Narcissists Smear Campaign | Three Reasons Why They Smear and What To Do About It

Narcissists Smear Campaign | Three Reasons Why They Smear and What To Do About It

Raw Motivations

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@danielaraba4255 - 12.04.2023 23:44

How do you handle a smear campaign aimed at attacking a person's salary in other to own a person ( slave / master relationship)

@Mechanically_Speaking - 16.04.2023 00:07

I can take legal action because im a business owner with ties to the community lol

@user-bd9uo8dw3j - 22.04.2023 11:09

Is smear campaign legally ok to share full name, phone numbers, work and home address to social media streaming app? I don’t care if they talk smack but not sharing my personal information.

The new supply and narcissist are both doing it together. :/

@M0101EP - 26.04.2023 18:16

This all happened to me. Pff. I'm happy I'm done with these people!! Wow.

@MaiXoxo3 - 29.04.2023 09:43

It just happened to me online's hard but I choose to ignore bc like you say it's untrue. Narcs are evil so I just leave it to Karma. I know myself that those rumors are untrue and it help me see who are the real ones vs the bad ones. I am thankful there are good people in my life who messaged me to ask instead of just assuming. I choose to focus on the good people and not the bad ones bc nothing we say gets into their brain. And usually what they say is just a reflection of who they are.

@ThesySurface - 01.05.2023 21:24

This is a great video 👌🏼

@Rakuei - 02.05.2023 03:34

My ex-narc GF just made a 5 hour livestream smearing me with proposed evidence that she apparently skipped around in only finding parts that were relevant to what she was claiming. I refuse to watch it, or respond. Her followers will probably accuse me of being guilty of what she’s claiming, but I just know there’s no point to wasting my time trying to show the lies, or prove anything.

@NewbaeLove-bs4eo - 21.05.2023 11:31


@NewbaeLove-bs4eo - 21.05.2023 11:34


@NewbaeLove-bs4eo - 21.05.2023 11:38


@thenorthface4 - 30.05.2023 04:51

My ex husband did this to me after he cheated on me and abused me. He claimed I stole money from him when I didn’t. He tried to turn everyone around me against me. People believed him somehow. I’m baffled how someone could cheat on their spouse, abuse them and then ruin their life. My life has been a living hell. It’s like being back in high school being bullied. It’s the worst part of these disgusting human beings.

@dianepinkyharman1346 - 07.06.2023 00:01

To me smear campaign... Two words... Who cares.... You must be aware if you leave a narcissist they will smear and stalk you. They will do this even if you stay. I left and discarded the person. You have to accept you are smeared and stalked even though they have maybe 20 people in supply. You are the one that got away. That is all they care about. Be safe, look around all the time, You can't control being stalked or smeared. For me, I don't think about it. If you do you are giving too much real estate in your brain. Sometimes the smear campaign backfires on them because too much negativity people n cause a person to get tired of it. Your friends will stay with you and the others who listen to the narcissist aren' worth your time. I understand no one wants people to lie about them and being stalked. This however is your new reality which you must accept. If you don't then you are wasting valuable time. Get rid of flying monkeys... do what you can and then move on. I hope this helped you. Hang in there. I do suggest you learn patterns of behavior that you grew up with, which will tell you why you picked toxic people. I saw videos and got educated. I now know the WHY and I will Neve do it again.

@BugRaiser - 07.06.2023 00:08

I had an ex we had a baby together and she beat me a lot the sex was good but I never told anyone and they made me look so bad and the abuse stopped every time I exposed them I’m just grateful im alive 😅

@BugRaiser - 07.06.2023 00:13

I have to watch this again because some of the truth bombs you’ve dropped made me wish that what you’re saying isn’t true. I’ve dealt with a lot of narcissist

@mattkusiak2675 - 17.06.2023 06:03

The preemptive smear started before the discard. I think mainly because she had planned on cheating as she did while I was away one weekend. Lol. Also how she did it(TikTok posts) were to test her enablers.

