When Narcissists Become Sociopathic

When Narcissists Become Sociopathic

Surviving Narcissism

1 год назад

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@RobsWorldAdventures - 13.02.2024 00:12

From studying sociology and psychology, as in 101, but then a further understanding of reality and real life and observation in real life experiences and observations of the dominant mutated values and ethics of (people) in their body language, facial expressions and inclusion or exclusion of people that don’t submit to their ideologies is based on both sides versions of political and social ideologies and how These traits evolve and mutate into mutant versions to (ASPD) from the 101 foundations as how you describe, to total societal participation in the same characteristics, you are reading from text and what you learned, but obviously not through continuous observation as in people watching,and how these and other sociopathic narcissistic tendencies become a mutant version of a full scale corporate society amongst left radical ideologies that are prevalent in blue states that are like a hive mind or flock that is comprised of misfits who are trying to stay on top of some leverage that was acquired with political party acceptance that brings on a mindset of control and revenge from past resentments, their desire to now control has been fuelled by white radical left parties that pawn the underserved and misfits that have been emboldened by woke, critical race theorists, LBGTQ+ groups with a grudge and the new world order fascist tyrants that use these subpar neurotics as en engine to meet their end goal, so, Sociopathic Narcissists now are Hive minded in huge Communities! If you have any observational skills you haven’t missed this and if you are a straight player, you won’t kneel to the perverse society that creates this sociopathy by being a weakling and acquiesce!

@tamichrist3544 - 12.02.2024 22:30

If you want to get rid of a narcissist… call them out on their crap, call them what they are.. NARCISSIST and don’t get emotional about it. Simply say your piece and watch them lose their minds and flee. Call out their demons and Bless them in the name of Jesus Christ. They will flee! 😂

@PuzzleKitten.0000 - 12.02.2024 09:57

My Emoji said this sounds like some politicians we all end up hearing about... 😳🙆🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

@privateprivate8366 - 12.02.2024 07:42

It’s important that you said they can worsen. Because, when people hear narcissists and sociopaths are fixed, they might not understand that it can worsen with age. I saw terrible narcissistic behavior in my mother, who’s now deceased and I see such malignancy in my younger sister, although I think part of it is due to financial desperation. Most would say I should help her. But that is, indeed, an alligator.

@dayveda3736 - 11.02.2024 11:24

Message received. Thank you.

@ariesram32777 - 11.02.2024 05:02

Imagine this type of person wins the lottery…

@cathysweeney6861 - 10.02.2024 19:25

Leave asap safely ✨️ hopefully with support 🙏

@trishderonde6150 - 10.02.2024 18:14

Thanks so much for your input. Love watching your videos. Question...what should I do when my narcissist embarrasses me in front of people in a conversation or squashes my opinion?

@edwardspriggs5076 - 09.02.2024 15:55

Narcs are truly like a human haunted house, they initially quickly draw in your attention and then at some point slams the doors and windows (trauma bond). Their total goal is to control your every thought, action and resources with masterful fear. So once your away, stay away and run with your own pack of truly empathic people only.

@hawtain4399 - 09.02.2024 14:53

Wow sounds like my ex I had no idea what I was dealing with. He’s exactly how you described

@markedwards8991 - 08.02.2024 22:09

Like Donald Trump! he stepped into 'Sociopathy' a long time ago. He stepped in with both feet, Real Deep and beyond! 'Too much is never Enough'

@michele4199 - 08.02.2024 18:01

As I listened to your words, I realized my mother clicked every single box. She is Most Definitely Sociopathic. I am at no contact. Praise the Lord!!

@MrJohnyclassic - 07.02.2024 00:23

I certainly agree that these disorders are a spectrum of traits and some of the labels we use persist really because it makes it easier to talk about. But, how would a narcissist who becomes a sociopath differ from a dark triad narcissist? Or would you say there is a lot of overlap? One thing that you said that stood out to me is that "sociopaths have high IQ". Based on my experience I feel that the difference between a dark triad narcissist and sociopath is the former has lower than average conventional and emotional intelligence whereas sociopaths have much higher of both than average. Otherwise I feel like the traits are the same. Would you say that's true?

