Hell Hades

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molly lean
molly lean - 30.08.2023 22:56

they changed minotaur? currently i run mino 14 because i cant kill mino 15 with my scroll team (kael 60 full masteries, deliana and godseeker 60 half masteries) i guess its the gear? mino its not 6 stars and im using regeneration set, if im dying healing 7k hp every turn i cant see how i would be alive in retalation set and a pair of speed.

sadly i dont have the gear to test it and if i use the crap i have, 3-4-5stars and bad bonuses, i dont think it will work, since finally yday i defeated mino 15 but on 4 minutes and with a full team (deliana kael and godseeker 60, warmaiden and wukong 50)

any tips? so far it was like no big difference but once u hit the red scrolls it becomes rlly big the difference in mino 14-15.

Uni-Trade Support Services Ltd
Uni-Trade Support Services Ltd - 20.07.2023 01:16

Really struggling with what people are saying about the energy requirements... my energy level is constantly going up no matter how many battles i do... a few months ago i was running at a couple K's worth of energy... now I'm up over 75k and climbing... all i want is a 4-man team for ultra-fast scrolls, leaving one space for the " scrollee" as it were.. not interested in XP, the silver is always good and any other goodies are useful but thats it... just the scrolls... anyone with a good fast team that i can emulate...?? TIA👍

Brian Cooper
Brian Cooper - 16.06.2023 21:33

HH is spot on so masteries are a grind in Minotaur but add progression value and the gem mine has some value but think of the time it takes to get back the investment of gems to get gems verses gems for energy - I use gems for arena so I wait or get rewards for energy then only on rare occasions spend 40 gems on a little energy gain. That's my strat - it tends to be a grind .. this dungeon is more rewarding than campaign for sure - use spider for coin. these two dungeons are the fuel of the game with Clan Boss and Doom Tower and Arena the rewards focus. so these five spots are where I spend time=energy besides the daily's and challenges etc.

Michael Blake
Michael Blake - 11.04.2023 23:52

Thank god I finally have the suggested champion! And my Deliana is 60 fully booked.

Nusteyr - 17.11.2022 01:15

"Totally free" but only if you played between a small window of time. most of your content is great, but it feels as though this isn't free to play at all.

Matthew May
Matthew May - 02.11.2022 12:47

"Everyone has these heros".... First played 2 years ago for a couple of months. Came back to the game literally a few days late to get ultimate DK.. Rip me I guess.

Rian Van heerden
Rian Van heerden - 21.10.2022 11:52

I think Deliana is a very underated champion...and the fact that a f2p like me...can take a legendary Champion that I got for free and just farm what amazing... Deliana is at this moment my main champion...she is in every single battle... doesn't matter if it's dungeons or clan boss or arena...she is also my farmer....hope they give her a nice buff soon

FranknKimm Fields
FranknKimm Fields - 21.10.2022 06:45

Good to know, new player and I started just about three weeks ago. Good information

Tuomas T
Tuomas T - 20.10.2022 11:41

So glad that I missed the new player promo code for deliana

Kahleem-RAHTheAQUARIUS2001 - 19.10.2022 12:13

I have my deliana with 67k up like 162 speed 2.4 k def fully max and ascended and with 1 star soul I recommend to put brimstone or smite for the soul and I have 3 revenge assesories Hpring/Hpamulet/accbanner and any arti set that boost her Hp and I went for warmaster (and the one above warmaster I 4get the name)and the acc route on support any thing to increase her damage from masteries, she does really good solid damage when you take in account she's counter attacking plus smite, plus she kindda never dies with a tank build or another good supporting tank it's even better when you pair her with Ultimate DK they work super good together especially in arena super annoying ong!! But that's when I pull out my dk and then wait for a 10 min battle it's best to only bring one source of a healer when going against ultimate dk in arena as well✌🏾✌🏾🤝🏾

selewatesse - 18.10.2022 19:25

@Hell Hades. Stupid question... how do you replenish green shards if you don't do campaign at all and especially if you are using 1 star champs to level up food during champion training events?

Bezsovestnii - 16.10.2022 11:50

Bivald and Yanika do this mach faster in solo

Duane Thomas
Duane Thomas - 15.10.2022 01:03

How is deliana a freebie?

Johato - 13.10.2022 23:35

I missed out on Deliana, If i wanted Ultimate deathknight to solo farm Mino what stats am i looking for on gloves, chest and boots?

