Cyberpunk 2077 - PS4 HOTFIX UPDATE 1.05 - Frame Rate Test Gameplay (Night City stress test)

Cyberpunk 2077 - PS4 HOTFIX UPDATE 1.05 - Frame Rate Test Gameplay (Night City stress test)


3 года назад

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@p1ngu1no - 24.12.2020 14:29

I am shocked with people. Evryone excusing CD projekt. Oh look at this now reaches 30fps. Oh look at this , how fast they released a patch. Come on guys. Is it so hard to recognize you hace been totally scammed and the Game is unplayable? Is it so hard to say the true? CD projekt had the balls to put this shit on a blueray and send It all over the world. Do we have to suck their xxxxx now?

@FarhanJohandy - 24.12.2020 07:32

There's update 1.06 out already, would you kindly do a test on that? Thanks in advance

@invisibile6919 - 23.12.2020 22:33

The resolution is still low? Playing with patch 1.02 seemed like watching marmelade textures

@cee_art8910 - 23.12.2020 14:56

This game on base consoles leads me to believe it hasn't been properly optimized and reason for that is there's certain areas in the city where it packed with buildings and lights n npc n the frame rate is stable u can walk around n do ur buzz just experience pop ins 🤔 n then there's areas where the frame rate just goes to shit but with time it will get better given patches

@Loukasmaxhtec1911 - 22.12.2020 21:41

Is ssds on ps4 improve the experiance? I have 850 evo samsung 500gb

@lucozade8373 - 22.12.2020 16:29

Horrendous frame rate

@mehmetefe.a9716 - 22.12.2020 12:12

the game looks like 240p japanesse porn with 20 fps

@EdwinDPZ - 22.12.2020 08:18

How do you make that kind of framerate graph?

@ethandang6076 - 22.12.2020 06:30

Great now they gotta fix the res

@heyitsmejm4792 - 22.12.2020 05:22

why does everything look so muddy?? what resolution was this running on?

@amensanghera - 22.12.2020 02:44

Lol when he pulls the lady out of the car she's still in the seated position! 😂

@PhillDrakeEntertainment - 22.12.2020 02:32

Playing it now looks awesome

@herrlogan17 - 22.12.2020 02:07

It looks, like Covid is already in C77 streets, because they are totally empty.

@jonnydee0087 - 22.12.2020 02:05

This game will always need updates, hard pass

@digiman76 - 22.12.2020 00:30

I played a little bit today on 1.05 ps4... it is still very very sluggish in some locations and still a lot of can play, but it is not a good experience...i m returning my copy...maybe i will buy again when i get a ps5 with the ps5 especific version of the game...for much less money...i paid full price and it is not worth it on ps4, unfortunately...the game has a lot of potencial and i believe the PC version ia great...but forget about ps4/xone versions...

@jeffersonrodriguez8008 - 21.12.2020 23:07

Btw guys gta online runs at a sold on 25 and below no matter what your doing

@berrykool5218 - 21.12.2020 18:25

30fps in 2020, how can ppl still do this to themselves?

@SargeScum - 21.12.2020 18:05

More steady feeling now. Looking better... Thanks for the update

@HowBigistheMap - 21.12.2020 15:15

After the patch my framerate is lower. More FPS issues now. I'm glad I made all my Cyberpunk videos before the 1.05 patch.

@pepey99 - 21.12.2020 14:10

I have the game, Basically just wait for a price drop, price for the physical/disc version already dropping right now, wait 2 months and it's gonna be around $30-$40

@speaklow1564 - 21.12.2020 13:38

how can you play with 30 fps

@vincentsabard4291 - 21.12.2020 13:22

22 fps in shooting phases OMG still not playable for me, I will wait until the game is released in Feb...

@mr.schaeffer5399 - 21.12.2020 12:43

People with a RTX 3090 telling the game is perfect for them, well how supposedly the RTX 3090 are fixing the broken AI, NPCs with no life ans cops and stuff spawning from nowhere?

@raoulraphael4515 - 21.12.2020 08:15

u know what? I might change my mind before refunding it because it seems its getting better, hopefully they improve it more next year. But serious question though, can you still play the game even if you want to refund it?

@monkeymix7097 - 21.12.2020 08:02

fuck you cyberbugs

@skulakk1360 - 21.12.2020 04:27

Wow, I’ve been playing on PS5 and haven’t seen PS4 until now. What a difference.

@jayhaines8757 - 21.12.2020 04:01

I feel so sorry for anyone who can't play this on next gen

@GAZPLE - 21.12.2020 03:08

playing a first person game on FPS below 30 is unplayble in my opinion, even 30 sucks.

@sot20132009 - 21.12.2020 00:49

Короче, обновление 1.05 не помогло, да?

@user-tt3ho9qk7q - 21.12.2020 00:14

Кто нибудь знает как починить управление на геймпада, чтобы курсор не ездил?

@jayv1442 - 21.12.2020 00:09

It good guyd

@SeikaGiotto - 20.12.2020 23:59

Where is the hotfix ?

@ATReade - 20.12.2020 21:35

I've had more problems since this patch than i did before

@lowsodiumgamer6805 - 20.12.2020 18:52

I’ve played way more broken games at launch the response to this is over dramatic. Yeah it need more time in the oven but fallout and Skyrim came out in worse conduction damn the fact that people are putting 70 hrs on the base ps4 means it’s playable to begging and end

@retrostansolo - 20.12.2020 18:44

This should never have been released on ps4/xbox one. Ps4 pro/xbox one x yes because at least you have some power to run it at a reasonable level.

@SerioosSam - 20.12.2020 17:39

People playing on last gen consoles are just fighting a losing battle. Upgrade from this prehistoric tech lol

@kahnsealable - 20.12.2020 17:04

If you still own a BASE XB1 or PS4 you should stop complaining. The X and Pro have been on sale for 3-4 years and you could have upgraded to them.

@Mouritogaia - 20.12.2020 16:51

Cyberpunk on ps4 & xbox one 1/10

@RcNerd - 20.12.2020 16:21

Right I did this. Delete the game reinstall it. Game seems better no errors ad yet.

@RcNerd - 20.12.2020 16:19

How do you get a frame rate tester on a ps4 ?

@Marcosamaa - 20.12.2020 16:09

Make me smile... running Cyberpunk 2077 on ps4 is like running witcher 3 on switch, owner of ps4 deal with it or upgrade your hardware.

@wojciechczajkowski3747 - 20.12.2020 16:05

Looks very good on PS4.

@wackaz - 20.12.2020 16:02

The game looks way more beautiful now
