Travel to Tatarstan

Travel to Tatarstan

Albina Leushuis

55 лет назад

11,214 Просмотров

Illuminated Kazan (excursion around the night city)
Kaban Lake, Square of Vocal Fountains, 1000-Anniversary Park, Bulak River, Tugan Avylym complex (Native Village), Kazan Arbat, Peterburgskaya Street, Square of Freedom, Kazan National Cultural Center, Fuks Park, Kyrlay Park, Millenium Bridge, Millenium Park.
Architectural Kazan
The City Sightseeing coach tour.
Visit galleries of your choice: National Art Gallery, Museum of B. Urmanche, Picture Gallery of Konstantin Vasilyev, Museum of Fine Arts.Musical Kazan To know about musical culture of Russian and Tatar people in the Republic of Tatarstan. Visit the museums of your choice: Museum of V. Kachalov, Museum of F. Chaliapin. Visit a concert is for extra pay.

- Student Kazan – Universities of Kazan

A walking tour around the universities of Kazan and a visit one of the universities: Kazan State Technical University, Kazan University of Chemical Technology, Kazan Finance and Economics Institute, Kazan State University.

Visit the museums of your choice: Museum of Kazan State University history, Museum of Kazan chemical school history, astronomical observatory of KSU, Geologic Museum.

-Theatrical Kazan

Telling about origin of Russian and Tatar theaters in Kazan, dramatic art, and talanted performers.

Visit the museums of your choice: Museum of V. Kachalov, Museum of Tatar Drama Theater n. a. G. Kamal. Museum of S. Saydashev, Museum of F. Chaliapin.

Visit a play is for extra cost.

-Literature Kazan

You will hear an exciting story about writers who lived, studied, and worked in Kazan. You will visit monuments connected with their names and museums of you choice: Musa Jalil, Maxim Gorkiy, Evgeniy Boratynskiy, Gabdulla Tukay, Kayum Nasyiri, Sharif Kamal.

Visit a theater or Conservatory is for extra cost.

-Artistic Kazan

City sightseeing tour. Visit a gallery of your choice: National Art Gallery, Museum of B. Urmanche, Picture Gallery of Konstantin Vasilyev, Museum of Fine Arts, Excibit Hall of Union of Artists.

-Kazan in lives of great people

Telling about lives of great and well-known people who lived in Kazan: Gabdulla Tukay, Musa Jalil, Vladimir Lenin, Lev Tolstoy, Lobachevsky, Simonov, Nuzhin, Maxim Gorkiy, Baki Urmanche, Evgeniy Boratynskiy, Kayum Nasyiri, A. Arbuzov, Salih Saydashev, and many others. Visit a museum of your choice.

-Kazan during war

Telling about Kazan during war. Visiting Victory Park in which there is an eternal light and excibit items of war pieces of the Great Patriotic War, Memorial to soldiers who fell in the GPW, Square of Freedom (one of the most beautiful squares of Kazan). Visit a museum of your choice: Kazan powder factory, Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Kremlin, Museum of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan, Museum of a poet and front-line soldier M. Jalil.

-Sports Kazan

During the loop coach tour you will see Basket-Hall, Ice Stadium, and different objects of the Universiade-2013.

You can visit of your choice: Sports Palace, Museum of Sport in Tatarstan, new Hippodrome (excursion, museum of horse breeding).

-Kazan in legends and traditions

During city sightseeing coach tour you will know interesting facts about the origin of Kazan, legends about the city, people, first settlements, history of khan’s Kazan.

-In search of Kazan khans riches

You will get to know history of Old-Tatar suburb, its origin, legends about Kazan khan’s riches, Kaban Lake, embankment of the river, guest houses, granges of Tatar merchants: Yunusov, Apakov, Apanaev, Yusupov and others history of mosques. You will visit Margani mosque, Azimovskaya” mosque and others.

-Miracle icons of Kazan

Loop tour around Kazan with a telling about well-known miracle icons located in cathedrels of Kazan. You will hear the story about a miracle working icon of the Kazan Godmother brought back from Vatican in 2005. You will visit Peter and Paul Cathedral and other cathedrals and churches.
Excursions in Kazan


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