Is Baldur's Gate 3 TOO HARD?! (New Players MALDING Over Difficult Combat)

Is Baldur's Gate 3 TOO HARD?! (New Players MALDING Over Difficult Combat)

Big Dan Gaming

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That Guy
That Guy - 28.09.2023 16:41

Them: "BG3 is too hard!"
Me: "So anyway, I started eldrich blasting."

Eddie Bulls
Eddie Bulls - 26.09.2023 11:08

Complaining about difficulty is beyond laughable when I steadily watch players solo the game on tactician......
Too many Karens and Darens in this world confirmed.

Alex - 25.09.2023 20:52

If you're finding the game to be hard, trying looking up class guides for your charactes. Also, make sure you have a well balanced team comp. I personally always have 2 front liners (Lae'zel and Karlach work great), a ranged dps (can be bow or spells), and a utility character (heals and buffs). A good team comp makes this game 100 times easier.

Lances Beat Axes
Lances Beat Axes - 25.09.2023 17:20

I just started the game and the first tutorial after the ship teaches you about the high ground. I love the difficulty so far personally and that story mode isn't a push over. They could add an accessibility mode to make the game easier, but stress that it's not the intended way to play.

human earthling
human earthling - 24.09.2023 19:24

funny that the mods which provide harder fights are so loved

IndustrialBonecraft - 24.09.2023 15:39

The balance is completely fucked in Act 2, to be honest. It's an absolute mess unless you're a complete no lifer.
And to inevitable "ermagerd ur nut a gamur" - delete yourself.

Sir Lionheart
Sir Lionheart - 24.09.2023 14:20

QQing because "story" mode is too hard, lmao

SWAGMEISTER - 24.09.2023 07:34

As a total noob to DnD and tactical turn based games. Its easy, but its combats also just not good. I already dislike turn based strategy because its mundane. Mix it with the luck based DnD combat and its just a miserable time. I like the other aspects of the game alot but as a combat focused gamer I can't stand playing it.

Murderous Mushroom
Murderous Mushroom - 24.09.2023 05:47

I'm stuck in the first Act . No idea what I'm doing. I can't find a new place on the map. Every thing is blocked

Dawn Callahan
Dawn Callahan - 24.09.2023 03:58

I am very new to online rpg. My last online game was Diablo 3. Anyway I do play dnd with friends and have a basic knowledge but bg3 really requires an indent knowledge or a lot of trial and error. My biggest difficulty is not combat but quest accomplishment and location. I will definitely work through this but some hints for the newbies would be nice.

aidou97 - 22.09.2023 05:31

The game NEEDS a very easy mode. It's so fucking HARD


Fuck Baldurs Gate that’s my experience 💯💯💯 never again


Fuck this game never again in my lifetime 💯💯💯💯

Dragons4Dummies - 21.09.2023 02:41

I'll admit that honestly without 5e experience and a couple online guides this game really has the worst tutorials. Still loving it though, cause I dm 5e, so I only needed to know what the buttons do. Also it doesnt tell you what rulechanges it has outright. For example, I only learned late into act 1, like underdark late, that I can misty step and cast another spell, which is against the rules of 5e. I also didnt know how to use lightning charges till I looked up a guide on how to examine gear

L.S. Don
L.S. Don - 21.09.2023 02:14

i have to say that lack of knowledge about the games systems contributes to difficulty as well. if you know how, you can make some pretty strong builds right out of the gate and some classes are just straight up more friendly to people who dont know all the ins and outs of DnD's systems and mechanics.

lilpinkbunny - 19.09.2023 23:45

This game is difficult if you dont take your time to strategize. If you just go through the motions of combat, then it gets very difficult to win but if you go slowly and look at all your options, and make sure your gear is great then you will be set. I really struggled early on but i have found act 3 to be a breeze once i figured the game out and was able to defeat Raphael on my second try

ThePlagueMan - 19.09.2023 23:29

How do people find this game hard?

Seriously, I play the game on the medium difficulty and I havent had a single hard fight at all. I have died maybe once due to my own fault and thats that.

Boss fights are fair and all fights are fair.

As long as you use some fore thought its easy

ShutUp Idiot
ShutUp Idiot - 19.09.2023 19:39


Anthony - 19.09.2023 10:24

Experience has been pretty brutal so far. Love the worldbuilding, companions, and combat but dice rolls are kicking my butt - continually rolling 1’s on dialogue options.

