Rust or Go for my next project? WHAT TO CHOOSE? (as a senior intern engineer)

Rust or Go for my next project? WHAT TO CHOOSE? (as a senior intern engineer)


2 года назад

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ThePrimeagen - 11.04.2022 18:27

If you like this comment, please hit the like button. it lets me know you like the talking commentary as much as other videos. Thank you very much ya algo

fg - 23.08.2023 23:30

A senior intern? Is there also a CEO intern or shareholder intern or an "I'm the actuaol Boss" intern?

Nevo Krien
Nevo Krien - 13.08.2023 10:49

My goals are to be an ml engineer...

God fucking dam it there is only one good option here: c++ and cuda...

C++ u have won once again fuck you.

Joko Pitoyo
Joko Pitoyo - 06.08.2023 08:34

no matter, but for next project i choose you to develop my project

Stuart Loria
Stuart Loria - 01.08.2023 22:50

Go it is

Abbigail Greene
Abbigail Greene - 30.07.2023 12:26

Language doesn't matter, as long as you're editing it in Vim.. Language doesn't matter, as long as you're editing it in Vim..

egg sand
egg sand - 24.07.2023 02:32

i just can't really decide. i'm currently on the typescript train because it's what I'm going for as a job, and web dev stuff is where I've spent the most time. i did some C/C++ in uni, and otherwise have done a bit of Haskell. I don't feel like learning more than 1 at a time, hence for the time bring I am going to stick with typescript. but can't decide between haskell, common lisp, and nim. and I'm hearing so much about rust being a regular viewer of the channel and how great it seemingly is and I kind of feel like I've got to give it a try. i have forgotten most of what I know about haskell but the rust stuff can't be too much harder I assume. polyglot syndrome I guess

samar nagar
samar nagar - 21.07.2023 23:48


Simas1234 - 20.07.2023 00:41

"Java revolution just without all the Java" until you go to work for a Go shop and see it's been written by Java devs who basically wrote Java in Go syntax

Leandro Dell'Orso
Leandro Dell'Orso - 14.07.2023 09:28

Why should I have to choose, let's pick both 😂😂

Michael John
Michael John - 14.07.2023 01:38

You should follow demand.

If there's more jobs for Go, then the demand will be lower, less salary value.
You'll find some startups looking for that "new thing" paying you as twice for a RUST dev, and that's because of the demand. There are not many RUST devs out there.

skulllp - 23.06.2023 12:36

The jobs argument falls appart if you want to prep for the future job market, rust will be around a while.

Chuckles - 21.06.2023 11:50

well well.. this showed up on my feed on YT. guess what? this didn't age well. I jumped off the woke rust community. The other day you mention fury. I was oh no, you got bit by a fury, instead I Listened and you were not. I was glad, cause you are my favorite person to hate on.

F rust and the only positive I seen, it took all the damn woke retards from golang to rust

Weironiottan - 18.06.2023 22:01

I got a POC approved at my current job (large enterprise company) and it's based on Go. We primarily use Java and wanted something faster/easier to deploy. Use the best tool in the toolbox for the current problem. When it comes to writing services especially micro services, it is hard to beat Go

rentefald - 04.06.2023 02:12

The goal must be to produce something that also works one year later, and if that's the case, then drop all those weird languages and focus on the long lasting ones.

FunMath - 03.06.2023 16:20

always go. cli go python

Anispinner - 31.05.2023 10:16

Go Rust

Stan Rock
Stan Rock - 29.05.2023 14:33

Future proofing: Learn them both. 2-3 years ago Go jobs were about where rust jobs are today

Tt Cc
Tt Cc - 27.05.2023 18:50

For me, the initial choice years ago was C++ or Java. I chose Java because Java was new and I was just starting out, so I was on an even playing field with everyone else.

Recently I wanted to learn a new language. I narrowed the set to Python, Go, or Rust.

I chose Rust because I like the philosophy behind it: code that will run forever, become old rusted infrastructure. I also like how it fits the same niche as C without the buffer/pointer security risks. And I like how it feels like programming by contract, which has been an approach I’ve used to make Java more declarative and less boilerplatey.

I decided against Go because it is yet another garbage collected language and the JVM world is full of those… and I wanted to stretch my brain. And Java still pays the bills for me. Plus when I looked Go meant Google… no thank you.

As for Python, I like how it is a front end glue language around a lot of domain-specific C libraries, and it seems easy to get started with. But, since I wanted to stretch my brain, Rust’s memory management and support for functional style had already won. And if Python libraries are largely in C… well, why not learn Rust to see if it is a worthy successor to C.

Saying all this, it occurs to me that I chose Java which I saw as a successor to C++, and now Rust as a successor to C… is Go a successor to anything?

I imagine Google would like to own a successor to Java and to avoid paying license fees to (and having court battles with) Oracle.

But I’ll stick with Java since I like it and it pays well, and I’ll branch out into Rust because it’s everything Java isn’t.