@beckygreen3733 - 05.02.2024 04:00

WOW! WOW! WOW! I've lived with this my WHOLE LIFE!!!! Yes, I got away from this person, my sister!

@rita.amstlv - 03.02.2024 18:01

Hi, I have narcissistic neighbours. I live in a personal hell because of them. They lie about me to everyone, they have stolen!! from me, they try to control me by manipulation. They try also to manipulate me always. Exactly they laugh if I have bad luck! Now they are in bad mood because I discovered how they REALLY are! They also make awful noise every day.

@morrism3250 - 02.02.2024 23:50

Thank you for this. I have someone in my life that I have shared sensitive past information with. They seem to use it passive aggressively against me. For example, when talking about the subject they talk loudly and very opinionated about it. It seems like I might be overly sensitive about it but the subject itself is very sensitive so I would think that this person would be a little more delicate especially since I trusted them with something painful that I dealt with. After learning more about narcissists I’m realizing more signs too that I see in this person. Definitely covert. I’m sad. I love this person and didn’t think that they could be this. But I’m realizing they are. Thank you for educating all of us and helping us learn how to set boundaries and to protect ourselves.

@pattyrooney1323 - 01.02.2024 10:26

Thank you, Dr. Carter.

@Ms.Stephanie.C - 30.01.2024 15:29

I feel like very few people understand what it’s like to deal with a sociopath so it’s rare to find someone who can validate, understand & empathize with a victim of one. I was married 16 years to a Sociopath. He was cruel to animals, our children, and especially me. He stalked me for 5 years after I left him. He bought me a grave after I left him. There’s more that I won’t say - a lot more - but I didn’t even know what a Sociopath was until after I left him & my Uncle told me to read the book “The Sociopath Next Door”. That’s when I finally understood who I had been married to. I was truly lucky to escape alive.

@Kittykat79NY - 28.01.2024 18:42

I def agree as always! ❤ Gus chilling! My boss a veterinarian is a narc and he's getting worse.. less empathy, greediness, using people, lying and even putting pets through needless tests and surgery just for $$$$ .. people need to be aware especially when he puts his greed above his pocket.. yesterday he said to an owner whose dog is 16 years old and has medical issues that the pet needs a dental! The pet has bigger problems than tarter and the surgery is incredibly risky for them! Sad especially for him as he thinks he's so special and the rules don't apply to him 😢he mocked me yesterday and I think he def enjoyed it

@lilitudeamnocte248 - 26.01.2024 10:58

Hey Dr. - I really love your grizzly bear painting in the background. Do you know who the artist is and if they have paintings or prints of other animals? I want one.... or a few. Thank you in advance, and also thank you always for the practical, easy to understand insight on pathological individuals :)

@Randolorian230 - 24.01.2024 00:50

This video almost describes me perfectly, and that terrifies me. I don’t want to be a narcissist anymore, nor do I want it to get worse than that. I don’t have medical insurance so I can’t seek professional help without financial stability first. I don’t know what to do.

There’s nothing worse for an individual then their own internal conflict, especially when it begins to affect those around us. I don’t want anyone to ever have to succumb to any mental illness. I don’t want anyone to hurt anyone. I just want to be better

I’m constantly going back on forth on whether or not the remorse or empathy I feel towards others is a fabrication of my own making. What if I’m pretending that I actually care? Am I self aware or have I just convinced myself that?

I know that when I hear people’s’ recounts of the events they went through it physically hurts; it breaks my heart, because I don’t want to become another part of the statistic, and I don’t want anyone I love and care for to become a part of it neither

What’s happening to me, man

@michellebeishline4657 - 23.01.2024 05:51

I want the puppy! 😂

@larryc1616 - 22.01.2024 01:26

Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) = Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths
Not all Narcissists are Sociopaths or Psychopaths but all Sociopaths and Psychopaths are Narcissist. Which one is Trump?

@Lala-lp1uy - 21.01.2024 23:41

I wish I didn't relate to this. The sadistic part is terrifying to witness

@juliejacobs6070 - 21.01.2024 20:43


@juliejacobs6070 - 21.01.2024 20:43


@lonelinessinmilan6486 - 21.01.2024 05:26

My brother almost killed me and my family, then he writes to me on messenger 'hey sis' ...

