Annie Jacobsen | Inside DARPA: The Pentagon's Brain

Annie Jacobsen | Inside DARPA: The Pentagon's Brain

World Affairs

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@jeffgraybill832 - 09.02.2024 05:18

She is a propagandist for the 3 and 4 letter agency’s.

@csalin7327 - 06.02.2024 02:52

If it's all the same to you I'd rather someone else handle brain regeneration other than these people

@jaredgerdts - 04.02.2024 19:09

I just looked her up to listen to her voice. Such a nice voice

@Furious1Auto - 03.02.2024 03:22

When you attack a vocal clairvoyant U.S. citizen with cognitive warfare you compromise yourself. Your system tried to subvert me into suicide. I don’t take that lightly. But I would like to submit the real financiers behind the intelligence agencies globally also intend to betray the agents of government that serve their interests.

This is not the first expulsion of man and only their bloodline survive. It’s an intricate series of scripts and that span well beyond the orthodox doctrine and it’s not the first time they fostered the conditions to resurface the earth.

The difference this time is it’s the last time though their arrogance makes them believe it’s infinitely repeatable.

Activity at the HAARP facility and nuclear testing will bring about the permanent expulsion of man.

I do have pride in my country, I do care about humanity as a whole. I know I have and do mentally take on the persona of the mind of the person I am writing on the behalf of when I speak on subjects.

I urge that our affiliations with national powers be reassessed in order to protect all of us from a handful that have designated themselves “Gods Chosen People” they are going to get us all killed.

My actions are based on legitimate concerns and loyalty to my country. I have zero loyalty to an entity that exploits man for profit and exploits governments to act as their enforcer.

You are right this technology is not new, it’s ancient and they have played this out before. So says Jayson.

If there is truth to the prophecy and I believe there is my body is beaten down for years of hard work and physically I am weak, but my life force is strong and my celestial body is ascetically as pleasing as Phil Heath and with the mind of a warrior.

The effects of inducing unnatural resonate frequencies into the earth is inducing the sun to also vibrate through with sympathetic resonance and increasing the magnetic feild between earth and the sun.

Watch the solar activity. April 8th is a benchmark. If the moon appears blood red we are already screwed already. We can’t escape it if this happens. Man doesn’t have the power destroy earth even with nuclear energy but we do have the ability to end humanity.

On the existence of DARPA I already know government agencies are never disbanded, but rebadged and expanded. Some of DARPA’s current projects for social media subversion are fruitless and easily spotted. They feel unnatural and suspect, and once the public are aware you lose the influence in mass.

I have exposed what I have because I know no one can read what I write except US intelligence.

I could easily switch devices and start new channels to get the message out. I have not. My interest is not in exposing the system, if it were I would have taken other avenues to get it out.

I rant, I make solid arguments l, and lots of my rants are the basis for the dissemination of counterintelligence. They are constantly stealing my material and spinning it to dispatch agents to disseminate. If I fell silent what materials would you have for building false narratives? Look at the quantity of material I have put out that has been used.

I do believe I can solve time travel but I would not share it with an entity I know is self serving. The Re animation of humans I also believe is possible. Again I have no motivation to further the knowledge an entity that has already proven they are self serving and will sell anyone out if it’s their ass on the line.

All this tech is harnessing ancient energy. I sense there was a mutiny on the ark. I found clues in the ancient script after first sensing it. It’s hard solving a cold case that’s 2024 years old.

@brrrrr256 - 01.02.2024 09:22

"Narrative Networks"? It's been 8 years now since this video. Tell me more about oxytocin.