IcyTv - 25.05.2023 16:10

What should you learn if you want to get hired? Go or Rust? The answer is obviously Java

Yonas - 23.05.2023 00:45

Rust is used for driver development etc for pretty low level stuff

bnrbrr - 19.05.2023 04:39

i am junior back-end developer and working on a go project right now. i made 2-3 projects by myself with ts and ts was much more easy to understand. okay ts is slow, node modules sucks but who cares? if there was no copilot on my laptop when i was learning go, probably i couldnt learn go. there is * and & s in everywhere. okay i can understand the logic of them but in ts there is no pointers and there is no need to learn them. and dictionaries way more difficult to learn. there is no classes and when youre defining a function, you have to type dependencies to every function. why do i have to type them in every single function. it seems very dirty. in ts you can create a class and you can define a global variables for that class and you can call them in the constructor and you are done.

max_ishere - 16.05.2023 17:49

Who the fuck is senior intern engineer?

max_ishere - 16.05.2023 17:47

First impression of Go: uhhh, compiler did you eat my type system and why are half my errors accidentally ignored?

Joshua Conter
Joshua Conter - 16.05.2023 13:28

It’s been a year do you still have the same recommendation? Especially for backend? I see you have been reading Zero to Production.

Rocco - 11.05.2023 00:04

I fully agree. Go is a great language and it's perfect if you want to land a job. I was recently hired as a main dev to aid in the migration of 2 applications from a python backend to Go, because they ran into pretty crippling performance issues. But as a personal side project I've been learning Rust and found it to be very pleasant to write. It has some very unique things about it, but it's fun to write, unlike C++ which I never really enjoyed too much.

Meme Bro
Meme Bro - 09.05.2023 14:54

Rust. No more garbage collected languages for me. I won't let my brain rot.

Robert - 07.05.2023 06:02

Rust is faster than Go because it doesn't have garbage collector.

Arman - 05.05.2023 05:47

At the end of this video (made a year ago) you said, "in one year, my answer could change," has it?

Azure Flash
Azure Flash - 03.05.2023 08:50

🎵Consider Rust, before you Go Go 🎵You don't wanna miss it when it hits that high 🎵

Edward Susanto
Edward Susanto - 03.05.2023 08:17

What book or institution would you recommend to go deep into Golang? @ThePrimeagen

Jonathan Dominguez
Jonathan Dominguez - 29.04.2023 01:04

We need a 2023 update of this video

Jody Bruchon Tech
Jody Bruchon Tech - 20.04.2023 02:51

C. The correct answer is always C.

Nithin Sai
Nithin Sai - 18.04.2023 09:49

just learn C

William N
William N - 13.04.2023 01:41

Use Java

maybe - 12.04.2023 00:13

Man but what do I do if I wana have a language for both purposes!?

IAmOxidised - 11.04.2023 05:38

String processing? It's the toughest part of Rust

Pash Ebash
Pash Ebash - 09.04.2023 11:32

Hey it’s time to update this video for 2023

Ziggy - 08.04.2023 17:23

Your operating system is C. Maybe you should just learn C instead of circle jerking.

Rust won't make you a better programmer. Borrow checking is an opinionated way to use malloc. That is all it is. Just use C.

Knofi - 04.04.2023 19:37

To be honest I would miss pointer arithmetic in these languages compared to my favourite language C.😊

Boris Pov
Boris Pov - 29.03.2023 22:25

I'm just a hobbyist, been programming as a hobby on and off for a couple of years, taught myself JavaScript, React, etc...
Recently, got back and wanted to learn something new, it was between Elixir and Clojure, but then I discovered your channel. I tried a super simple CRUD in golang in the past and found it devastatingly boring because of the error handling, but Rust just feels like a significantly steeper learning curve. I'm not currently looking to switch careers, though, I'd like to pick a language that'll be fun and relatively easy to learn and build projects with. Elixir has got a fine web framework (Phoenix) which is quite appealing. Have you tried it, btw?

In the meanwhile, I might just keep on watching your vids rather than actually learn Rust/Elixir/Go :-)))

Pierma - 24.03.2023 22:32

As long as it pays my bill, i could even try to make my backend stack in css

Squidwrad Thomas
Squidwrad Thomas - 21.03.2023 02:14

This was a crucial conversation that was significantly needed, even to this day i question my quest to learn rust. I have a long history with Java and python so I should have definitely learned go for it’s simplicity but I loved rust speed so I gave it a try and I guess I’m surviving.

A Human
A Human - 20.03.2023 02:32

I noticed that you mentioned that Rust is for CLI and Go is for web apps. What about desktop apps? Are desktop apps not a thing anymore? Do most people deploy apps on the web nowadays?

BemoFresh - 17.03.2023 02:20

You son of a gun, I’ve spent so much time on Rust, but I do build cli tools for cybersecurity 😂

Evagreen - 14.03.2023 03:41

Quick question Go vs Rust vs C# 🙄

vinicamposdev - 11.03.2023 12:48

After almost a year, has your opinion changed?

yo-me egüen
yo-me egüen - 11.03.2023 02:20

Concise and clear from the start
as a person with ADHD I appreciate it.
Like and sub

next fang techlead
next fang techlead - 10.03.2023 14:35

Html 🫡

My Name
My Name - 10.03.2023 10:42

Uhm C# 😊