@sgueymard - 19.01.2024 21:48

I realize that at 100 y.o, my narcissistic father has become sociopathic over the last decade.
He INVENTS heroic sacrifices he did for his children and FALSE, MEAN stories about us...
I wish that was dementia or delirium.
If i read his emails or listen to his phone messages, i become extremely anxious, sad, upset and can't sleep all week... Then he complains i'm selfish not to visit enough.
With a full time job already and a mother with Alzheimer's, i have Zero energy left to care for myself and i have to care for him... 🆘

@msutcliffe5883 - 19.01.2024 14:03

My son and father 😢

@bobbarth801 - 19.01.2024 11:49

This describes my mother to a “t.”

@bobbarth801 - 19.01.2024 11:48

We are here for you. Please don’t forget that, not ever❤

@robertbutts5035 - 18.01.2024 05:11

I am in the defining stages of my Doctoral dissertation. I too find NPD intriguing, especially those that drift into sociopathy. My dissertation currently is utilizing the Dunning Kruger effect into safety. However as I do extensive research, there tends to be a link to NPD. Currently my work places me in direct reporting to an ultimate NPD individual. This interaction and daily assault is adding to the relationship to DK and safety.

@annaberstein - 17.01.2024 21:16

Nice description of Trump. Thank you.

@ccmyplaymate - 17.01.2024 04:05

Darrell Brookes Springs to mind. Vulnerable narcs / sociopaths usually end up killing or being killed. Truly scary people.

@medwayhospitalprotest - 16.01.2024 13:34

Long before I knew what a narcissist was, my mother would tell me that she was unable to love other people, that she only really loved herself. It was what some people call "pity play" and I felt sorry for her, and told her I didn't believe it. 🙄 Later I came to accept it as the truth. Back in 2006, I had a health crisis and ended up living back home. She invited me! It wasn't until I arrived that I realised she didn't mean it. She was furious that I was there. I have suffered from disabling arthritis ever since. Of course to someone with no empathy, I was just a malingerer. Now, she was working in a hospice and had gotten some friends who were euthanasia campaigners, and she became obsessed with this cause. They went to lectures given by the then "Hemlock Society" about the best ways to end your own suffering. One day my mother attempted to euthanise ME. She had it all worked out. Even down to who would sign the death cert. I could not get anyone to believe I had been poisoned. 2 weeks after the even, I did a urine test which showed arsenic. But of course by then it was no longer a huge quantity. They didn't test for the other things I thought might be involved, since she had learned a lot about poisonous plants.
So now everyone just thinks I'm insane as well as physically disabled.
These people really ruin lives. The only person who really appreciates what my mother is like, is her brother. He got divorced and she teamed up with his ex wife. Literally they became best friends, although she would always bitch about this woman. The brother had introduced her to the hospice, of all ironies, and then he had to stop working there himself, because she trashed his reputation! She was out to ruin him. I believe she finds manipulating other people's lives fun.

@ONESNZER0S - 14.01.2024 03:44

This is top shelf.

@lauchlanguddy1004 - 12.01.2024 13:30

I am getting massive chills up my spine.....

@Bud88883 - 11.01.2024 01:13


@Mrsvragica666 - 08.01.2024 23:19

Thank you very much, Dr. Carter. This episode confirmed my suspicions about the reckless behavior that the person I was dealing with was engaging in. What fascinates me is the unremorseful exploitation of the person's children to get what they want at all cost (i.e., partners, status, physical appearance, vulnerability, political opinion, etc.). I was shocked with how far the person went with using their kids for personal gain, and it only became apparent months into the relationship when their true colors started emerging. Nefarious, to say the least.

@dianac5764 - 08.01.2024 11:04

My little sister is gone. She was diagnosed bipolar and given drugs and now she is a raging narcissist. I spent Christmas alone to avoid her. Felt like w lot of tension in my body relaxed from that decision.

@IAmNumber4000 - 08.01.2024 03:14

"My uniqueness is unique" That rings so true and really highlights the irrationality of these people

@user-zh5fh2li9u - 07.01.2024 03:48

Thank you for this video that is 100% spot on ! Also, I am not feeling well tonight, and I need help getting out of here !

