Upload files to Microsoft Azure Blob storage with C# | Azure Storage Account | .Net Core

Upload files to Microsoft Azure Blob storage with C# | Azure Storage Account | .Net Core


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Gowtham - 21.03.2023 20:21

I am trying to upload large size files by dividing into chunks to azure blob with the help of stageasync and commitasync

But during stageasync sometimes it is giving gateway error 502,May I know how to fix it?

Matthew W
Matthew W - 13.02.2023 16:15

Hey there AzureTeach, How would you overwrite files in c# using your code?

I tried using blobclient.uploadaysnc(string, overwrite: true, default) but it doesn't work. Only containerclient uploads anything. Are you having this issue? Could you make a video addressing that?

Giorgos Nikolaou
Giorgos Nikolaou - 24.01.2023 23:44

Is there a way to upload a file without the folders it was in? Simply a file in a blob container. Thank you

sneha renganathan
sneha renganathan - 05.01.2023 04:51

I only have read only access to azure blon storage, can I use downloadcontentasync() in my script to read file will it work or permission problem will occur?

Nagarajan Natarajan
Nagarajan Natarajan - 19.12.2022 19:00

Is there any way to upload csv files? kindly assist me or share any video.

Nagarajan Natarajan
Nagarajan Natarajan - 19.12.2022 18:59

Excelent Video

tejal patel
tejal patel - 19.08.2022 01:25

Great!. Thanks 🙂

Shujaat Ashraf
Shujaat Ashraf - 20.06.2022 14:27

Excellent video and explanation, to the point, appreciated, he deserved more followers

nilay sachan
nilay sachan - 21.04.2022 12:26

Is there any way I can get the folder list (along with sub folders of azure blob storage ) and list that hierarchy folder structure in our app?

Diego Rossi
Diego Rossi - 14.04.2022 20:42

hello! I need help! Your example work ok, but when I execute container.UploadBlob(), the response is 201 however the uploaded file is 0KB. Do you know what?
Note: I´m working with "IFormFile" so I use the temp path with filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); and then into a using, I do file.CopyToAsync()

German Peña
German Peña - 27.03.2022 05:16

This was useful af

IA - 11.02.2022 18:54

thanks for the video, i've been able to get my own blob upload working with the help of the code you've shown. One thing I found is that if the blob already exists in the storage account an exception is thrown when attempting the upload. so to upload an existing blob, you need to first retrieve the blob by using the following function:

var blockBlob = blobcontainerclient.GetBlobClient("nameofyourfile");
await blockBlob.UploadAsync(stream, true);

the code above gets the blob that is going to be overwritten and then uploads a new version of it.

Santiago Morales
Santiago Morales - 10.02.2022 23:05

hey men I have a question, when i want to conect to storage account with the SAS key wath is the form to conect using .net?? and then who i can to use this conection for upload any file or folder. Thanks!
