Oh, flat earthers are assholes. They deny the deaths on the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia.
ОтветитьI hate the fact that there’s a lot of people on the GLOBE who believe in flat earth smh
ОтветитьIt's disturbing this has so many dislikes.
ОтветитьAlmost as hilarious as NASA😎👊… almost.
ОтветитьI believe the earth is a globe spinning 1000 mph . Chasing the sun moving 500000 mph hour through infinite space . I believe everything that my teachers told me. I believe whatever is the mainstream ideas. I don't question anything. I have never seen the curve or felt the rotation or spin of the earth I just believe it because I'm a sheep. I'm a follower.
ОтветитьThis comedian is a genius . Until I watched this I thought for sure earth was flat. But his convincing comedic fashion makes me believe water can stick to a spinning ball
ОтветитьI tell flat earthers to shut the f up all the time on facebook especially lately.
ОтветитьBut I did see Bigfoot once. Lmao.
ОтветитьIMO, this man was paid to "debunk" reality. Not funny haha but, in time will be seen as funny peculiar...
This dickhead knows nothing about the actual subject!
Wish I'd seen this 4 years ago.
if the earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off it by now 😸
ОтветитьThe documentary is called "Assholes"
ОтветитьThis guy calling people crazy while being “married” to a guy in a dress is the funniest part
ОтветитьHe hasn't debunked anything. It is actually fairly sad that 90% people are unable to debunk the Flat Earth theory, as it is debunked easily.
ОтветитьGolden retrievers aren’t stupid
ОтветитьFlerfers give us so much reality show potential. Why can't we fund them with TV show budget to go make asses of themselves? Eventually it should sink in that they're looking like complete jackasses for the amusement of millions.
ОтветитьI'm so angry at people who believe the earth is flat! They are so stupid, and i hate them!!
ОтветитьMy Brother is a flat-earther and I hadn’t do a ton of research on it, but we were looking at the stars while camping, and it lead to us talking about it.
He was losing his mind pissed, because again I hadn’t looked into it but had a telescope growing up and was simply critical thinking through solar and lunar eclipses, tides, the sun not setting in the northern and southern latitudes and he lost his mind so pissed at me calling me brain washed and how NASA is full of Nazi’s trying to ruin God in our life…? 😂
Worst part we had to share the tent in silence went we went to sleep 😂
Just not funny, how do you know what shape the earth is Jim?
ОтветитьWHO can prove the Earth is round ?
ОтветитьImagine having so much faith the earth is round they have to put in a Wikipedia preface on the video. If that doesn't SCREAM damage control, wether your believe this or not.
ОтветитьSo every planet in the Universe is a sphere but the Earth. Got it
ОтветитьThis guy is a clueless moron
ОтветитьBruh stick to comedy. Your arguments are so dumb.
ОтветитьAnyone i’ve ever known or seen or heard who believes in a flat earth has always had some major issues with their mental health and haven’t learned mathematics or physics at all.
ОтветитьIt’s not a belief Asshole go f yourself. It’s a knowing.
ОтветитьMajority wins, so who ever says the earth is round they win. Saying the earth is flat would make you sound crazy 😂 , even if it was true. I’m not leaning unto my own understanding or that of any man but all I know within myself is there are things we cannot comprehend
ОтветитьFlatearthers are hilarious. Its easier to spot the twats in society though.
ОтветитьI’ll never understand flat earthers
ОтветитьPlease you have zero evidence
ОтветитьI’m still waiting for the debunk
ОтветитьThe sun and the moon both travel over your head from east to west but you are going around the sun and not the moon?, use your eyes.The globe is a lie.The earth is flat get over it.
ОтветитьWhy don't u ask an airplane or jet pilot if we live on a globe cus we know water curves instead of being level, right.
ОтветитьMaybe count about 200 in on the joke😂😅
ОтветитьYou see first person on out of your eye all lying idiot convex vectors are not a plane you cannot use spehroid surface or sub surface frames for video game world no man s sky Isa big flat earth map you have no argument there is a vault there moon and sun do not rotate on xyz axis and your are imbecile blind stuoid not funny retarded bunch insane liars tesla marconi and nat germany and fascist Italy fritz thyssen and krupp and Mercedes bez and an da Vance and vichy fascist framce and degaulle and Franco and the monarchies levels of education. And mustahced german and king edward the vii all knew the earth eas flat you an imbecile no logic no reason no sense illiterate stooge hat tip von. Rain and all scientists and engineers of so called project paperclip were flat earthers and that's fact sperg cranberries units and all fo csthokic business titans of Germany were and still are flat earthers Ted bull gives you wings imbecile
Ответить9/11 conspiracy isn’t denying peoples pains it’s denying how it happened and why.
ОтветитьYay! It's a Clown doing a Clown show. I bet he's a scientist during the day.
ОтветитьI don't think the earth is flat, but I do think this is funny. On the other hand, why did you spend nearly zero effort with an actual debunking argument?
ОтветитьNobody denies 9/11 they just deny the narrative
ОтветитьWhy? Well there's to convince the world God doesn't exist.
A way to steal 50 MILLION dollars PER DAY from US taxpayers via NASA and the ISS....
This 'comedian' obviously sold his soul.......
China is well north of the equator, a-hole.
ОтветитьOn the first day of my job at Tom Tom I had their government man sit me down to have this talk.
ОтветитьShow this to the idiot Lord Jamar and get his dumb reaction
ОтветитьMonkeys like monkey stupidity.. junky
ОтветитьGod this bad 😢this man so stupid he really thinks he making a funny point? 😬 we are on a globe 🌍 it’s measured flat , this man stupid,
ОтветитьI’m mad that they believe the earth is flat, like viscerally angry. What’s the point of science if people just straight don’t believe it? We need a better common understanding, and I mean on all fronts. As a species, it’s a miracle we’ve made it this far…
ОтветитьWhy hasn’t a single flat earther ever rented a private jet, filmed the flight, and captured this so-called “ice wall” on camera?
One simple flight could end the debate forever, flat or round, case closed.
Meanwhile, globers spend fortunes debunking them. But why bother? Just let them book the flight… if they dare.
Ok, you say animals are stupid, but you're talking about people that believe the earth is flat? Maybe animals are far smarter than some humans, right. Lol