love the comments commending this whitewashed outlook on history, ( unless you're a man and not a minority) don't know how that was the "Good ole days."

@BryanClark-gk6ie - 15.01.2024 06:49

TV stations signed off at 1:am in the 60's and 70's so I would sit up all mornings on the weekends and learned to play guitar.

@lindadechiazza2924 - 12.01.2024 17:54

Concessions counter at the movies it is spring notice the potted plants Aprilish as a culture we miss all this traditions

@joconnor9256 - 12.01.2024 00:48

In 1970 I was 6 and I clearly remember my babysitter having the shortest mini skirt , you could see her knickers 🤭

@letswatch4283 - 09.12.2023 03:36

Baby boomer have made our life hell

@SaudiaMan - 27.11.2023 16:25

Who else is here for a school assignment

@thomtorrez7618 - 12.11.2023 05:51

Those anti establishment asses became the establishment .Now look what they've done to the country . To western civilization .

@mahirakalucasahammed2443 - 07.11.2023 22:30

i’d rather still be single by early 20s in the 60s especially the early 60s

@MsGrowltiger - 31.10.2023 04:53

1. The media while leaning left weren't propagandists like today. They generally just reported the facts. That changed after Watergate. Media became activists and picked one side.
2. Teachers were professionals and acted like it.
3. We respected ourselves so we respected everyone else.
4. Nobody I knew in our school was on welfare though some didn't have much.
5. Everyone expected to graduate h.s. and either get a job or go to college.
6. If college, after college you got a job.
7. We had fun.

@donh7909 - 17.10.2023 18:30

I was there.. In my early teens an later..

@MrDennis57 - 12.10.2023 02:41

They burned their bras !Girls went braless...What a great time.

@MrDennis57 - 12.10.2023 02:38

Whitewash. Apparently the authors weren't from that era, and used condensed material.Left out quite a bit of info.

@0RB1TSTUD10S - 29.09.2023 21:56

Hey, my English teachers are using this to help us learn the 1960’s and for once there aren’t comments like “wow teachers are still using this to teach?!?!”

@marybarnes8423 - 25.09.2023 06:40


@rickhaydan3433 - 21.09.2023 09:22

Please notice how thin everybody was before our food got loaded with sugar and fructose corn syrup and additives that disrupt how our bodies should work.

