The HIGHEST DPS | Updated Switch Axe Guide | PC & Xbox for Monster Hunter World 2024

The HIGHEST DPS | Updated Switch Axe Guide | PC & Xbox for Monster Hunter World 2024

Bloody Wyverian

1 год назад

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@TOTFAHRER - 17.02.2024 15:50

Excellent video! Simply getting into it, showing all combos on screen, slow motion and explaining everything in detail.
I can now see what I did wrong (first time switch axe playthrough). I didn't switch back to axe mode while in sword mode to refill the gauge to then again switch to sword mode. I now actually get what this weapon is about. Thanks!

@Shibby - 18.02.2024 03:36

This guide is so well made. Nicely done bro!

@oldmanlexington276 - 18.02.2024 17:46

Hands down best Switchaxe guide on the whole ass interwebs!! Thank you very much good sir for the knowledge.

@FelixRamirez-w8u - 23.02.2024 23:40

The “rolling is bad for your spine” really did it for me 😂

@Itz4Tzeef - 24.02.2024 23:50

Vielen Dank für deinen ausführlichen Guide!

@bdmtard - 02.03.2024 19:57

Really nice guide, you got me interested in Switch Axe, maybe i will use it in my second run.

@DavearFont - 05.03.2024 07:26

this is a really nice guide thank you!

@guslees7960 - 11.03.2024 18:05

I need some help evading alatreon, i feel like there r very few defensives against his massive dps

@partydeer1640 - 17.03.2024 20:45

Alatreon Alpha gloves has ATK Boost 3 AND Power Prolonger 3 by default. Definitely worth using

@livesakimbo - 29.03.2024 18:22

one of the best and most concise weapon tutorials i’ve ever seen, great job! instant sub

@daviduliasz2437 - 02.04.2024 21:31

I will never let go of ZSD early

@restless4609 - 03.04.2024 22:30

Great guide, last tip is very useful ty

@MonterHunterWorld-Wildsp-lg1px - 10.04.2024 00:51

I reaaaallly wanna play switch axe - but i REALLLLLYY dislike the bug when going zero sum thingy - Suddenly I cant controle my character at random times and need to shake him out of it. Unless that bug gets fixed i wont go back to it.

@lizardshoe6922 - 19.04.2024 19:43

I've played around 400 hours of Switch Axe, looked at a few guides, but always got lost. This is fantastic, I would highly recommend this for any new and experienced S/A player, within the first 5 minutes I already have information I can use to better my playstyle

@Actualimmolator - 11.05.2024 15:51

I really like how information was conveyed in this video. Thank you!!

@TheRealCidd - 22.05.2024 22:15

After bickering around with different weapons and struggling to find a good Switch Axe guide, i finally came upon this chad of a video. Thank you so much for teaching the basics as well as some more advanced stuff, this was literally what I was looking for! You got yourself a new subscriber, and I'll be sure to keep watching your content (already checked out some of the other videos). Great work!

@matthieupetite6179 - 24.05.2024 12:26

I've watched about 20 videos on Switch Axe and this guide is by far the best one!

@younesyacef3007 - 05.06.2024 21:27

What's next sensei?

@Alexander57739 - 09.07.2024 12:32

Switch axe just feels soo good when you know what you actually can do

@LicRabiol - 13.07.2024 23:28

nice video, im jumping on mhw since a break from 2 years and this video sums up every aspect of the SwaggAxe in 10 min, i wasnt remembering quite well the amped state but now im ready to go! thanks

@lotion5238 - 15.07.2024 07:16

I like this weapon in this game, especially with how useful Power Axe Mode is for fucking up parts. It's difficult to find where the perfect combos and options during any particular moment are sometimes. Nice Guide.

@sabino7220 - 21.07.2024 16:12

ty for these tips, i still use them in every new switch axe playthrough! and I feel like some of these tips works for mhr too especially cuz of the dodging and rolling aspect

@lix962 - 28.07.2024 21:34

Hey. Nice video. But i dont get it to use the clutch claw to fill the amped bar. I play on PC, what i have to press?

@nurb1221 - 31.07.2024 08:56

This has to be the best mhw guide I've ever watched. Very well put together and easy to follow, great job!

@パット-w9h - 13.08.2024 21:59

I wish I saw this video years ago. Back when I played switch axe the biggest issue was knowing what to use when, because it isn't intuitive to figure that out yourself.

@alesztra937 - 18.08.2024 23:50

After testing other moves, I've come to the conclusion that the wide swing is not the most damaging move for switch axe. It's actually the standing Elemental Discharge, then Axe: Heavy Slam, then the second hit of the Morph Sweep. Even if the Morph Sweep hits the sweet spot, it still only does as much as the Axe: Heavy Slam without sweet spot.

@ChromaKKia - 20.08.2024 23:06

Once you swaxe you’ll never come back

@ΣπύροςΛουκάς - 27.08.2024 13:58

Is this just base world ? I think with the sword mode 3 hits zsd into clutch claw u get amp state faster.But i think that move is in iceborne

@secretnya - 28.08.2024 14:59

Caught me off guard how fast the video ACTUALLY started, great guide!

