7 Ways Marcus Aurelius Will Help You Journal Like A Pro | Ryan Holiday | Stoicism

7 Ways Marcus Aurelius Will Help You Journal Like A Pro | Ryan Holiday | Stoicism

Daily Stoic

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Zuzanna F
Zuzanna F - 03.10.2023 14:51

he says he says he says he said he say he says he says he said he says he says he says he says

Enyindah Alexander Okwakpam
Enyindah Alexander Okwakpam - 02.10.2023 14:32

"We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience "

7Andy77 - 25.08.2023 17:16

This was the most stressful stoic video I have ever watched

Derek Trudelle
Derek Trudelle - 07.08.2023 19:28

Well, I'm inspired.

Diana Panetta
Diana Panetta - 07.08.2023 05:47

One of the 5 good emperors? Today we're lucky to have one good one every 100 years!

army_dreamer_80 - 28.07.2023 12:31

I believe "Meditations" was called "To myself" not "To himself".

manan dewan
manan dewan - 27.07.2023 16:08

Im confused, what does he mean by meditations.
I have a feeling that it isnt the meditation we are familiar with

Hanna Stocksick
Hanna Stocksick - 22.07.2023 20:21

I hate writing in journals. I want to change that. One reason i dislike it is that my hand is too slow to follow my thoughts; another one is that writing makes me relive it and therefore suffer again. I guess i can type instead of writing. And the avoidance of reliving it i guess is because I’m probably doing it wrong: focusing too much on the pain instead of rising above the problem instead of staying with what was said here: asking questions on how i can improve. Great video! I needed this. ❤

vanuit breda
vanuit breda - 22.07.2023 20:12

When you are frustrated by someones behavior, turn around and ask yourself when yóu had acted like that.....☄️

Maciej Kuźmiński
Maciej Kuźmiński - 06.07.2023 12:29

Is any of you journaling on the computer?

Sehne Son
Sehne Son - 23.06.2023 16:55

Secretly I feel we feel better because God listens.

Andre Voirol
Andre Voirol - 20.06.2023 21:00

This is awesome

Johnmichael Colón
Johnmichael Colón - 20.06.2023 16:35

Thanks like always

Simply Sookie
Simply Sookie - 13.06.2023 12:41

"We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience" - John Dewey

Simply Sookie
Simply Sookie - 13.06.2023 12:37

Paper is more patient than people

Simply Sookie
Simply Sookie - 13.06.2023 12:36

Why would we feel anger at the world. As if the world would notice

Prince Alhorian
Prince Alhorian - 09.06.2023 12:27

Marcus worked on himself through his journal, and in turn he worked on the empire. His journal was his mirror to his mind, his empire was his mirror to his efforts. The best attempts of a good man with the weight of the civilized western world on his shoulders.

Kato McNickle
Kato McNickle - 06.06.2023 00:32

This video rocked my day. I do journal daily, but this just gave me something new to think about.

Notes from the Underground
Notes from the Underground - 24.05.2023 21:37

Keeping Aurelius diary.
Day 0
Day 1

Arjan - 20.05.2023 21:33

Step-by-Step Daily Stoic Habits for Effective Journaling:

1. Morning Preparation:

- Remind yourself that you will encounter people with various negative traits today. Prepare your mind to remain calm and resilient in the face of their behavior. Be like a wrestler, ready for unexpected challenges.
- Reflect on your mortality and the finite nature of life. Let this awareness guide your actions, ensuring you make the most of each day. Undertake actions that serve the common good and align with your purpose.

2. Return to Philosophy:

- View philosophy not as an instructor, but as a soothing ointment for the mind. Embrace philosophy in your daily life and use it as a source of wisdom and guidance.
- Recognize that your current circumstances provide an ideal opportunity for practicing philosophy. Ask yourself why you can't endure certain situations, and discover the underlying reasons that might embarrass you.

3. Contemplate the Power of Thoughts:

- Understand that the quality of your mind and soul is shaped by the thoughts you cultivate. Avoid feeling anger towards the world, as it won't notice your emotions. Focus on nurturing positive and virtuous thoughts.

4. Quote of the Day:

- Seek out powerful teachings and noble-minded sayings that have practical applications in your life. Avoid complex or outdated expressions. Let these teachings inspire your actions and transform them into meaningful work.

5. Ask Tough Questions:

Reflect on fundamental questions to deepen your understanding and guide your actions:
- Why am I here?
- How should I live my life?
- How can I ensure that my actions align with what is right?
- How can I prepare myself to cope with life's challenges?
- How can I develop resilience in the face of pain and misfortune?
- How can I accept the inevitability of death and make the most of my life?
- Why do I fear death and what it means for my present actions?
- What significance is there in being remembered after death?
- If an action doesn't harm my character, can it truly harm me?
- When have I made mistakes similar to others, and what can I learn from them?
- Why do I struggle to endure certain situations, and what can I do to improve?
- Why did I say or do certain things, and how can I grow from those experiences?
- Is this action necessary and aligned with my values?

6. Evening Review:

- Evaluate your day and consider the following questions:
- Did you follow your plans for the day?
- Were you adequately prepared for the challenges you faced?
- What could you have done better or differently?
- Reflect on the lessons you learned during the day and how they can guide your actions moving forward.

By incorporating these daily stoic habits into your journaling practice, you can cultivate self-awareness, resilience, and a more intentional way of living.

Andrew Logan
Andrew Logan - 18.05.2023 05:10

Marcus Aurelius is viewed as a pillar of Stoic philosophy. Yet, he also worked very hard to make sure his son, Commodus, succeeded him as Emperor of Rome. Aurelius did this even though the previous three good Emperors had each selected their successor as being the best person suited to the task, rather than picking a direct family member.

