The Other Side Of The Storm by Pastor Ralph Douglas West

The Other Side Of The Storm by Pastor Ralph Douglas West


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Selton Fleming
Selton Fleming - 30.09.2023 03:03

Always on point, talk about interpretation of scripture. AMEN Pas West Amen

C Harry
C Harry - 15.08.2023 16:19

My Jesus....eyes to see

C Harry
C Harry - 15.08.2023 16:13

My Jesus....

Ms. T. GW
Ms. T. GW - 07.07.2023 09:53

Awesome message

mello - 25.12.2022 08:06

Praise GOD for This Message The Lord spoke I Heard Him Yes Lord your will be Done

Salvan Albridge
Salvan Albridge - 26.05.2022 08:13

He is My Favorite Theologian ❤️😀🤳🎤

God's Daughter
God's Daughter - 07.05.2022 18:18

What a message for such a time as this thank you Lord

Main1 - 18.10.2021 14:18

Mỹ teacher and favorite Preacher

Uncommonly Goddess
Uncommonly Goddess - 28.09.2021 08:23

OUr Awesome God this awesome Pastor is annointed in the name of jesus .. this video lifted me higher I caught the spirit and was thrown around the room God is real and He is Good he is Alive and he is here Trust Him he loves u

Justice Righteousness
Justice Righteousness - 27.09.2021 04:13

Christians are so quick to assume that God love's all his followers equally. Yes the Bible does say "anyone who fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him". Acts 10:35. But acceptability varies. The Bible implies God has favorite Angles. "Michael" and "Gabriel" are two known ones. (Jude 9, Luke 1:26.). Gabriel was sent by God to" Mary". A woman favored above other servants of God. Luke 1:28. Someone claimed Satan has a favorite Demon. His name is "Clauneck". This Demon is known to interact with humans favorably and unfavorably. He can be unfavorable sometimes even with humans he likes. According to the Bible some spirits favor "Pretty Woman". They loved them so much they left God and came to earth to produce offspring with them. Genesis 6:2, 4. Jude 6. Wouldn't these spirits who favor pretty woman be more inclined to hang around them. Mislead them. Even possess them outright. Then adding the fact that some spirits have a "dual nature". What they love in one nature they could dislike in another. The spirit realm can be very complicated. But according to history it seems the only spirits who ever really cared about Black folks collectively were the ones we had in "Kemet" about 3000 years ago or better. Could it be most black people broke away from these spirits favorable to them by accepting Christianity and Islam. The course of history and present situation indicates Yes.

chari mireles
chari mireles - 11.09.2021 18:53

Loved that sermon! Preach it Pastor West! Blessings

Donald Holloman
Donald Holloman - 14.06.2021 01:38

Hello Pastor West I just enjoyed your words.

Andre Hill
Andre Hill - 05.02.2021 06:35


joseph samuels
joseph samuels - 17.01.2021 16:52

Go to psalm 51 it work for me so it Will help you so keep up the good work my brother and sister God bless you all

joseph samuels
joseph samuels - 17.01.2021 16:30

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for ever and ever..God covenant will work it work .....

joseph samuels
joseph samuels - 17.01.2021 16:26

Declare his glory among the heathen .his marvellous works among all nations

joseph samuels
joseph samuels - 17.01.2021 16:21

Seek the Lord and his strength seek his face continually remember his mercy ...bless you all