@barnacles62 - 19.09.2023 19:18

The 1960s gave birth to the hippy culture. That gave birth to the drug culture, and the demise of conventional American living. The hippy movement was a branch from the root of Bohemianism, an unconventional lifestyle that was bred in the late 1800s in France by poets, artists actors etc, that saw Romani gypsies camped near where they lived. They led a lifestyle of their own rules, disregarded the expectations put upon society by religions, pillars of the community and by the judgment of where you were in society making you who you were. The artists took the same life but applied it to the manner of self-expression they wanted to contribute to their passion and art. They dubbed it Bohemianism because the gypsies had just left Bohemia. The beat-nicks, hipsters and hippies were all branches from that root. The hippy movement started as a good thing, it was about peace, love, towards all mankind, which made good health, stable mentality, and true spiritualism untainted by demands of religion. Problem all started and follow this because this is where it all turns bad quick, was they learned Native Americans had used peyote to get a spiritual contact, so they started using things like LSD smoking weed and many other mind-altering things. Keep in mind, many of the frugs they used doctors disagreed on whether they were addictive or not, making them illegal. They were not yet made against the law, it was however considered unethical, or as my people and many others put it you have to be "stupid" to take them. By the summer of love as they called it, it was obvious that hippies were nothing more that addicts, and the delusional Prasanna they displayed had become a total menace to conventional everyday society. It was no longer about peace and love, it was about sex, drugs and rock and roll, the saying that destroys America every time a rebel without a cause says it then tries to live it. They put down the war in Nam, would go to airports to picket soldiers that had fought for their country and expected a welcome, instead were cussed, spit on and rebelled by basically over privileged college kids that had become addicts and lost all conciseness with self-discipline. Their reality was made while on a trip and making love in a orgy which was quite common because of their so called "right" to free love. They were known to be stoned and perform these acts right in public parks and other places. They yelled they hated the government, but most of them got assistance, either by free food and health clinics especially, to be treated for ODS, crabs VD and lice. The y hated capitalists, but the better educated hippies that happened to beat their addictions and grow up, went on to be some of the biggest capitalists in the world. The hippies are painted, and the story has been told all wrong, it was rationalized because it was told by the addicts that lived it. It started with peace and love, it ended with the Manson family, a clear truthful representation of where it led because of drugs. The drug culture has created the decline in America, its responsible for almost all violent crime, divorce, unwed mothers, unwanted kids, and they keep making up more and more names for mental illness being created by the use of and mentality of addictions. Kids raised by addicts using or not are using the same mentality. Rationalize reality to fit your narrative, when reality questions it become rebellious and hostile to defend your "right". The 60s destroyed ethics, boundaries, morals and claimed they did it to make a better change. Instead, they created a country of addict mentality, selfish self-absorbed people that think it has to be their way at any cost. Unfortunately, I don't ever see it changing. I was a victim of addiction, I overcome it, 18 years clean now. I am a real Bohemian, I am an artist, and I live unconventionally, don't care about money, praise, material things. The thing the hippies taught us is what NOT to do. Every youngster especially girls want to picture themselves in some floppy hat, in colorful pastels facing the world like in some Facebook meme pushed by BOHO manufactures for wannabe hippies, but I suggest staying in reality. Bohemianism is a way of life, but it's about self-expression, not self-destruction. Don't think if you don't do drugs the addict mentality of the 1960s won't suck you in. It was basically the exact same thing as what`s happening today with abortion, LGBT, and BLM organizations demanding rights. It is liberal ideology. Most hippies were nothing more than over rebellious pampered privileged college kids that just like college kids today want to rule the world without any experience in life. It is known they want a socialist country, but as peaceful as I try to be, I would kill or die before Id allow that to happen. The saying in my time was always live and let live. Thats not happening when small groups are demanding to shove their way of life down other people's throats. But what makes me sick about Americans being stoked on changing their country, well over 80% of them have been hardly out of their home state, and except for the internet still haven't. Put the phones down and relax, get a book, go to the next block if the people on the one you're at won't treat you ok, because there is as much peace out there as chaos, you can find both. If all you keep finding is chaos, maybe you're wanting to, but just don't know yourself well enough to notice. Like I said, rationalization has become the cornerstone of American mentality.....

@cuyler49 - 17.09.2023 21:00

Ya, grew up in the '60s. It was a significant time of change.

@TannerHowdeshell - 14.09.2023 00:18

Had to watch this for an assignment about the 1960's.

@leehawkins5795 - 12.09.2023 03:26

I was a pre-teen & teenager in the 60s......what a special time to be alive.......the music was great......saw my first concert at age 13 in 1967 - The Monkees.......for 3 years I lived on an AFB in Japan.and moved back to the states in 69

@timjohnson2186 - 07.09.2023 02:20

Beautifully done

@velvetbear7184 - 05.09.2023 08:59

The 60’s is truly the era when American life started going downhill.

@robertwaguespack9414 - 10.06.2023 04:35

I remember the early 70s. The price of gasoline ranged from .31 to .33 per gallon.

@rs3007 - 25.05.2023 20:00

I'm a millennial.... All my grandparents were part of the """greatest generation""" my parents late boomers... My husband generation X (his were the greatest & boomers too). Our children generation z, and generation alpha and one on the way.... The only generation I'm embarrassed of so far, is my own generation. Sadly... And oh forgot about the silent generation, we skipped that one like a lot of families did I guess 😅.

@estherhyun5716 - 23.05.2023 06:50

It's shame this video didn't address civil rights and racial discrimination.

@fritzsmith3296 - 25.04.2023 01:28

"Divorce rates were low". Yes, do you why"? Courts were very reluctant to give them. Courts were more concerned about the "unity of family", that is keeping the family together for financial reasons. That is, making sure the kids would be taken care of.

Even in 1977, when my wife wanted to divorce me, her (and mine) lawyer informed us, it may not happen because her reason wasn't sufficient. "No longer loved him".

However (thank God) things were changing and we got "happily divorced".

@hopelafleur7621 - 25.04.2023 00:00

Maybe because men had a family to raise that's why they were paid more! Why would a single woman need that same amount of money! Pretty selfish!

@sarco64 - 16.04.2023 22:02

You can't really understand daily life and pop culture in the 1960s without considering the tremendous influence of the Vietnam War.

