Feli from Germany

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@FelifromGermany - 07.04.2020 18:30

I'm glad you guys are enjoying this video! Your positive feedback and reactions in the comments are also a great example for what I said about positivity/being happy for others/hospitality/enthusiasm in the video, by the way! 😊

@jessbennett828 - 10.12.2023 18:43

My dear Feli, I am concerned that you are going to crash, burn and get trapped here in America. The only people in America who favor treating illnesses and diseases with natural herbs, like I myself, instead of horrible irreversible surgeries are ones who never have any jobs, any income or any friends. In addition, every woman like that, like myself, are offered no marriages other than black or homeless, which is why I would truthfully rather be homeless single if that is what I am eventually getting.

People offering friendship to you only if you are interested in dating who asked for you (which in my case is always a black guy) or because you have money to pay for your own spot on trips (which I never have) does not count as being friends at all. That is how America is.

Also, if you were abused by your own family and their religion, you can forget about mentioning or discussing that, because you will then be further disciplined with everyone wanting you in therapy instead of acknowledging that you already cured yourself and need a full time job to get money to move out. If I am permanently stuck with every man having money and myself nothing, I would rather have every man be like Germany, like MONO INC, like Martin Engler. I could have at least gotten a small salary everyday if the men here practiced and preached the truth about everything, like MONO INC, with just the right amount of satire. However, I could still only have the top life that exists for myself if andrographis and milk thistle were in everything and were everywhere, and if Aleister Crowley himself were alive again and in practice.

Also, when I was growing up, America had no treatment available for the paralysis seizure condition I had then. It was not until after college that finally every store had milk thistle, which cured that permanently. Even after that, I still developed an extreme tired disease like lupus and had to search endlessly through herbs on Amazon before one called andrographis stood out to me. I was then cured of that and now have extreme energy and extreme happiness each day. BUT not one store anywhere of any kind has andrographis on the shelf. The only place I can get it is on Amazon. Amazon is the one and only company that turned America into the place with everything available. Before that, the only things available were the many poison ivy products and spices that are still the only ones widely used today. The only store that had real herbs and soap is so outrageously priced that it would have cost my whole high school paycheck to get a small supply of anything good. I am forever grateful that Amazon was created and exists so NOW every herb from all places are available dirt cheap!

You and other foreigners do need to acknowledge that it just wasn't that way without Amazon!

@heinerbuchholz3935 - 05.12.2023 11:54

Americans are open to Germans!

@holgerfiallo1343 - 04.12.2023 00:18

We are a very dysfunctional family in America. We have those who are crazy and normally we keep in the basement. Sadly they scape and are taking over. We do not like outsider to annoyed us and when they do so, we come together and teach them a lesson and go back to fighting with each other. We protect ourselves from those outside the US. We like people but not if you get in our nerves.

@scottfaust7675 - 25.11.2023 07:10

Thank you, Feli!

@gemum4219 - 23.11.2023 15:09

Germany is so CLEAN! You ca walk through all the forests, which are like a fictional beautiful forest. Germany has roll down window shutters - we and the WHOLE world need to get with the program and put these shutters in EVERY house!!!! Germany makes its natural resources go a long way. There is much more.

@burhanbas3383 - 13.11.2023 15:28


@luckyea7 - 04.11.2023 16:52

The USA is a backward country, it has many problems that were solved in other countries several decades ago! For example, in the USA there is no free higher education and medicine, in the USA the infrastructure is badly worn out, in the USA there are high prices for essential services, a large number of homeless people, many prisoners, in the USA the majority of employees are not socially protected, they can be fired without explanation, the employer has the right without prior notice and consent of employees change their working conditions: work schedule, salary, duration and payment of leave, provision of benefits, there is no freedom of speech in the USA, etc.

The United States has more homeless people per capita than countries like Vietnam, India, Iran, and Kazakhstan!

According to official information, in the US between 550,000 and 3.5 million people do not have a normal home. These Americans live in tent cities, cardboard box houses. More than 20 million Americans live in trailers.

According to the Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research (ICPR), the United States ranks first in the world in terms of the number of incarcerated prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.

American oligarchs are constantly ripping off the people of the United States at every turn. For example, in Russia the removal of the appendix costs about 100 times cheaper than in the USA, this is in a fully paid clinic.

Nearly a third of Americans say they have not sought medical attention for health problems in the past three months due to concerns about the cost of these services, according to CBS News, citing a new study by Gallup and West Health.

About 23% of Americans say that paying for medical services is a serious financial burden for them.

However, as the article highlights, refusing treatment can have dire consequences, and a study found that nearly 13 million Americans have either a friend or family member who died because they couldn't afford medical care.

In addition, 20% of adults in the United States say they or a family member experienced a worsening health problem after delaying treatment because of the cost.