Commodus became one of the worst Emperors Rome ever had, starting the slow decline of the Western Roman Empire. It was apparent Commodus would be a poor Emperor even when he was young.

Blood, apparently, is not only thick it fogs perception.

Julie Barnett
Julie Barnett - 14.05.2023 23:29

You can't make fun of Smokey The Bear 🐻 but you can write books about firemen who burn books, eh?

Christopher Jenkerson
Christopher Jenkerson - 02.05.2023 04:35

Stumbled across this two years after it was posted, and I feel this was the nudge I needed to finally pick up the journal my wife bought me last year. Thank you for this video.

Tom Mortelmans
Tom Mortelmans - 01.05.2023 08:50

Funny how the narrator talks stoic ethic and about keeping your temper with a quite angered voice not really mastered

ابو مجاهد *الهندي*
ابو مجاهد *الهندي* - 30.04.2023 09:36

Philosophy killed the donkey .

Logan Stiffler
Logan Stiffler - 29.04.2023 06:36

I respect Ryan and the value that he brings but I wish every single thing didn't have to tie back into Marcus Aurelius or stoicism. A video like this and other ideas are good enough to stand by themselves without having to be linked back everytime

Leon Morris
Leon Morris - 27.04.2023 22:57

We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.
You can obtain multiple lifetimes of Wisdom from a few short years on this earth.. . Most people get less than a lifetime's.

Mercy Rana Manger
Mercy Rana Manger - 26.04.2023 09:06

Philosophy has gotten me out of my addictions.

Waqas Ahmed
Waqas Ahmed - 15.04.2023 11:11

Which meditations book is recommended? As there are different versions?

Sean - 13.04.2023 13:26

I just started journaling a month ago, and it's usually about the days events have I been doing it wrong? Thes journal techniques seem a bit complicated

Steve Evans, M.A.
Steve Evans, M.A. - 12.04.2023 05:48

Excellent motivation.

Aaron Fitzgerald
Aaron Fitzgerald - 10.04.2023 17:53

I take no credence in anything Anne Frank said or had to say, in her fake ball point pen diary!

Republic Can
Republic Can - 27.03.2023 23:10

Courage, justice, temperance, wisdom, you have useful content that is worth our efforts.

ghl - 24.03.2023 13:15

I would like to know more about the Cambridge University study on the psychological benefits of journaling. Reference?

chinmay barole
chinmay barole - 24.03.2023 10:19

can some one show a format for e journaling

Robin - 22.03.2023 07:59

Imagine someone went through your personal diary and published it to the world 😆

D Light
D Light - 20.03.2023 04:05

I want to add two important other things you can journal about.... Any health problems that you're having how it begins the symptoms signs etc etc and secondly if you're experiencing domestic violence. it's best to keep track how it evolves. You'll be glad when you have to go back and address these things ... you have all the facts documented.

Edesa - 18.03.2023 04:34

This video, wow. Awesome video!

Don Odegard
Don Odegard - 05.03.2023 06:42

What do you do with your old Journal’s?

John Travena
John Travena - 03.03.2023 13:43

This is really helpful. Love the way you put it together.

SHORTS OF RENJOY - 21.02.2023 18:53


DespacitoDaniel - 20.02.2023 04:10

Way better than my "Today, i took a big fat shit... Epic"

Lenny Jones
Lenny Jones - 15.02.2023 18:23

Daily Stoic Practice

Prepare in the morning
Tell yourself :
The people i will deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they cant tell good from evil. A healthy mind should be prepared for anything, we should be like a wrestler, waiting, poised and dug in, for sudden attacks.
Remember your own mortality. Not to live as if you had endless years ahead of you. Death overshadows you. While you are alive and able, be good. You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think. Undertake nothing for any reason but the common good. Thought and action resulting in the common good. What you were born to do. Have i done something for the common good? Then i share some of the benefits.
Remember to keep returning to philosophy. Not to think of philosophy as your instructor, but as a soothing ointment. Philosophy, rest in its embrace. No role is so well suited to philosophy, as the one you so happen to be in right now. If its humanly possible, you can do it too. Ask why cant i endure this? Youd be embarrassed by the answer. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way, becomes the way.
The things you think about determine the quality of your mind, your soul takes on, the colour of your thoughts. Why should we feel anger at the world, as if the world would notice.
Quote of the day
Hunt out the powerful pieces of teachings, and the spirit and noble minded sayings which are capable of immediate practical application. Not far fetched archaic expressions or extravagant metaphors and figures of speech, we should learn them so that words become works.
Ask tough questions
Why am i here?
How should i live my life?
How do i ensure that what i do is right?
How can i prepare and protect myself against the stresses of life?
How should i deal with pain and misfortune?
How can i live with the knowledge that someday i will die?
Am i afraid of death because i wont be able to do what i am doing right now?
What good is it to be remembered after your dead?
If it doesnt harm my character, how can it harm me?
When have i messed up like this person?
Why cant i endure this or that?
Why did i say or do this or that?
Is this necessary?
Review the evening
Did i follow my plans for the day?
Was i prepared enough?
What could i have done better?
What did i learn today that will help me tomorrow?

Levi DeCarly
Levi DeCarly - 12.02.2023 06:40

This video is goldmine of quotes and wisdom

somewhereisgone - 05.02.2023 18:38

Your story deserves to be told.

Something You Said
Something You Said - 04.02.2023 21:06

I'm still a deer caught in the headlights though.

LL Pete
LL Pete - 27.01.2023 00:07

So glad to have stumbled onto this. Thanks!