@Zowie39 - 30.01.2024 05:41

So the scientist that got shush and disappeared were rght. They renamed eugenics transhumanism 🤬

@Zowie39 - 30.01.2024 05:32

She'd make bank on 900 numbers. In all respect! 😂

@Zowie39 - 30.01.2024 05:28

The US is a mess. You are either doing your job or you suck. With a nice soothing sexy voice. 😍

@Zowie39 - 30.01.2024 05:25

Yes Great Reset. Ugh

@Zowie39 - 30.01.2024 05:23

But damn that voice! Breathy "Thank youuuu for haaaaving meeee" sorry. Trying to be serious here. 🤓

@nitsudocsicnarf347 - 26.01.2024 01:58

Terrorists is DARPA.

@johnjwedrall4290 - 16.01.2024 00:42

Hooray Annie and GOD keep you healthy and save 🙏

@westwood7-0-savage-76 - 15.01.2024 17:51

Introdize lol

@jblaze0382nj - 12.01.2024 22:05

This woman has a lovely story telling voice. Makes a man wanna grab a pillow and take a nap.
This woman should be reading children books, she'll be a billionaire

@LuisMenjivar-sv5ng - 11.01.2024 10:32

the additive behaviors and dependency om fossil fuel of our modern societies due to a false need for power and wealth have turn our modern human"s societies into no less than parasitical cells on Mother Earth, I have been censored, persecuted, humiliated, falsely accused, isolated from friends and family, from resources that may help me recover from the constant attacked and trauma of this oligarchy the fossil fuel wealth making machine.. I am a medium that not only can channel information through quantum entanglement by many former and passed members of DARP CIA FBI but also from Nature 's quantum mind, a language long forgotten by our modern Human's societies. the picture is upside down. our planet is a Biological Living Being not just a rock we can exploit endlessly, we Must to relearn this language and respect our Planet as our Life Giving Source. this is not rocket science it is just common sense, ask our ancient natives. they lived in Harmony with Nature, Respect one another. do not steal or take someone;s else space nor property without their consent like their freewill. RESPECT! RESPECT ONE ANOTHER AND WARS WILL END< HARMONY WILL BE RE ESTABLISHED!!! it is not rocket science!

@bobbymeyerti9300 - 08.01.2024 22:31

Well it’s been eight years since this thing was published??? Thank you Annie Jacobsen🥰... that is some good reporting💐💐💐 he reassured me that I was correct in all my assumptions about the targeting individual program that is being run here in America🙉🙉🙉 and elsewhere across the planet!!! I’ve been going through this awful MK ultra programs, since I was a kid!!!😱😱😱 I have been hit with Havana syndrome four times in the last 12 years😢😢😢 and all the hospitals and everyone just turning a blind eye to it🤮🤮🤮America you lost!!!

@robertburke2749 - 07.01.2024 17:49

Okay now I have been convinced that the Pentagon is for technology and ethics ethics ethics ethics ethics

@robertburke2749 - 07.01.2024 17:46

And she is part of the Illuminati yes the wizards that don't exist let her put on a good face for the government and all the good stuff they're doing just like she said the propaganda 4 DARPA

@robertburke2749 - 07.01.2024 17:45

Everything this young lady talks about is very interested and true but she does not go so deep and if you are stupid enough ignorant enough and a moron on top of all that as you think the government is going to let her talk about what she has uncovered and her investigation of American stuff know she's has to get the okay from the United States and I can guarantee you she knows a lot more than she's putting in her books because if she put what she knew in her books she would no longer be alive or should be in a mental institution

@robertburke2749 - 07.01.2024 17:41

Do you know who coined the phrase conspiracy., C .I .A. and we all know the CIA is just up and up and looking out for all of our welfare here in America and they don't do no opiates in America and if you believe that I guess you never heard of 1963 Dallas Texas when a president of the United States was shot to death in front of the world because he was going against the Illuminati which put a bullet in his brain to warn anyone and everyone if you mess with us you will pay the consequences