@mqmx2059 - 06.01.2024 17:40

Is a person without empathy , jealous and self-cencerd with strong self pity is also a narcistic?

@jeans.4802 - 04.01.2024 16:47

“They used to be the one you could depend on…” I needed to hear this! I have been feeling guilty and ashamed because I’m backing away from a Narc who used to be the person I turned to for support. She is now very abusive and had been for several years. I need to save myself. I can’t change her (a family member). I am no longer available for abuse!!!!

@warrenbradford2597 - 03.01.2024 04:53

I want my pain to end, but I must use it to help my younger brothers escape the toxic environment we are in. I must hope for the best, expect the worst.

@nancyarchibald9095 - 01.01.2024 07:18

2 adult daughters and a 96 yr old adopted mother... going no contact with toxic adopted mother was easy. But the daughters feel like such a betrayal and so very ungrateful. 😮

@iahelcathartesaura3887 - 29.12.2023 03:17

You are describing a lot of what I've lived through, profoundly! And narcissists will talk openly against those who live only in the moment, who don't think about tomorrow, those who are pleasure-seeking, unaware etc.

It's as though they have a conflict inside or moments where they see their own issues - but teach philosophically to their children and others that it's wrong.

Imagine the confusion of that, growing up as a child taught strongly to not be focused on pleasure in the moment, to never fail to responsibly attend to planning for tomorrow, while the parent only does so in certain areas of life but otherwise is focusing on their pleasures in the moment in a soft more covert but absolutely uncontrollable way! Ways which pull the rug out from under their family's sanity and survival.

And yes being constantly required to provide them with daily comfort, momentarily pleasures and much entertainment!

(Even using Bible scriptures to Christian family members to taunt and back up the questionable or terrible things they are doing!)

You are helping me so much yet again as you have over the years, Dr Carter!

@margaretbennett4520 - 29.12.2023 00:27

Dr. C Lately I've found I have to tell more and more white lies to maintain my energy. I don't relish it but as you know my personal protective boundaries are continually being exploited in malicious ways.

@SurvivingThriving66 - 27.12.2023 19:23

This is how my ex started out and got to the point of where he is 21 years later. It started as false accusations in court. Then he dated the caseworker to investigate him and love bombed her and married her so he had the courts at his finger tips. I became an investigator and fired my attorney and brought the judge and custody evaluator to justice with good detective work and exposed them keeping custody. But after that had a full blown search warrant that a person set up with their help and the court hid. Years later I was warned a friend of mine was approached that he had a plan to get me indicated for child abuse and I wouldn’t know what happened. I went on with my life and we were foster parents about to adopt four kids until these two guys claimed an 18 month was on the road and they yelled for 30 minutes and supposedly I said isn’t it a shame you got out again indicating me because it was prolonged and repeated making it indicated. We go to an appeals hearing with my neighbor who was outside saying this never happened. I told my attorney I never saw these two guys before who said I was found indicated and would get a second degree misdemeanor for
Saying that. After the hearing they bragged that someone else testified as the witness and name wasn’t even correct. Of course I tried to let the court know but my attorney left me know no new info could be presented. I then proved they didn’t work where they said they did and we now know my granddaughter handed this kid over to someone and I couldn’t understand what happened that day. I was set up completely and actually caught the child being put into a truck. I caught them in the process of getting ready to take him up to a main highway so I would get criminal charges. However, I interrupted it. I was willing to say he could have got out and could have got in the road which didn’t make it indicatable but later all this info came
Out . 18 months later and we proved no way in court were these busy yelling at that time because the same time they claimed on the stand they were absolutely positive they were yelling we have a different agency in my home with eyes on the child proving I was set up. But since the state brought in a false witness she didn’t check ID and we know that because the state caseworker didn’t throughly investigate she won’t make a decision. There had been more harassment and I have tried to let legal know that physically I am in danger but they refuse to acknowledge the depth of my exes danger. Should anything happen I have left everyone know my story to hold the law and those who could have intervened accountable to make more awareness of this!
