all of a sudden, everything becomes alright...

all of a sudden, everything becomes alright...

Ambient Crafts

1 год назад

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umioink - 22.09.2023 19:47

“look at my basement chicken farm!!”

van !
van ! - 22.09.2023 19:30

I remember playing minecraft with my older cousin and Im so glad he introduced me to this game. I remember him telling me "I found out how to play on android for free!!" and we would play every day, he is so good at building and always helped me.
I would always check for updates and ask my friends to play with me. Very fun times. I have been playing for atleast 12 years now and it kinda scares me how fast time flies. I would take my phone to school durin "open day" and show my classmates my world
I still love minecraft but I know its not the same as it was before

Ryoko Kaen
Ryoko Kaen - 22.09.2023 18:37

Some of the best times in my life were when I was playing this with friends

*Emilia* - 22.09.2023 16:37

i want to sit under the sun between flowers, soaked in the tenderness of it all. somewhere under the sun, and nobody knows where i am. where the skeletons are kind and they invited me to their picnic, and underman has brought cake.

Goopter - 22.09.2023 14:09

oh my god i get it

Connor Shea
Connor Shea - 22.09.2023 10:41

why’d i just cry

KillerSnake 002
KillerSnake 002 - 22.09.2023 08:38

I can't believe it's been 11-12 years since I tried out mc for the first time, I kind of wanna take a week off work, and like watch 5 episodes from each year from each of my old favorite tubers man.

washamole - 22.09.2023 08:23

Recently re-downloaded after not playing for years. Felt like coming home and a place I've never been before all at once

letsgrowuptogether - 22.09.2023 07:02

I love this music even when I hate it.

I just realzed what the creepy side reminds me of after all this time:

silent and game

Garrison Jester Jr.
Garrison Jester Jr. - 22.09.2023 06:55

Back in 2015 is the oldest memory I have of playing this game. I built a house made of iron blocks along a desert coast. I had a cat and I loved him. So I tried to recreated him in Minecraft. But because spawning cats was random, before I knew it I had 20 cats in my little 7x7 iron hut. I finally got a variation that looked like my IRL cat, so I named him. I’d always sneak on my Xbox 360 after school to name the rest of the cats. One day I try to turn my Xbox on but instead of the familiar green glow of the button, it was red. I try again, and again and again but nothing happens. I troubleshooted as much as any 7 year old could. I unplugged and plugged it back up, I reset the wifi, everything. I search up red light on Xbox with my shitty tablet and find out that it meant my Xbox had died. I was devastated about all my cats that would endlessly float through some virtual cosmos. At least I had my real cat with me, right? 2 weeks later, he died because of a tumor.

Terra Elizabeth
Terra Elizabeth - 22.09.2023 05:28

Strange how I can just close my eyes while listening to this music and immediately feel like I am 7 years old again, playing in the world I created with no worries in the world. This music will always just make me feel so safe and feel like everything is okay, and when things arent, I can just go to my minecraft world and all my worries will disappear. 🥺💗

GBeast - 22.09.2023 03:08

please bring me back, i cant live through this type of depressing world .

Shin Calix
Shin Calix - 22.09.2023 01:41

I'm just sitting here listening to music 😶

ATiredArtist - 22.09.2023 01:32

I love to build. Not for better survival against the mobs, but because of how I could express my creativity with it and not worry so much. Minecraft has been an escape and a comfort game for many, and for many others to come.

RobynFlame - 22.09.2023 00:44

reminds me of being 5/6, back when my older siblings begrudgingly let me play with them because our mum told them to, the minecraft music way too loud on our old tv, my siblings taking turns yelling at me, but nothing bad, just telling me what to do because i was confused

reminds me of being 7/8, sitting, watching my cousin play, switching turns every time it auto saved, because we only had one working controller we could find, arguing about who's turn it was, the same tv still way too loud and mum telling us to quiet down or neither of us get to play

reminds me of being 9, when my dad lived with his ex girlfriend, them getting me this small old tv, and minecraft. my own to play, while her kids would watch, one begging me to play but i'd tell her no, it was my game. me coming back a week later to see my save deleted and like three new ones. yet i just made another after deleting hers, and sat down to play

