Book Review for "The Stupidist Angel" by Christopher Moore

Book Review for "The Stupidist Angel" by Christopher Moore

Bookworm of the Damned

2 года назад

152 Просмотров

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@Mark-nh2hs - 04.01.2023 18:06

Happy New Year sad that Christmas is over for the year sigh. Lol great video and review. The attempted murder plot thickens lol

@shaunmccomish8572 - 04.01.2023 22:20

A horror comedy with the clever(est) title.

@Priscilla_Bettis - 05.01.2023 00:26

LOL, what a fun premise for a book! I think it takes a talented author to combine horror and comedy. Good review!

@tomasdellamorte - 05.01.2023 04:32

That was a very fun book!!! I just finished his book Lamb and enjoyed it immensely.

@ginahanson2 - 04.02.2023 20:19

Ohmagawd this was so much FUN! I myself also perfer snow and ice in my Christmas tales but the hurricane was fun and the story clever. I will definitely be reading more from this author.