Shane - 16.12.2020 10:27

This is love, light, and truth: to avoid everything corrupted, inferior, destable, and profane; always, holding fast to the Sacred stumbling in no wise. Embracing lovingkindness and forgiveness, enduring hardships for Christ's namesake and persevering in faithfulness. Be as Sheperds of our Lord Christ Jesus, who traverse not as fleshly peoples but traverse in Spirit and Truthfulness. Sincerely abolishing impurity and iniquity, ministering the gospel with all humility to both Jew and gentile freely. Praying earnestly to remove enimity between peoples wholeheartedly that we may live peacefully. Devoting ourselves to prayer in reverence too Christ Jesus who recieved dominion, power, and authority over everything in existence. Always turning many from death and tribulations by God's Ordinances. Converting impure defiled peoples from Satan's subtleties and cowardice activities. For Satan's Fallen Angels and Demons seeketh evermore shrewdly our downfall but Christ Jesus shed his innocent blood upon the crucifix to redeem us all from sinfulness. Know I know our Lord Jesus Christ will reward me with all blessings for everything imaginable comes by following his precepts. So I know I will be rewarded with a beloved girl in marriage. And those who sought my life and wished to deprive me of her will be shamed. Therefore, beware of corrupters and temptors who praise Baal and allure others away from such a precious atonement. Reprove yourselves from such evildoers and befriend them not whatsoever. If we traverse amongst sinners seek only to kindly cure them as physcians. If they adhere reproofs then Christ is victorious, if otherwise turn aside compassionantly knowing there's others of neediness. Forevermore, I will allow Christ Jesus to be my faithful witness against workers of unrighteousness that I triumph for it is written, "I will recompense the wicked" says, Yahweh. Remember always that whosoever shall confess Jesus as Lord God Most Highest is a new creature and such converts are as most precious ornaments. For whoever rebukes unbelievers and sinners shall accomplish something marvellous even perhaps the coverings of multitudes of their own transgressions. But deniers of Jesus existence are Anti-Christ's who will recieve utmost punishment, having not the Father, Son, nor Holy Ghost. Many rebellious blaspheme our precious faithfulness in Jesus being shortsighted and swearing Satan Allegiance. And what promises does Lucifer keep you foolish gentiles? Will he redeem your souls and spirits from hell's torments? But you mockers of Christ author of Salvation, neither do you knoweth the Father nor his Son Jesus. For if they did would they not have blasphemed his name and delivered him too the crucifix? But you disbelievers crucify afresh Jesus through your ignorance presuming yourselves intelligent but use are bastards destroying everything sacred. If anybody teaches anything contrary to God's Commandments, whomsoever is accursed henceforth. For cardinal darkness profits us nothingness but truthfulness and justice profits our Spirits which testify against fleshliness. No longer should we traverse in ignorance which is darkness but within meekness, patience, forgiveness, peacefulness, and lovingkindness always increasing the light of our Spirit. Whosoever denies Christ Jesus, teaching others likewise, is an ignoble prosylyte serving sinister agendas who's condemnation lingers. For Jesus Christ perished for us that we might become resurrected aside himself and quickened together in his presence assembled afresh in his image to inherit immortality. This is the free gift that we repent and take ahold of this promise freeing ourselves from every constraint of physicality as our Lord Jesus. Even now I freely rejoice, as a servant of spiritual godliness towards your edification and eternal salvation. Always subjecting myself under Christ's bondage rather than living as something captivated and allured by Satan's temptations and craftiness. For Christ's yoke isn't burdensome, except for those perishing without enlightenment. But now we're illuminated, purified, and atoned, making good men and women evermore preciously built upward in Christ Jesus. Performing goodness throughout each continent that all may accept and uphold our Savior who abolished our second deaths upon the crucifix. As it is written, whosoever believes and abides by his testimony shall not perish but become Spirit even if you'd perish, do you believe our scriptures? Or are you foolish likewise believing deceptive occult lies and legends? What more a gift, saved from such a great peril from this body of death, even Satan the Devil? If we follow the works of Christ our Lord and God, always adhering to his word, performing his Father's Will in Heaven as on Earth than we too have a new slate undefiled. But know this, God does witness against the abominable, corrupt, and crooket and will grant them their punishment but the righteous will be protected and rewarded. Make no mistake we are washed from our Sinfulness if we embrace repentance. Immitate Christ and walk purely as he walked before God Most Highest that you recieve the inheritance. But watch and be on guard for the unrighteous seek their own glory and feel no shame in harming others. I humble myself daring not to so much as speak of the filthy lucre they commit in their room of images. Yet know this, there confederacy against the righteous and their covenant with hell will be stripped barren. A demons dignity procedes from their bellies and the path of goodness they know but hide it privily. Turn and reprove yourselves of lawlessness and dedicate yourselves to the ministry of our Lord Christ Jesus that others may turn from their errors and be saved sincerely. Plant seeds of faithfulness and water them plenty, always remembering generosity, compassion, and forgiveness. Donate to others, embrace acts of charity and love God and likewise others as yourselves. I steer you, my brothers and sisters in no wise false, asking you too remove yourselves from evil people's always remembering we are sinners striving to walk as Christ Jesus. Therefore I ask you not too turn a blind eye on minor infractions but to kindly and gently reprove them and too live peacefully one with another fully. For I too wish to impart the Holy Ghost unto some peoples, I Shane, a disciple of Christ Jesus.

