PES 2021 - Special Free Kick Tricks

PES 2021 - Special Free Kick Tricks


3 года назад

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@gokanayas4190 - 08.06.2021 11:28

Perfekt 👍💪

@nilsonsali2045 - 13.05.2021 11:21

Great 👍👏👏👏

@AntonioBlok - 15.04.2021 15:02


@raulcadiz9909 - 07.04.2021 19:32

this foul is familiar to me 🤣🤣🤣

@kaiser2k6 - 29.03.2021 11:28

Bei dem Freistoß, wo Müller den Ball noch auf Lewa quer legt, welchen Pass spielst du da Richtung Müller? Tödlichen pass oder normal?
Mega interessantes Tut. Thx

@ilyassplays6400 - 28.03.2021 21:55


@pierobiondo8843 - 24.03.2021 12:57

great tutorial, you really deserve it to have more views... Hope your chanell will grow. I just give you some ideas about what i would love to see next: how about a video about defending and shielding. In online game, i loose to ball way to often, and I still dont know why... also some tricks about passing and creating chanches would be to great. It happens a lot to me, that my player passes to ball not where i told him too, but in a completly different direction. I obviously do something wrong, but I guess I'm not to only one...
Have you ever had the feeling that some games are, how should I say.... strange? Some people would say, scripted. In some games, really weird things happen to me. My player simply dont keep to ball and do one mistake after the other. A lot of time this happens, after I score the first goal. Very frustrating to play like that. Wondering how you feel about it, and what you do, if you see that your team is simply not reactiv enough..?

@ayatonly6618 - 24.03.2021 04:53

Expert tutorial... 👍👍👍👍
I hope you could share how to defend, how to shield body....
And thank a lot for all your tutorials

@sylvainp.2197 - 22.03.2021 22:17

Hi bro ^^
it's really great this tutorial,
it's crystal clear even if it requires a certain dexterity and reflex.
Thank you very much for this video
Your !Snake 😉🙂

@danielszegedi2456 - 22.03.2021 20:01

Mal wieder ein sehr wertvolles Tutorial, das gerade meine indirekten Freistöße wesentlich gefährlicher machen wird. Vielen Dank für diesen top content Champ! VG Gulasch

@thepescompany3388 - 22.03.2021 19:34

Good content bro you deserve more subs 😉