From 2009 to 2020, medical bills were the largest source of debt in the US, with a record $140 billion in debt last year, according to a July study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Over the moment, an oligarchy has developed in the United States, which is one of the forms of autocracy. Scholars Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University conducted a study that showed that the policies of the United States government are in the interests of the rich and their influence groups, and not the wishes of the majority. The scientists note that “the main conclusion that follows from our study is that economic elites and organized groups representing the interests of business have the ability to significantly influence the policies pursued by the US government, while groups formed to protect the interests of the masses, and ordinary citizens have little to no influence.

The real income of the average American has not risen for several decades, despite the fact that GDP per capita has been growing during this time. The oligarchs benefited from this growth, while the Americans got nothing. In 2011, according to PolitiFact and others, the top 400 richest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined." The US has a high Gini coefficient.

More than 20% of American adults have difficulty writing, and some can't even read a newspaper, ABC reported. This was shown by a study of the International Program for the Assessment of Adult Competence (PIAAC) under the auspices of the US Department of Education. According to the study, one in five adults in the US has a very low literacy rate. 43.5 million Americans experience difficulties with writing and reading. And we are talking not only about migrants, but about people who speak English from birth. “The historical and political illiteracy of the population is quite high in North America. This must be fought, taxpayers' money must go to eliminate this illiteracy, and not to enrich the class of oligarchs, ”Mark Tagliano, a US writer and author of several books on geopolitics, told 360.

Also in the United States, only 55% of those who enter universities receive a diploma of higher education, American experts note the Spencer Foundation Emeritus Chairman and former co-chairman of the Commission on Bachelor Education of the American Academy of Arts, economics professor Michael McPherson and head of the program for education and development of competencies of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences PhD Francesca Purcell. However, the average dropout rate is also significant. In Russia, this figure is 21%, at the level of France and Belgium. In Denmark, Korea and Japan it is lower - from 11% to 17%. The average figure among OECD countries is 31%. Against this backdrop, the American dropout rate of 45% is almost a record. McPherson and Purcell explain it by the high cost of higher education in the country and the insufficient quality of teaching.

In the United States, accidents and disasters constantly occur due to the depreciation of infrastructure.

A Guardian analysis of data compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and non-profit groups that monitor U.S. chemical accidents shows that accidental releases of harmful substances - whether train derailments, truck accidents, pipeline ruptures or leaks and spills at industrial enterprises - constantly occur throughout the country. By some estimates, such incidents occur on average every two days.

In the first seven weeks of 2023 alone, the Chemical Disaster Prevention Coalition recorded more than 30 incidents, about one every one and a half days. The coalition recorded 188 incidents last year, up from 177 in 2021. Since the count began in April 2020, the group has counted more than 470 incidents.

The incidents reported by the coalition vary in severity, but each involves the accidental release of chemicals believed to pose a potential threat to human health and the environment.

Railroad accidents have been fairly common in the US over the past two decades. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics recorded 54,539 train derailments between 1990 and 2021, averaging 1,704 per year.

Citizens of the United States turned to the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation with a request for help in moving to Russia.

According to Charles Bausman, the creator of the Russia Insider Internet resource, about a million American citizens would like to immigrate to Russia now, but they are hindered by Russian migration legislation (the Americans complained that they need to have Russian roots or a wife from the Russian Federation to move). These are people with a conservative worldview, adherents of Christian culture and values.

There are also economic reasons for moving from the USA to Russia. Many Americans in Russia are attracted by the low taxes and the ease of paying them, and the high level of security. Basically, we are talking about representatives of the middle class, whose situation in the United States has noticeably deteriorated in recent years.

“It is safer here, education is better, there is support for large families. And, most importantly, a ban on LGBT propaganda,” said a US citizen who managed to migrate to Russia.

In this regard, the State Duma hosted a conference on ideological migration to Russia from Western countries. State Duma deputies and members of the public have proposed measures to help American and European refugees affected by discrimination against traditional values in the West. In particular, a coordinating center for assistance to immigrants from NATO countries is being created, said Dmitry Kuznetsov, a participant in the conference, State Duma deputy and initiator of the conference. He will deal with issues of interaction with the state and employers.

For example, a review from a programmer who left Russia for the USA:

“When you travel outside the country, you begin to see things there that were the default in your life: free medicine, a 4-week vacation, clean streets, not scorching sun, convenient transportation, delicious food, the ability to get documents done quite quickly .

And here - systemic loneliness, a lousy lifestyle, low illumination of the city, backwardness of everyday life, outdated infrastructure, no schools, you walk around the city and see schizos of different stripes, it’s scary, you live side by side with inadequate people.

Got a bill: $1,500 for 15 minutes with a doctor? Fuck this kind of medicine! And we also have insurance!
We were surprised by the noise of the local metro, it rumbles like a train. What's up with rats, urine and vomit? Along the walls from the 30s, from which the paint has fallen off, along the wires stretching along the ceiling? Try going to Manhattan at 8 am to understand what “packed” means.

