DPC2019: DDD, CQRS, Hexagonal, Onion,... Putting it together - Jeroen Keppens

DPC2019: DDD, CQRS, Hexagonal, Onion,... Putting it together - Jeroen Keppens

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"DDD, CQRS, Hexagonal, Onion,... Putting it together by Jeroen Keppens

DDD, CQRS, Hexagonal, Onion,... we have all seen the talks over the years. But how do you put this all together in a working application. This talk briefly explains each block with code examples and tools you can use to implement each.

What you'll learn from this talk:

This talk will give food for tought and allow for experimentation at home. This talk is a very good complementary talk for conference goers that are interested in the matter.

About Jeroen Keppens

Jeroen has been active in the PHP world for 20 years. He filled roles as backend PHP developer, dba, team lead, agile coach and CTO.

This talk was given at the Dutch PHP Conference in 2019, organised and hosted by Ibuildings. Visit https://phpconference.nl or https://www.ibuildings.nl for more information."


#php #conference #webdevelopment #ddd #cqrs #hexagonal #software_architecture
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