Hazrd - 13.10.2022 20:33

This is how I use my hurndig. He just destroys the waves, and keeps mino on check with his a3

Fun and Party
Fun and Party - 13.10.2022 19:45

Hi, I have a question who should I upgrade to 6-star DK or my main hero? I started playing recently and I can do one hero at the moment.

John Jones
John Jones - 13.10.2022 11:46

past few weeks just been doing mino and champ training and noticed my account progress significantly in all areas

Brian Hawkins
Brian Hawkins - 12.10.2022 06:13

I use Stag Knight, but he has to have lifesteal gear. I may try Deliana since I haven't built her out yet anyway.

envy - 11.10.2022 23:19

i found out if you start a new account and find a good piece but you cant get it 12 yet you can keep pressing level one and you can get it 12 and 16

Mike_Orlemans - 11.10.2022 23:12

1 farmer +4 champs that need scrolls and levels. I put them in as 5 star then if 50 rank up then they will be around level 50 6 star when they full when one is full I'll swamp them for new one

gabestergamer7 - 11.10.2022 23:01

sweet keep it up

dragoonkng - 11.10.2022 21:16

Wow nice, this helpd alot., cheers for your awsome vids and your sence of humour, love it :D

Jose Alejandro Medina Garcia
Jose Alejandro Medina Garcia - 11.10.2022 20:16

Thanks for the video! I will end up levelling Deliana for her general usefulness. Quick question, do you actually ONLY level food champs in dungeons? It seems to me that it is really time consuming after 3 stars...

Bryan Carmona
Bryan Carmona - 11.10.2022 17:10

I'm watching this video and I'm learning new stuff, I would love to see a new account startover, but more time in the video, like what are you doing everyday.

txrom - 11.10.2022 12:26

I have Venomage in relentless/immortal gear to do this for Ice Golem, Dragon, and Minotaur.

Brett Jackson
Brett Jackson - 11.10.2022 09:46

I think they should implement a system where the gems you pay for all scrolls is calculated based on the amount of scrolls you currently have. For example you pay 400 gems if you already have half of your scrolls. You are then not committed to either farming or buying the scrolls but can benefit from both methods.

Onikage - 11.10.2022 06:38

Help me understand WHERE the Energy you're using comes from? Lets say you're getting 480 Per Day from the 3 per 20 min, plus lets say another 120 for the Daily Reward (which isn't every day but we'll pretend it is) so now we're at 600 plus another 120 for the Arena 5x Daily. Ok now you're at 720. Running Minotaur doesn't benefit toward any event except 2: clan vs clan and champion training (in this case since you're leveling) so lets say, best case scenario, you're getting another 75 Energy per day and I'll round up to 800. If you need 8000 Energy for 4 Champs to get all their scrolls (and RNG is a factor for # of scrolls) thats 10 Days of pure Minotaur Running.
In the grand scheme of things, 10 days is nothing really but you'd have to really dedicate to maximize the energy to do this in 10 days and get lucky with rewards. I think my point is (and what I wish was included in this video) is that this is something you'd probably have to spread out over an entire month so you'd have energy to use on other things you actually want to be doing.
Thats the last thing I wanted to mention is that if you do the 10 Straight Days you're ignoring almost all of the events and their associated rewards too

Frank Mcchesney
Frank Mcchesney - 11.10.2022 05:46

The issue I had with this I do not have enough champs needing masteries at the same time. When I ran this 1 or 2 champs would get all their scrolls way faster than other champs because of it randomness. Then I find myself not having enough champs that I even wanna to do scroll runs for. I end up with a champs or two that almost never gets the final 250 scrolls need to for max masteries when I sub out champs when other gets all their scrolls. I had a Geo in the mix and did max mastery runs for 8 other champs before the original GEO got all his masteries. The scrolls should spread out even between ever champ in order to make it ideal. I stil lfind myself subbing in 2 or 3 champs that already are max everything just to finish off masteries.

G B - 11.10.2022 04:44

But how do you level the food before you get to the Minotaur?

AugustVonpetersborg - 11.10.2022 04:12

One thing in this game I figured out to do on my own pretty early on.

lAsteriosl - 11.10.2022 04:11

Since I started to level up food on Dragon, I encounter a new problem—lack of Green Shards.
And this problem is pretty crucial. Now I forced to farm campaign again because this is the only place where I can get them.