Expensive, hot, boring, stinks, I wash my clothes in the common laundry area, and I curse the decision to move to this garbage dump. Only after being here you understand what a circus it is, here you can choose your gender, not politicians.

I thought that I would wake up in tears from dreams in which I came to Russia and could not leave there. As a result, I wake up in tears because I was there in a dream and realize that I am now in the States."

@jenn976 - 29.10.2023 08:23

I wonder if some of these things are generational instead of German/American.

@nesspie31 - 26.10.2023 03:03

You are precious ❤

@kentodell7291 - 21.10.2023 10:10

Hi Feli. I just watched your favorite things about America being commented on by a British bloke 😃 I live and grew up in Ohio a bit north of you in Springfield. I also lived in Oregon for 25 years. I will say the Mexican food was better out there. One mark of the best Mexican restaurants is they have a “tortilla girl” making fresh tortillas. Fresh made tortillas are GLORIOUS!😃 I’m sure you’ve had Skyline by now. Another thing that is AMAZING in the Cincinnati area is Grippos BBQ potato chips. Their Maui Onion ones are also pretty good. Additionally, the drive through for liquor/groceries is definitely a Midwest thing. They don’t do that in the rest of the country. Enjoyed your post!

@Hainero2001 - 20.10.2023 19:57

I think the sense of adventure and hope for something better that our immigrant ancestors came here with has remained with us through the generations. You alluded to that a little, and I couldn't agree more.

@bens1221sop - 18.10.2023 12:57

I'm heading for Berlin after tomorrow for 5 days to see, foremost, you Berlin museum island. So, shouldn't expect much for customer service, then, huh? Check. I don't care so long the food is good.

@bens1221sop - 18.10.2023 12:50

Felil, the world can benefit from a hundred, heck, even a thousand of you.

@Timbolonius - 12.10.2023 20:07

All the stuff you're saying I've heard the midwest is like. The US is so huge that I think there are a few sub-cultural differences within the country.

@stefanstefan1062 - 06.10.2023 16:00

why the intro is blurred ?

@JeriDro - 04.10.2023 21:37

so many euros hate the usa, I think they are jealous, we don't hate y'all!

@darkendoceans1923 - 04.10.2023 16:39

Its refreshing to hear someone talk positive about our country for once. Many politicians are teach us Americans and the world to hate our own country and that we are hatful, racist, oppressive and that we should feel guilty for things that happened 150 years ago. And it’s destroying our country and causing a lot of division among our people. Many people from around the world and even our own people insult us, burn our flag, and berate our culture and our people. So it nice that there are a few good people left that respect us and and adore our values.

@wcsxwcsx - 04.10.2023 02:37

Maybe you enjoy the metal scene here so much, though Germany rivals it.

@HurricaneIrene07 - 27.09.2023 23:52

Thanks for your video! I was not raised to think the world owed me a living so started early planning ahead. I have a great life and love to travel....but I'll always return to my homeland U.S.A.!

@BC-ni3sk - 27.09.2023 20:08

The United States has changed and not for the better in the last 20 or so years. Of course the friendliness depends on where you live in this country. I spent 20 years in Az. And it’s hard to get to know your neighbors as the turnover (people moving in and out) was quite high. Americans have been very mobile and on average move every 5 years which makes sinking roots difficult. It’s great you are seeing a part of the U.S. that suits you and you’re appreciating it.

@raxiutrw6464 - 25.09.2023 19:23

But people in germany really can't rely on their friends at all. They all read each other message and ignore. They are emotionally always unavaible. They are not good listener. They are just kind.

@dklang - 21.09.2023 18:05

Well Feli, glad to hear you say that Americans are not stupid, and that you enjoyed some things about America.
Too many Europeans are saying Americans are stupid, which is stupid of them, and will only hurt relations.

@adam8688 - 20.09.2023 00:31

I could not live in a society that begrudges success. Negativity towards another's success is considered a very, very poor character trait here in the US.

@Halfbloodprincesss8 - 19.09.2023 21:38

Love this list and as a fellow Ohioan (Cleveland area), a lot of this is due to being in Ohio. If you’ve ever traveled especially by plane, flights with a high concentration of Ohioans are often 10x more cozy and fun 😅 we’re all family here whether you actually know them or not

@Forodir - 07.09.2023 17:09

There was not one real Reason to move to the USA for someone who comes from a developed country. I get that she likes to be there, but these were no reason. She is white, she is young and she is a you tuber of course she won't face some harsh realities and can cherry-pick her American dream.