reminds me of being 10/11, trying to get my dad to play with me because there's nothing else to do, feeling frustrated by the fact it felt like he didn't want me there, and desperately trying to get both of us to enjoy me coming over

reminds me of being 12, going over to his new girlfriends house, and sitting down to play with her oldest kid, building all sorts of little things, someone actually showing interest in my builds, and actually being happy over there because i was bonding with her kid and we were having fun

reminds me of being 13, getting my computer and making friends on a streamers minecraft server, messaging the two of them the cords to our new base after one of the members went on a arson spree. later, playing hypixel with new friends, laughing while playing the pit and keeping people out of the 'secret room' as we talked and stayed up until four in the morning

reminds me of 14/15(now) as i wait for my boyfriend to get online, not playing minecraft as much, but still head over heels in love with the game, missing how it was as a kid, carefree and just able to play and not care. most of my friends are so busy we barely talk, and i'm so behind on my schoolwork i'm not sure what to do, but it's alright, because i'll always have minecraft i can come back to. exploring the biomes, building huge bases, collecting pets and any other animal i can, fighting the dragon? no matter what it is, there's always something i can do on this game that i will ALWAYS come back for

Eder Mateus
Eder Mateus - 22.09.2023 00:08

Lembro que jogava com meu irmão. Fiz minha casa no modo sobrevivência da altura limite do jogo, que é até o céu do minecraft. Tempos bons que não tínhamos muitas preocupações, e que agora só nos resta a nostalgia 😢❤.

La3yp0tat0 - 21.09.2023 22:55

Did this make anyone else tear up?..

DimondHannes - 21.09.2023 22:42

It's funny that we want less when we have more, and more when we have less. But the only way is to keep walking forward hoping to find that spot in between where we can finally be at peace. Good luck everyone! And, don't give up, not yet.

Ntopia - 21.09.2023 16:41

Even though 2020 was just 3 years ago, I still remember playing a server in 2020 during online classes and when I play the same server in 2023 every friend I knew had left the only thing that remains was their builds and a grave that i made as a joke which contain all their in game names . when I think about it again I wanna go back in time and enjoy the moment again.

Brother - 21.09.2023 16:26

I was able to be happy back then

Sev - 21.09.2023 15:33

Camon guys! Let's go get some diamonds!

WizardRaveger - 21.09.2023 15:32

You never truly leave Minecraft. You can take breaks but you never truly leave

SnailyNaily - 21.09.2023 15:22

The description to this is beautiful. I’ve never realized how a game can make such an impact on your life. Minecraft is forever my safe space

miłosz Gargula
miłosz Gargula - 21.09.2023 12:52

first minecraft world...
first new version...
first tree chooped tree...
first built dirt hut...
first burnt village on creative...
first mits with herobrine...
first secret base on creative in singleplayer game...
first diamond found...
first tamed dog...
first trip to nether...
first xbox360/xbox one/ playstation game...
first tutorial world completed...
first online server...

this all happened long time ago but it was a beautiful. And remember this can only happen once in your life.

Deez🤠 - 21.09.2023 12:09

Up until i was 13 i got minecraft but that one year i got to play it i made so many memories in middle school with people i felt like i belonged with. And even though we all got separated ill never forget those 2 years of my life that i spent getting to know them and had fun with. I regret not getting to appreciate them as much as they deserved when I still had a chance. I wish I could casually text our friend group again saying "get on guys lets start a new minecraft world"

Juan David Camacho
Juan David Camacho - 21.09.2023 12:03


washywasht - 21.09.2023 11:06

this remind me my world i think i should check it out again after 6 years

Blank - 21.09.2023 10:57

im drunk rn but shit man. the amount of nostalgia hearing this is crazy. i remember i pulled my first all nighter playing this game with some random kid on xbox 360 back in like 2014, we tried to build a city just like every other kid my age at that time. i just remember the position i was in not having to pay bills or anything, just living in the moment playing to have fun. i remember the creatives me and my sister would make building huge houses and comparing them. this game brings back so much memories, memories that i will cherish forever and always live with. im so very glad that they havent changed the original music from the game. if i wanted i could name hundreds of memories of this game that ive had. it was a very peaceful time in my life, honestly something i will never forget. im 18 now and just reminisce about this game consistently especially when i hear the music. this soundtrack brings back happiness but also sadness, i remember the happy times but get sad over how ill never experience this feeling again. i hope one day there will be a game where i can feel this way again but to be honest i dont think there ever will. i dont necessarily miss old minecraft but i miss the time of life where i could play this game non-stop and build a mountain of memories playing it. i love minecraft man.