Shane - 16.12.2020 10:00

Do good unto others and stretch forth yourselfs evermore towards your nieghbors in acts of lovingkindness. Be gentle and kind and always in the words of Christ our Lord Jesus. Forbear the workers pf unrighteous and seek not anything outside our faith. For everything righteous comes from our heavenly father above. And whosoever walks in Christ's Commandments will have blessings inumerable from our Father and God. But beware of your dealings and remain rooted strongly in our Lords ways for wicked men will be recompensed by God Most Highest. He it is who chastises us to reprove us of all things impure and unsacred. He will be your shield and sword in times of need and lead you all to victory. I warn you of Satan our adversary who clings to those sinful things of flesh. Remember we are buried with Christ and no longer should we abide in darkness but in the light. For the darkness is present but shall pass away. And Satan and his Fallen Angels including his Demons will be cast into the lake of fire with all those who practiced unrighteousness. Have faith, hope, and trust in our Lord and God for he will grant the good, beautiful, and true eternal life even if thou perishes, believe this? And those workers of evils who betrayed decieved and did heinous things will perish and never inherit the Kingdom of our God. Is not Satan and his worldly representatives not establishing a one world government where all will be enslaved. But have hope in the hereafter for Christ is willing to reward those who lived by his precepts. Let not evil people's overwhelm you but fight the good cause and rebel against an unrighteous people's. Bring them before your governors and judges and let them not prosper in their wickedness. For all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to stand and do nothing. Are we not persecuted all the day long and attacked, there is no unrighteousness in the death of a truly unrighteous person. For God has established his ways clearly before us and we shouldn't tolerate those peoples who adhere too Satan and his Fallen Angels. Are we not workers of light who reprove others of darkness and all things of the Devil? If a man whoever he be is maiming slaughtering and killing then prove your causes against him and let them be cast and bond away. Believe in God he is our faithful witness and always remember the Confession of Sin before our Lord Jesus Christ and ask him to forgive you. Ask of the Holy Ghost and bask in hos light and you will recieve. Open your heart and do unto others as you would have them do unto yourselves. Love your nieghbors, are we not all one body sowed together in Christ Jesus. We are made in his image and likeness and if we walk before him in humbleness and meekness we shall impart not only unto ourselves but unto other all goodness.

Bernice Ivery
Bernice Ivery - 10.12.2020 00:00

@ivery5000 AMAZING 🌸🌸🌸

Willie Mathews
Willie Mathews - 26.11.2020 16:29


T. J. Williams
T. J. Williams - 11.11.2020 08:02

A True Word is always Fresh.

T. J. Williams
T. J. Williams - 11.11.2020 08:01

Amen Pastor!!!!

Kathy Housel
Kathy Housel - 01.11.2020 15:27

Thank you Jesus❤🙏

J Diddy
J Diddy - 14.08.2020 18:14

I needed this.

Official.kj💜 - 09.07.2020 18:49

this is a good speach

Tina Johnson
Tina Johnson - 12.04.2020 04:21

I always get so much out of each of your sermons. Thank you for always giving us your best.

A na i
A na i - 28.02.2020 23:29

AWESOME!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾

Joseph Mazi
Joseph Mazi - 27.02.2020 10:57

One of the best preachers and expositors around. Always on point

Billy White
Billy White - 26.12.2019 19:06

He is very articulate.

Kimberly Denise
Kimberly Denise - 26.07.2019 05:47

Preach on Sir, great message!!! Thank you Jesus.

Carolyn Petterway
Carolyn Petterway - 24.03.2019 22:52

Always enjoy listening to pastor West teachings so uplifting and encouraging

J Caston
J Caston - 28.01.2019 00:04

The Sabbath is the 7th day of the week which is Saturday not Sunday

Shirley Barnett
Shirley Barnett - 23.12.2018 17:24


jermainerazor84 - 19.12.2018 23:01

Its gr8 to know that God has a purpose for every storm we encounter and experience esp for the people He's called us to reach for His glory.

Zion More
Zion More - 06.08.2018 20:06

Powerful Man of God, Pastor Deninah Goodwin, Dallas, Texas

Gadea Dalman
Gadea Dalman - 30.06.2018 09:14

GOD along is love and over come the storm that is on us powerful word of God

Becky Jones
Becky Jones - 13.06.2018 23:44

thank u GOD!

Spiritual Indian Cherokee Jones
Spiritual Indian Cherokee Jones - 10.02.2018 01:28

; :)

Ajani Lattie
Ajani Lattie - 12.12.2017 03:05

Thank you Jesus

Christopher Harris
Christopher Harris - 09.11.2017 20:10

Needed that Great Word!!God is amazing Thank u God for my storm!!

Ethel Curry
Ethel Curry - 05.11.2017 17:48

God is good. Thank you Pastor West, I have been through the storm but I'm riding with Jesus, Amen.

Branyell Spencer
Branyell Spencer - 03.11.2017 14:20

Great message Lord. Thank you Jesus for your word. Where is your faith?

bobby tindal
bobby tindal - 24.10.2017 07:29

That   Word was on time   Amen   Ala

LaShanda Sanders
LaShanda Sanders - 10.10.2017 21:54

Rodney, you're right! I look forward to his messages.

Rodney Williams
Rodney Williams - 06.10.2017 08:15

His Messages are always on point and on time