@robertburke2749 - 07.01.2024 17:40

See I am one of those conspiracy not the theories but the real conspiracy of Satan infiltrated every government on this planet I honestly believe our government and other governments are dealing with these demonic forces to get a one world government and if you want to say that the Illuminati is just make-believe bunch of wizards it has far more implications than just wizards it's demonic through and through and if you can't see that in the last 50 years especially since Eisenhower's administration when he tried to to warn the people of America what the military was turned into but we wouldn't listen and we won't listen now either so go ahead and Mark anything you think is a little weird conspiracy theory. Just remember people in Germany before it became Nazi Germany had a conspiracy theory that Adolf Hitler was going to try to take over the world and guess what he did when he got out of prison

@derekmacdougall3011 - 23.12.2023 21:14

Its all very well to talk about advantages and justifying advanced weapons trading to places like israel,but the fact of the matter,is the so called plan of keeping peace by staying ahead of weapons evolution has failed,because babies bodies are being dragged out of buildings,many dead,in israel,killed by advanced american tanks etc,bought from usa ,by israel. Again i am glad a very intelligent american woman and gentlemen are openly discussing this on a public media platform.

@user-normalguy78887 - 21.12.2023 04:14

If you get a thumbs down i suspect you are a bot or a operative of psyops

@MariaSmith-jb8sx - 19.12.2023 17:44

This program needs to be defunded and shut down

@thomasoaxaca3379 - 15.12.2023 10:31

Humans have the ability of regeneration. Salamanders have the ability of specific regeneration.

@thomasoaxaca3379 - 15.12.2023 10:29

I wish she would have addressed the implementation of alien technology in weapons programs.

@thomasoaxaca3379 - 15.12.2023 10:13

Amazingly, high levels of Oxytocin are released during orgasms and intense sexual arousal.

@thomasoaxaca3379 - 15.12.2023 09:58

Originally AARPA.

@davidbruno818 - 02.12.2023 22:44

What a stupid left Wing journalist! She has no concept of the need for National Security, and secrets . She does not realize the extent of evil in this world

@tomhessel5449 - 23.11.2023 08:22

Why do you say that you don't trust it?

@christopherlengel6369 - 22.11.2023 13:54

Government is a collective individual as an institution all must be transparent ethical and open to democratic criticism however money talks then morals are silent

@sursoek8395 - 18.11.2023 13:59

Annie a 'disinformation thing'? Give the mighty a way to boast about their'greatness", please!

@richardrohrer8221 - 17.11.2023 22:35

She's a fan and her journalist instincts are clouded and it's scary to think but I'd like to know how she feels about the Intel community deposing President Trump

@triquetra331 - 12.11.2023 08:27

She’s a fraud

@belkyshaddad9849 - 06.11.2023 22:18


@notme1777 - 31.10.2023 16:23

It's disgusting

@fillipo1972 - 22.10.2023 04:50

Listening to this on the bog and in the shower (quality time for deep thought). Makes me wonder if biden is a malfunctioning DARPA/NEURALINK prototype

@amitsingh-ch1tw - 16.10.2023 11:52

How to steal nuke code by darpa please tell me smart lady

@amitsingh-ch1tw - 16.10.2023 11:32

You r working like p r of darpa

@javiernieves4239 - 08.10.2023 12:06

Ladies and gentlemen..with what percentage off assurance are u stating to the world that they use there technology to hunt terrorists...couse if that was true why they haven't won any wor In real life. ..jejeje Sims your a fan off them and sounds u are prasing them instead off speaking off there Ron or incorect use off there technology . ...kind off convenient...jejeje

@thomaskauser8978 - 02.10.2023 12:42

Military industrial University complex!
Just trying to find uses for the 90 - 95 % of your brain you have no use for!

@thomaskauser8978 - 02.10.2023 12:34

The contracts have been signed and a vice president from Raytheon has become the BATTELLE treasurer.

@thomaskauser8978 - 02.10.2023 12:16

Look at all the metals we found to be mixed together in the 20th ?
BMI isn't all bad!

@johnross775 - 29.09.2023 14:54


@1MrAngel1 - 26.09.2023 20:20

But not a word about how AMERICA GAVE RISE to ISIS AND AL QUAIDA