@jgsarchangel - 21.06.2023 22:29

Six months since I dumped her, she is still going strong. Kind of pathetic actually

@mick98291 - 28.06.2023 08:22

I'm going through a narsisistic relationship right now, and these videos are helping me a lot to get through this abuse, I have children in this relationship which makes it particularly hard. Thanks for the great advise. The hardest part is the way she isolates me and tries to control every aspect of my life!

@punk86 - 14.07.2023 01:41

Possibly am going through this after calling her on her bullshit. Sadly I live next door to the covert female neighbor.

@targetedtyranny4661 - 16.07.2023 23:55

It seems like these people just want me to say I'm a bad person, which they know I'm not,and that everything is my fault,to me that's what it really seems what they want,What person, normal everyday people want to destroy a person?Even if there angry with that person for whatever reason,really who wants to do that ,even to an enemy!It's so very strange to me,who would even care what a person you don't like does with there life?

@PinkYellowGreen2023 - 30.07.2023 07:48

They act like this in Detroit!!!

@user-yc2eh9ki9u - 12.08.2023 19:41

How to faced when your coworker create a smear campaign against to to you

@DemiWong-pl2db - 21.09.2023 10:29

Not interested, no need to tell anymore

@whiteorchid5412 - 23.09.2023 02:53

Malignant narcissist no matter how cunning and covert know the mask of virtue they wear will eventually slip and when their victim sees the monster hiding behind the mask and realizes how they have been used and abused they will expose the narcissist to their mutual social circle. So an experienced narcissist preemptively begins preparing for such a conflict with everyone from the very beginning by trying to learn everyones darkest secrets or even by trying to lure people into some type of compromising conduct they can later use to coerce, blackmail or smear their unsuspecting victim with when the time comes. The narcissist breaths life into their lies with each person they are able turn against you who then repeats the same lies to other people in your social circle making them seem valid.

@alimccreery755 - 01.10.2023 17:02

I get it totally and character assignation is on point. I’m still standing so I think that says more about who I really am and not who I was made out to be 💪💪💪

@HootBandersnatch-gu3kl - 04.10.2023 05:15

They will use break ins to tamper with clothes and food, cause illnesses & lie about why you missed work, start false investigations,spread rumors while this is occuring. The break ins are while you are at work, your car too. They will try to entrap you by joining a confidential informant program where they can convince ppl you are a terrorist and use chem attacks to ensure lower dopamine levels and "crazy" behavior occurs. They will watch through "sneak n peek" warrants and illegal camera and talk to family/friends. They can commit "otherwise illegal crimes" through the informant program. They can or are put it through plea bargains or just sign up to help with the smear campaign. They use National neighborhood watch with grants and apps to get money for stalking. The nextdoor app. They recruit more however they can and are assigned to harrass you. Some get snitch visas so they won't get deported.

@anniegreen83 - 26.10.2023 09:02

Yep people I don't even know are trashing me on social media. I have my husband blocked but other people saw it.

@LynnAdams-z4y - 26.10.2023 14:37

I think a lot of people that know him know that he’s not a good person and shows by his filthy looking body and his warped brain

@anndra1160 - 26.10.2023 15:03

What other people choose to believe about me is none of my concern! God knows my heart... that's ALL that matters! 🙏❤

@RiversRun - 28.10.2023 09:54

My ex is trying to sue me. We don't even have kids nor were married. It's so desperate and weird.

@lauriblackmon9297 - 02.11.2023 13:56

WOW! This is pure evil!

@sextoyrepairman1621 - 17.11.2023 03:02

I sure have and with technology ive got one of them caught on the illegal bs he has done and he will be going to jail soon

@pirateparty5910 - 10.02.2024 18:35

I have his friends all looking at my social media. Which he’s now smearing me after I caught him cheating and he discarded me.

@fumoney6614 - 23.02.2024 03:30

If you tell a narc they are a narc but deny it and don't even know what narc is. How do you tell them lets go to therapy to get a 2nd opinion. Pretty sure that's not easy?

@lynnschaeferle-zh4go - 14.03.2024 21:06

His intent was to steal my friends, kids and grandkids. It was stealthy, over a lot of years so I wouldn’t catch on. The narc can’t make friends on his own so jealousy motivated my demise.