Zachster - 19.09.2023 00:49

I was actually kind of expecting the game to... not.... absolutely destroy you from the get go, I'm in the goblin camp, rescued the druid dude and holy shit how is this supposed to be possible, I'm already out of short rests, why are literally all abilities dependent on short rests and going back to camp for a long one, how are you POSDIBLY expected to get through this whole shit without your entire toolkit

RigelOrionBeta - 18.09.2023 23:48

I feel like a lot of people are taking fights they can't win. I found a couple fights hard, but mostly the ones where I was under leveled.

Don't expect to have a chance to win a fight if you are level 3 against a similar sized enemy group that is level 5 or 6

Alice - 18.09.2023 22:42

I htink the majority of people are having the opposite problem. The game is incredibly easy, act 3 wasn't even fun really when I felt like a god just walking around annihilating everything. I was able to run through all minor encounter with just cantrips, save all my spell slots for boss fights and then easily take out the bosses.

Troy B
Troy B - 18.09.2023 22:09

Just like elden ring fanboys used to say. It’s a skill issue, get good

nleary - 18.09.2023 22:09

yeah i can't stand this corny shit

Food for thougt
Food for thougt - 18.09.2023 19:27

You should just play d&d people and don’t complain if you haven’t

Alan - 18.09.2023 18:12

I really like BG3 and the comparison between this and Souls is interesting. The difficulty isn’t the issue, I don’t mind hard work, but, I often feel cheated playing BG3 where I don’t with Souls.

- multi-attack enemies
- enemies consistently left on 1hp after attacks
- too many enemies who can summon other enemies
- too many enemies in general all at once
- missing attacks way too often
- healing is insufficient

Now, some of this is the game, some of it is my skill level. But, there isn’t enough basic information for new players on how the mechanics work.

Obviously, I’m not going to give up, this is a great game and I’ll find a way to beat it but those are my complaints!

For Faerghus!
For Faerghus! - 18.09.2023 09:06

I've played D&D 5e for about three years now. I've been a fan of the Fire Emblem series for much longer. I was thinking maybe since it was a video game, I could try to apply some FE knowledge to combat in BG3. Holy fuck, this game is not Fire Emblem. I'd argue it's harder than even games like Radiant Dawn.

Herp Derp
Herp Derp - 18.09.2023 05:33

This game is WAY too hard for anyone who actually has a life and doesnt larp DnD IRL. Not only are new players learning the nonsesical deliberatelly over complicated "rules" and mechanics of DnD which are not like ANY RPG that exists, the game outright cheats. Story mode? My ass. Theres been instances where ive shown up at a story cutscene, then a bunch of enemies show up, all get to move first "because of course they do". And kill my entire party before its even my turn to move. Yep, so fair. So fun. WEEEEEEEEE. Only a retard would enjoy something like that. Had it not been for the story and characters being somewhat interesting so far I would have uninstalled it, and said fuck you to the devs with a refund.

MIG 17
MIG 17 - 18.09.2023 00:35

This game is fucking dogshit, you cannot attack the enemy always gets advantage they always go first it just skips your turns for literally no reason, the AI it's invulnerable and gets just unlimited attacks. Game is not recommended and not at all like actual DND. Garbage combat is so broken.

Marcus Quigley
Marcus Quigley - 17.09.2023 03:03

This game is a waste of money time and effort nothing works enemies are op to fuck u miss all the time it's crap complete waste of money. No matter wot I try to do nothing works. I've restarted 4 time thinking tha class is the issue nope cause nothing work pointless game waste of money simple as

Niek Esselbrugge
Niek Esselbrugge - 17.09.2023 01:00

Its only hard if you’ve never played dnd

Just be glad the game doesn’t use dnd 3.5 rules 🤣

86Corvus - 16.09.2023 12:58

Its slow, tedious and the combat sucks. early levels give you little to no variety in tactics its all just shoot it with bow or hit it with mele weapon... occasional direct damage spell or grease trap...

david's gaming world
david's gaming world - 15.09.2023 20:59

Thank you so much for this video I've been debating on this game since the sixth but now I definitely know it's not for me

Unah P.
Unah P. - 15.09.2023 16:09

Who gets stuck in story mode? That's crazy.

Tone Chaser
Tone Chaser - 15.09.2023 09:52

This game is an 8/10 at best. It's too hard for most current players. Wish i could have beat it but got stuck at the Act 2 boss. GG's i suck

Kevin R.
Kevin R. - 14.09.2023 23:09

Is it too hard to read ability and class descriptions? No, but you need to memorize a lot for this kind of game. A friend of mine never played DnD games and he is doing fine on tactician difficulty. I even wish there were additional difficulty settings.
Consider battles in this game like solving puzzles - without thinking you won't succeed.