@jchow5966 - 15.04.2023 01:32

This was so interesting. My parents bought a house in the midwest for 12k. It was a 1930s tutor that had been well maintained/refurbished.

@karengrohs4942 - 09.04.2023 14:57

How could you leave out the Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam war?

@desertduck10 - 07.04.2023 08:29

You have to love greed and inflation. Wouldn't it be great to have 60's prices and today's income without inflation.

@stephengrillone7445 - 07.04.2023 07:38

Andy Griffith, great show.women stayed home. Home made cooking, better morals, prayer in school, patriotism and, and laws enforced. Great music. Great cars.

@josearellano203 - 31.03.2023 08:20

Both my parents were born in this decade. All decades have their own special and wonderful things. Space travel became a thing for the first time. And I only say America for the continent. I don't care about fashion or clothes. The decade had World Cups in 1962 and 1966.

@jackjohnsen8506 - 21.03.2023 18:19

I started the sixties as a tenth grade high school student, and after a 2 year tour in the US Army , was making great money and indulging my love of cars, by the end..For me the seventies were was the decade where I bought three houses, and Had the good life.

@larry1824 - 15.03.2023 01:32

Music man the music.

@zz-nc5kx - 09.03.2023 00:58

I remember the race riots, the VietNam war and assasinations - the beginnings of distrust of the government.

@erikdukes2505 - 19.02.2023 05:48

I have a grandfather. He was in the early 1940's. Clearly he would have been in his late 10's - late 20's. I once asked him. The 1960's era was a period of innocence. It was the decade known for innocence, hipster and groovy movements. Plus the era was known for its clean, positive music and conservative atmosphere. He replied back with his response "it was a amazing period indeed". He had many enjoyable and fun memories. However he vividly remembered the moon landing. Which happened on July 20 1969. He said to me that was his astonishing memory. I agreed with his opinion. The things I said towards him. He agreed with me on everything. It seemed back then society was innocent and happy. Humans had morality they inherited. With mannerisms and lessons everyone learned and taught. Gosh I am jealous of myself. Of being born in the wrong decade. Make me jealous of having. No recollections from the right decade. Nope I got the short end of the stick. I was born on the wrong side. In the wrong era. My era is the 2000's. Specifically my birthday: 19 / January / 2000. I was born in the period 2000's. Nevertheless my grandad lived and reminisced all aspects. Of the nineteen sixties. He gotten luck for himself. 😊😌

@reb1050 - 15.02.2023 05:33

Born in 49, graduated H.S. in 67. I have to honestly say, the 60's and 70's were the best years of my life...except for 70-76 in the Marines.

@Odile-Lyllian.Crenshaw - 12.02.2023 19:54

Note * Mohamed Ali's original name was Cashers Clay when he started boxing....

@anthonybrown8125 - 05.02.2023 01:46

Where is my 20 cent bread in 2023 I need to know.

@rogermansour6085 - 17.01.2023 06:19

Great video with amazing facts. I was in my teens in the sixties. Great memories

@entobie - 16.12.2022 20:59

The 60s nostalgic views can often be better than the way things actually were, I was 4yrs in 63, this was my first conscious memory of segregation, so all the things you mentioned here would be an afterthought to realities.

@everyonelovesnoah - 14.10.2022 17:03

This mans voice is great for this time period

@nuggetsaurusrex - 29.09.2022 03:22

So what I’m hearing is in 1960 you could buy a house with three years worth of pay. Imagine being able to buy a house for three years of pay today.

@debishaw9355 - 14.09.2022 05:04

I loved the 60’s… this my most remembered decade. My childhood was in the 50’s. It was all a wonderful time to grow up….

@indiosveritas - 08.08.2022 06:06

Sexual transmitted diseases skyrocketed among teens in the late 1960s, the same time high-school desegregation was ramped up .

@jamesteco - 27.07.2022 03:09

QUE MERDA. pare de falar e coloque uma música. . UMA IMAGEM vale por mil palavras. Sua voz não vale nada e destrói o vídeo.

@jamesteco - 27.07.2022 02:57

Traduza. Pare de falar e coloque uma música suave. Ninguém quer ouvir a sua voz.

@oreotookie8848 - 08.07.2022 00:27

My parents paid $21,000 for their house in 1961. Houses in that area now average 2 million dollars.

@suzycreamcheesez4371 - 04.07.2022 18:17

what a decade!!