@claremolony6050 - 01.04.2024 12:50

I endured this for a whole 2 years and stilk he is doing this. So now I speak the truth on social media with EVIDENCE and I expose his name and business for the actual truth.

@lilangel1773 - 10.04.2024 07:47

It absolutely kills me that my own BOYFRIEND financially coerced/abused me, physically abusive (choking slapping punching) and that he would chase me down with his car and begged me to stay, would not let me
leave his house (I TRIED THE WINDOW, BACK DOOR, FRONT DOOR) but he immediately did not let me go back for my belongings once I texted his mother that he changed his locks to his house so I could not get my belongings. He would tell me okay go or don't come back if I brought up his social medias, his faults and me sending one text to his mom was the nail in the coffin to completely let me go despite him constantly never letting me leave, and I fell for his lies that woman would financially "golddig" or use him, and even put things on my own card. So yeah, I am never going back, and I am simply going to let it go and let GOD do his justice. He made me the crazy one to his friends (Mike and Aaron) but I am sure they know the truth about him and I am pretty sure they are like me in terms of sticking with such a narcissist who is rich, charming and also good at breaking your psyche to the point that when they tell you that you are evil, you believe it and question your own prayers, intentions behind a harmless action, etc. 😢

@Musician_Robert - 27.04.2024 12:00

Lots of people have done this to me. They do it because they want to be the centre of attention.

@kasandramullins9890 - 04.05.2024 23:58

Got into an argument with my sister about issues we have with each other and when i didnt take her victim role she started in with insults and when the insults didnt work she messaged my boyfriend with lies to try to break us up...

10 years earlier after a fight, she went to my work place with lies to try to get me fired

@mariannebosman - 26.05.2024 17:39

He did it to me..with my friends and his. He sent an email to my high school reunion committee..

@ElizabethCommons - 08.06.2024 16:28


@DisgruntledUSA - 08.06.2024 16:52

I worked with a woman who had feelings for me. I had no interest in her and while I never told her outright, she was able to pick up on it. She ended up leaving for another job shortly there after. We continued to be friends chatting via text messages on occasion. A couple of months later my co-workers began being very standoffish and giving me odd looks. A few months later I decided to leave my place of employment. Not to long after I submitted my resignation we were talking on the phone and she asked me an odd question. She asked me if I was sure I was leaving. I replied that I was and from that day forward people would see me and they would have a horrified look on their face. It turns out that she had been smearing me the entire time and she really ramped up her efforts when she knew I wasn't coming back. I'll never know what she said for sure, but I was able to figure out that she was telling people some wild stories about how I was in love with her and how she had rejected me. I'm fairly certain it's much worse than what I know. Looking back, I wish I would have gotten a lawyer and sued her for defamation of character. The state I live in gives you a year to file a claim and its been well over a year so I have no legal recourse anymore. My guess is that this wasn't her first rodeo and it won't be her last. It really takes an evil individual to destroy someones name and reputation with no shame, remorse, or regret.

@NathanSegal - 24.06.2024 20:33

Jesus H. Christ. I wish I had met you 12 years ago. At that time, my narcissistic brother launched a smear campaign against me. I also discovered he and my mother had been spying on me online for 10 years. I went volcanic and engaged in a social media fight that lasted until my mother died. I wish I'd known about you then. It would have saved me years of grief. Thanks for all that you do. You just made my life A LOT easier.

@Kirsten130 - 12.07.2024 16:33

Your eye makeup is distracking

@aporue5893 - 31.07.2024 12:18

without a smear campaign, a narcissist is truly nothing. This is the only thing that makes them feel ''powerful''. They are truly pathetic! good,kind people don't feel the need to gossip about someone else!

@aporue5893 - 31.07.2024 12:19

lying,it's all they have. the truth ruins them because it reveals who they really are.

@PeaceofM-I-N-D - 17.08.2024 17:18

Great video! New sub 😊

@crystalgeter.6294 - 17.08.2024 20:10

Still Going Through lies Lies 😔 And More lies God have Mercy ❤️

@trivenipatil5928 - 07.09.2024 18:49

Been there,done that!!it was hard but ppl who know me,know me!!