tyhmyys - 21.09.2023 10:08

The only song that makes me cry😢 good times

🎀Elliot🎀 - 21.09.2023 09:48


🎀Elliot🎀 - 21.09.2023 09:47

I litterly cried

Snapper Chapper
Snapper Chapper - 21.09.2023 09:18

these comments along with the music is making me cry tf

The Funny Guy
The Funny Guy - 21.09.2023 08:38

first played minecraft when the first version of Minecraft XBOX 360 edition came out (i think it was 1.6?) and my mind is blown by how far it has come.

Zoe MAIN - 21.09.2023 07:38

I listen to this video everytime I study, I figure if it can help me build epic houses, I can study with it too

•Patato Sack•
•Patato Sack• - 21.09.2023 07:25

I used to play with my brother all the time. We'd hang out for hours world building and role playing as kids.

Wade - 21.09.2023 07:03

Started playing this and started balling my eyes out it just reminded me of my childhood and my greatgrandma and how at her funeral all I cared about was me and how much I regret that. I know you are starting Down at me great grandma love you

Neo of Atlas
Neo of Atlas - 21.09.2023 05:49

You dont even need to know the name of the song the second you start to hear it you know what it is. Its like the songs themselves are imbedded in our souls and our memories

MadMushroom - 21.09.2023 05:06

“Hey why were loudly crying last night?”
(This videos existence)

Wthdon Ray
Wthdon Ray - 21.09.2023 04:32

I remember waking up at 3 just to hear the music and play man and build my mansion on the hill

*¥•TiredOwl•¥* - 21.09.2023 02:37

I’ve had 6 tests in the past week and I’ve got three more on the way, studying nonstop, I feel better listening to this though

Fire Gamer Br
Fire Gamer Br - 21.09.2023 02:09

i dont know, this game is a masterpiece, like a time travel to the past, on the good, excelent and pure days, nothing of sadness and emptiness, the glory, the chilhood time... its like a time travel, but not totally, its good and bad at the same time, cause u want to go back there, but you cant, and now you are here, ''stuck'' in the present, with fear of the future...

k8 - 21.09.2023 01:33

when I was very small I felt so neutral about this music, even annoyed at times. now I hold back tears

flower star &fire flame acc:3
flower star &fire flame acc:3 - 21.09.2023 01:23

This reminds me of when i was super Happy that like a new Pack came out,idk when i started playing,but ik that smth happend in like the bees update to the pc making it crash while i was playing roblox but now i have it back,this also remind me of when i wasnt dirty minded and had no online friends...they made me feel hoorible since 2020 to start 2023

Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 21.09.2023 01:14

the bio in this video made me cry

Colm Tebbe
Colm Tebbe - 21.09.2023 00:23

Every song here, has an associated memory. Every song, has an associated story. Every song, i can remember flying through the plains biome, flying through the forests, swimming and exploring the sea and the wonders the beautiful Minecraft world had to offer for me. I remember each of these songs coming on, as i spotted something new in the world that i had never ever seen before. Every new world had a new wonder, I remember creating new worlds with my friends and hearing these songs come on as we got up to various activities, burning down villages, exploring to find the perfect spot to build our home. Hearing the music play, as I logged off with my friends for the last time, on our world seeing our dogs and our home ahead of us, logging off on our beds, and saying goodbye and making plans to get on again... but never making it on again...

duck 3.0
duck 3.0 - 21.09.2023 00:16

so nostalgic :]

ray dandrea
ray dandrea - 21.09.2023 00:00

I used to play minecraft all the time with my sister when i was younger. We'd make houses together and make our own rooms, the memories i get from this music, and game calms me down then never before.

Mohammad Abdullah
Mohammad Abdullah - 20.09.2023 21:44

enough to make a grown man cry those days were so good