Robert Sinclair
Robert Sinclair - 11.10.2022 03:11

You guys made me adopt this strategy a while now. I too am farming mino as I did not go for this fusion

Hannibal's Burgers R Us
Hannibal's Burgers R Us - 11.10.2022 02:37

I'm sitting on 8,390 now. I've also got 4,755 energy. Don't know how I got so many.

Ben Kimbell
Ben Kimbell - 11.10.2022 02:22

how does he have so much energy on his f2p still?

stinzani - 11.10.2022 01:59

I use Ninja to solo Mino. He's amazing for it. I usually just do one champion at a time once I six star them, but it seems like I should try four at once. Thanks for the vid HH! Gl in CvC this week! 2x Mino points!

ODDorINT? - 11.10.2022 01:36

This seems like a great idea 🤔….
so the next few champs I rank up ima leave them at lvl 1 … then when I’ve got a teams worth I’ll start running them with solo udk or delianna , I’ve got wythir as well built really good so maybe I’ll try her instead 🤷🏻‍♂️. But yea normally I’d just run 4 60s who have full masteries and one without..this seems like a 3 birds , 1 stone situation ,leveling ,silver,masteries all with the same energy I’d be using 🤯🤘🏻👌🏻

Rumpelstiltskin's Stinking Fangs
Rumpelstiltskin's Stinking Fangs - 11.10.2022 01:02

I don't understand how everyone is just realizing it's more efficient to do this than use gems... one of the first things I tackled was minotaur 15, because 800 gems is fucking insane hahah. I have never once bought scrolls for masteries. Doing it this way is FAR easier and more efficient. I'm glad you put this out, Hades, if people haven't realized this method yet -- this video is an absolute game changer. Awesome that you continue to put out content that can help people across the board. Thanks

Steven Nagy
Steven Nagy - 11.10.2022 00:55

I love the concept. What is not clear to me is how you level food for the champs when it is time to level them. You obviously don’t want them gobbling up scrolls in Minotaur

TheGamerOdin - 11.10.2022 00:55

i wish i had deliana

fosterkid1441 - 10.10.2022 23:25

Thankfully I've never paid the 800 gems for masteries. I prefer the grind. I use Big'Un. When he swings his hammer, people tend to fall. My fastest run is 37 seconds. Most runs range between 42 - 53.

Boonwin - 10.10.2022 22:45

I farmed masteries now for 3 champs but the time you have to spend and the electricity it costs is just not worth the gems you safe. I have to farm like 20++ I'm not gonna do that i rather spent 9 Euro a month instead of letting my 1000watt PC run for hours and hours...

Chris Floeser
Chris Floeser - 10.10.2022 22:38

What I don't get is what are you doing to get champions up to 6 * if you're not campaign farming? How do you make food to get them to 6* without campaign.. maybe I'm just still to low level, but I spend 90% of my time campaign farming. I will try with my next 6* to level them in Minotaur, it's worth a shot and the gems.

bubbeN - 10.10.2022 22:36

what about food? campaing 12-3 is still valible for that no?

Clauwasaki - 10.10.2022 21:35

imagine if plarium would let us decide who will receive the scrolls......

Elżbieta Betlej
Elżbieta Betlej - 10.10.2022 21:24

I raised this matter a couple of times, but minotaur should either got lvl 20 and get more scrolls or let for example at least 2 champs get scrolls for 1 run.

bgcorporation - 10.10.2022 21:24

My Deliana can solo Minotaur as well, except I have her hitting with 100% crit chance. Her damage is absolutely small sadly with 123%. Speed is 226. But she's got Retaliation gear. She's constantly healing herself. Minotaur can't out damage her healing. I did this because she's used for my spider team.

mybodymychoice - 10.10.2022 21:02

i prefer to use one champion with deliana, to ensure the other champ gets all the masteries. average is 2400 energy.
If you use more than one champ, you would need a ton loads of energy and gems.

Julian Kohler
Julian Kohler - 10.10.2022 20:54

I'm new to the game, started a few days ago. I don't have the death knight guy yet even. What worries me about masteries is that I don't know the right build and I can't even guess, because I can't read what the high tier masteries do to pick the right low ones.

Ark - 10.10.2022 20:26

They need to make it so everyone that needs masteries gets a portion of the scrolls while beating mino each time. Not just one champ gets the scrolls that run. That's why I buy my masteries, to save me time and energy so I can farm FK, spider ect.
