Nurse | PhD Candidate | Yoga Teacher
Ashtanga Student of @taylorhuntyoga
Finding steadiness and comfort in places that were once unsteady and uncomfortable. Dwi has been quite a teacher for my body and mind. I am in a place with this posture where it doesn’t stress me out during practice, as it provides me insight into my innermost world. Today I was able to focus my breath in the first position of dwi for 10 breaths. I have also been able to switch my gaze from up, to towards my nose. These subtle changes enable me to seek depth in different places other than my flexibility - challenging my mind to be still and avoid mental fluctuations. Needless to say there are definitely other postures that I am still stressed by, but I have accepted them for what they are and look forward to the day of steadiness and comfort. Until then I will relish in the process and journey - the failures and successes in this practice we call yoga. Outfit: @be.softsport #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #intermediateseries #secondseries #dwipadasirsasana #sthirasukhamasanam