HowdyHangman - 14.09.2023 15:29

I think they should’ve put the difficulties further apart. I’ve got close to 2,000 hours in D&D 5e, and the tactician difficulty seems disappointingly easy to me (admittedly, I understand that my coming in with a lot of game knowledge should not be the expectation for the developer). Regardless, I’ve been having to come up with wacky challenges like a solo run on tactician (no using companions) to have a challenge, and I’ve heard a lot of other D&D players having a similar experience on the subreddit.

My suggestion? It’d be nice if the difficulty levels were further apart. Balanced seems mostly fine, explorer should be easier than it is, and tactician should be absolutely brutal. In any case, this is a nitpick of an absolute masterpiece of a game.

Neo Count
Neo Count - 14.09.2023 00:53

Its my first CRPG. Im playing on normal. Its not hard. It eats up a lot of time though!!

Joel Allison
Joel Allison - 13.09.2023 22:56

Finally an AMAZING game... that I can't play because its too hard. I thought it was just me. Feels good to know I'm not alone.

Mastikator - 13.09.2023 20:55

As someone who plays D&D5e regularly for years I think the game is remarkably easy. HOWEVER D&D is a complex game and not easy, it takes a while to get used to and learn the intricacies. Larian did some changes (for the better IMO, especially for a game) so it's understandable that someone who has never played D&D will struggle on a computer game that ruthlessly plays on medium difficulty.

Tarrin Ryo
Tarrin Ryo - 13.09.2023 14:15

I literally feel like this game was just meant to troll people, kill their parties constantly no matter the combination, make people smash their keyboards cause even on "StOry" mode, it's fucking hard mode all the time. Do not recommend this game anyone, all the advice is false. Go play dungeons and dragons with some real life friends. Way better experience!

rebelknight b
rebelknight b - 13.09.2023 10:49

The game is not that hard. Ya there are moments that are hard but not impossible in anyway it does take work to win some battles

Linus Persson's Gaming Channel
Linus Persson's Gaming Channel - 13.09.2023 05:36

It's not hard as in dark souls, is hard as it's unfair and rng combat, making combat function like a fcking slot machine is not fun.

Dan C
Dan C - 13.09.2023 04:20

I don't find this game hard. I find it dirty. I've been playing a Warlock, which is a great class on paper, yet once you get to Act two? This class is just absolute shit, no matter what you run with. I don't know how you rationalize giving sorcerers an 100% hit chance with magic missile, which is their fallback option, yet decide to NOT do that with Eldritch Blast, which does a comparable amount of damage, and also needs line of site. Highest %'s I get with it are 55-60%, and thats assuming I get high ground rules.

Then you have the spell slot issue. The Warlock starts with 2. If you cast and miss? guess what? you are fucked. you lose that slot until you short rest. When I throw a hex spell on someone, there's a possibility of 10 turns on the spell card, yet 90% of the time the hex doesn't even last a full rotation in the combat order, and thats assuming it even hits. I can barely send karlach in to get crit advantage before the assholes are back up and spamming me with multiattacks on the same turn they recover.

"Take Karmic dice off then"

Oh? Ok. Let me do that. Now, you just turned a 5-10 min fight, into a 30 min fight. Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss.

They ought to just call it fucking "blind' mode. Waste of time in a game already long as fuck.

Then you run the problem of the devs being lazy later in the game simply by making boss enemies spam multiattacks. They also give regular enemies higher roll odds than you can possibly have. The ONLY viable classes you can even play are ones like the fighter, who can spec for multiattacks. Game's combat is BEYOND dogshit. Tabletop D&D combat does NOT translate well to an rpg.

cyrus vile
cyrus vile - 12.09.2023 23:57

There is a difference between a game being hard and poorly designed fights. None of the fights follow Dnd CR rankings, and many of the fights would be classified at hardcore+ by DMs. Bg3 has many poorly designed fights, not hard fights

Likewise don't compare this chop shop combat to dnd. Dnd does not endorse throwing barrels, bombs, drinking 30X potions on every corner, botched concentration spells, none existing control spells, 4 viable spells for the entire game

COOLS@32 - 12.09.2023 17:51

just try this game more than 24 hours. I had it lol, this one is not for me

Damien - 12.09.2023 14:56

I play every RPG that comes out (PS5) but I’m just having trouble with this game. There’s sooooo much you can do, and so many spells you have to do every second on things in the world to progress. I think on PC this game would be wayyyy easier than on ps5 for sure. It’s definitely better caterered for that with all the screens and everything. I’m just having a hard time getting into the game and I wanna like it. But it’s just hard…

Abbie M
Abbie M - 12.09.2023 12:56

As a brand new player to this type of game who wants to enjoy this, I just really wish they'd thrown in more optional tutorials...the learning curve is steep!
