A-10C 1:48 with hangar & Lift Truck. '75th FS Flying Tigers' Academy 12348  [Full Build]

A-10C 1:48 with hangar & Lift Truck. '75th FS Flying Tigers' Academy 12348 [Full Build]


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@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:15

So glad we finally got a few decent replacements for those antiquated Tamiya and Monogram kits.

@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:16

Quinta 3Decals to the cockpit rescue for sure.

@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:19

I was spoiled to have the Selfridge Red Devils' A-10Cs near me. They always do impressive low-speed CAS flying and touch-and go's around Chesterfield and Harrison Township, Michigan. Their P-47 tribute paintjob with invasion stripes was the cat's t@ts.

@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:23

Wow, that separated wing-root fillet makes locking the wing in quite easy, doesn't it?

@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:26

Funny that Fairchild Republic left the Pave-Penny mounts, even though the Sniper and LANTIRN pods the A-10Cs carry put them in the technological ash-heap.

@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:27

Surprised nobody ever came up with a better ECM pod for Warthogs and Vipers.

@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:30

Some UV resin over those modded landing lights really made them look very realistic.

@Bob-b7x6v - 25.10.2024 18:31

I bought the Squadron-Signal reference book years ago. The landing gear has a rat's nest of electrical cables, brake cables, and pneumatic tubing.

@ChristianSchroter-ok4sk - 25.10.2024 18:38

Hello mr. Mofu!flawless build you have done.thank u4 delivering fun excitenes and Inspiration. I truly like your comment.thank u4sharing.keep your mojo!with best regards and sticky greetings from Brandenburg germany.faithfully yours.your modellmate.christian

@lesthiele4921 - 25.10.2024 23:08

Hello Rafal, that was a absolutely outstanding build of a very iconic US aircraft, your attention to deatail wax excellent with the small carrier cart and the well chocks, maybe you could gave added a aircraft mover tractor and some ground crew, congratulations on a job very well done, best regards from Australia, Les

@DanielKeller-sf4bw - 28.10.2024 12:27

Well done; and I think a Pilot climbing up the ladder would be a highlicht and two ground personal disarrange or moving the wheelchocks? (I do not know the engl word)

@paulbaumann9702 - 10.12.2024 02:56

Beautiful build

@NickKendall-i8z - 13.01.2025 21:29

Really wanted to watch this but couldn't hang with the AI commentary. Would rather have heard you talking about your process and what you were doing. Other than that, it looked like it was going to be a decent view.

@daneshivers2921 - 07.03.2025 21:13

a beautiful and well done vid. Thank you. Are there supposed to be "rabbit ear" breakers on this form of ejection seat? Curious. Dane

@darrenwhiteside1619 - 28.10.2024 21:21

Very detailed and dynamic looking diorama my friend! It was nice watching it unfold over the past several months. It looks exactly like the aircraft I worked on for over 15 years. I will let my friends know about your video.who are still maintaining the Warthog. 😊