@americasfavoritebrazilian2399 - 31.08.2023 09:43

Feli is adorable. I wonder if she's single?
Good video lol

@thedealer777 - 29.08.2023 20:34

There's one common undercurrent about Americans from the world community that neither time nor current politics can deny. Generally and globally, people tend to remark on "American optimism." Usually sincerely and enthusiastically, and sometimes sarcastically. We Americans can be a rowdy bunch at times, but we're in there pitching, and truly believe ANYTHING is possible,... right or wrong. As Churchill once observed, "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, …after exhausting all other possibilities. And if I may add, "...because we are at heart ...eager explorers".

@AmericanVeteran7 - 29.08.2023 19:16

Lived in Germany for 8yrs. The staring was constant

@hiddenname9809 - 24.08.2023 23:41

I was in Germany (Hamburg & Luneburg) last week and oh my God, I love the food. I miss it now. It's true that Germans can be very reserved and serious, even, but if you are in their circle, they are very friendly and accommodating.

@KatharinaWeiss-gc6uj - 23.08.2023 03:39

Ich stimme total mit dir überein, was das "making friends in Germany or other European countries" betrifft.
Ich wohne in Frankreich und da ist das auch überhaupt nicht so leicht.

Und das mit dem Customer Service ist hier so schlimm - auch Franzosen sagen, man habe in Geschäften sogar manchmal den Eindruck, man störe. Und Bitten oder Sonderwünsche sind grundsätzlich nicht möglich! Die Service Leute sind dann entweder erstaunt oder "feel offended".

Aber das beste aus deinem Video: Germans stare a lot - das ist so wahr! Hier in Frankreich kann man Gott sei Dank auch rumlaufen, wie man will und wird nicht beurteilt. In Deutschland ist das ein Volkssport: die Deutschen glotzen!
Und schlimm: sie vergleichen sich und sie sind neidisch. :-(

@ronmcdade2865 - 20.08.2023 19:11

Interesting. American here who wants to leave to live in Germany for same reason.

@TheLinguistable - 19.08.2023 01:10

You speak English with a very good American accent. Very close, at least

@michb144 - 30.07.2023 04:08

Her friendliness and confidence is really sexy.

@bbb1018 - 29.07.2023 10:16

🥲🥲🥲 I am an American living in Germany and I miss HOME soooo bad!!!! Thank you for speaking up about all the wonderful, and very true, aspects of the USA and it's people! All the typical and horrible stereotypes about us overshadow just how truly special our country is... I cannot wait to be back one day

@PaulEubanks - 21.07.2023 17:56

School shootings, prohibitively costly college and healthcare, xenophobia, dilapidated public transport, utterly deficient primary education, inadequate elderly care, criminal justice system ensuring slavery persists, post-capitalism economic fallout, abuse of minorities, elected officials removing basic human rights; but hey strangers will talk to you sometimes and Wal-Mart is open 24/7! What's not to love?

The US is a very big country, and experiences vary widely depending on your cultural background.

@user-ze4vl9cy3r - 21.07.2023 16:27

Are you friends with Jennifer Anniston? Lol.

@user-di9dm8on9q - 17.07.2023 04:08

You have a great smile.😊

@acatwiththreenames3658 - 11.07.2023 21:28

Your American accent is perfect.

@TomUlcak - 11.07.2023 19:42

I moved to the Czech Republic in 2007 to get away from the hellhole the U.S. is. I lived the happiest 11 years of my life there. I had to move to the U.S. 5 years ago to care for my elderly parents. If not for that, I would have spent the rest of my life in the Czech Republic. I consider it my home now and dream of becoming a Czech citizen. I don’t understand people like you. Are you blind? Or just rich and privileged? Dad died in Jan 2022. When mom dies, I will return to the Czech Republic for good. Where I’m not the smartest person in the room. No guns, no violence, public transport and health care, free education and beautiful old cities and stunning nature. No car needed.

@gregoryhall1404 - 07.07.2023 00:39

There is a 3rd coast - the Gulf Coast. My home, Mobile, Alabama is a port city on the Gulf of Mexico and our beautiful white sand beaches can't be touched by beaches on the east or west coast ( I have been to the beaches in California, and the East Coast.

@margaritasizova5442 - 15.06.2023 16:05

In 2007 i moved to Austria Vienna and I love about that country that there is free education in University

@gildavis8266 - 09.06.2023 22:37

Feli, thing that Americans love the most is that we can be all that we wish to be. Let me explain. You can fail a million time, or more, but all you have to is succeed once. The wonderful thing about it is you will get the opportunity to do it every day of your life! Success depends on you.

@michaelpiwcewicz1412 - 08.06.2023 22:20


@richardgray7159 - 07.06.2023 12:09

Going say it if she was ugly be lot harder get these Americans do all these for her

@karenchilders2449 - 07.06.2023 07:49

My parents had German, Danish roots and they acted just like she described.

@karenchilders2449 - 07.06.2023 07:41

You speak English very well.