@kcl5038 - 31.08.2024 02:44

I can tell you have a ton of experience with the weapon and I appreciate the simplified guide so much. I've always played mechanically simple weapons like GS, Hammer, and lance that dont have added systems because every time I watch a tutorial for them it feels so daunting. I've tried SA before and it never clicked.

I just came back to the game after taking a couple years off and you made this somewhat complex weapon feel so simple. I really cant figure out why i struggled with it so much before. I appreciate you saving the more complex tech for other videos. I'll save those videos for once i have a firm grasp of the basics so i dont try to learn too much at once.

Now play a thousand hours of charge blade so you can help me figure out that weapon too 😅.

@QLMTA - 05.09.2024 12:34

Thanks for this, Swaxe was the only melee weapon i didn't know how to play yet. Finished IB on Xbox and PC in the past and decided to do a fresh playthrough with Swaxe on PS5 to get ready for wild.

I love the fact that this guide is compact and doesn't waste time!

@arvincrisostomo3084 - 06.09.2024 20:14

Thank you, straightforward guide.

@Si1verSummer - 08.10.2024 23:36

This is a great guide thank you for the video. Do you have any favorite poking combos/moves for the Swaxe?

@ElVasanGamer - 14.10.2024 22:11

I liked the concept of getting a final tip for the people who watched till the end

@nunniiznantawan1755 - 16.10.2024 06:30

Normally, I mainly play Longsword. Recently, I've been doing a challenge that requires me to use Switch Axe. I've been experimenting and trying things out, and I honestly thought I had become a pretty decent Switch Axe player. That is, until I watched your video. Now, I feel like I'm way below standard. The video helped a lot, though, especially because it’s so hard to dodge when you’re used to countering every attack as a Longsword player!

@Hazard.01 - 16.10.2024 10:37

I just started playing mhw ice borne. I'm at hr 9 can you recommend a set to equip? I'm at diablos mission

@joeleeman9886 - 17.10.2024 08:46

Im a little confused, I picked this weapon up today for the first time. Im order to latch on do I have to use LT to bring up the clutch claw aiming reticle then do a Y+B? From the video it sounds like you just have to Y+B in melee range and if it hits the initial stab you automatically latch but thats absolutely not whats happening to me in game today. Now of course if I LT aim, clutch claw onto the monster and then Y+B YYYYYYYY I do it but that doesnt seem to be what your saying, also how was this done before clutch claw even existed.

@foxfire374 - 17.10.2024 10:54

Hello, Im really new at this weapon, but i like the saga, i like to use GL since mh4 and now World, but is kind of a pain in the *ss the Alatreon, so i think to use Swax, but im kind of a mess, i try some of the mechs that u say, and practice, but my ass is very kicked ngl, im focusing rn on engage and disengage, can u gime an extra advice for?, i start from 0 to adapt so i havnt jewels to experiment

@3100032 - 20.10.2024 17:27

The real switch axe guidance. learned a lot from your guides. hope you'll post more stuff

@joeleeman9886 - 21.10.2024 01:29

So once you morph into sword whats the sword combo if you arent gonna do the latch on thing,YYB YYB YYB?

@datuputi777 - 21.10.2024 05:41

Go sword swing a few attach to the monster tenderize clutch claw zsd spam.

@ChilleDxFighteR - 25.10.2024 09:02

I love the video it is a lot more straightforward than many I have found and gives a lot of great information. Thanks a lot even with 120 hours on the weapon I still am learning every day it seems.

@idrnabil4364 - 27.10.2024 18:40

came here from reddit, im going to try switch axe in wild

@mihn3295 - 28.10.2024 13:07

I was actually shocked seeing that the main point of the video starts at the 3 second mark. Perfect time to get this video honestly, I'm a Lance main and I'm too used to not caring too much about positioning for survival so was looking for something else to pick up.

@mercurydrive9720 - 30.10.2024 22:35

I'm 100 hours into my world playthrough with switchaxe and this is the first video that really stepped up my game past what I was capable of before. From my previous weapons I was so used to sheathing for safety and then getting in my draw slash and getting back out, but since I've been keeping the axe out and using the mobility built into the moveset it has really started clicking and my hunts go so much faster

@DeeCee42. - 27.01.2025 18:30

Fun fact: Axe mode + Evade distance 3 makes rolling a faster mode of travel than sprinting.

@Devdogg123 - 13.02.2025 00:54

i just dont get how you can do the zsd on the monster... i can never get it working!!

@MistyOnDaGas - 08.03.2025 18:02

kinda wish you would of said that the heavy slam required iceborne to be able to do as I just wasted my time trying to figure it out just for it to be impossible for me to do.

@BloodyWyverian - 12.01.2024 01:09

I hope new and veteran Hunters alike have a great time with Monster Hunter World and you give Switch Axe a try!
Be sure to let me know of any questions you may have! And feedback is always welcome!
Happy Hunting!
