Linux User vs Windows User

Linux User vs Windows User

Chris Titus Tech

1 год назад

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@ChrisTitusTech - 05.09.2022 20:20

It should be noted... this video was edited on a Mac using Final Cut Pro.

@davidboss2160 - 28.11.2023 10:53

me over here duel booting windows and linux cause windows does vr better than linux but i use linux for litterally everything else

@romanmaksimovich5050 - 19.11.2023 18:43

That's actually a great take there that I rarely hear anyone make. In the end, Linux is all about preference, and to a happy Windows user all the "benefits" of that extra available 8 GB of RAM are going to sound ridiculous. Why do you need ram after all, if you're not using it... But when you have the right mindset, you will never go back to Windows after the freedom that Linux offers you :)

@norman24 - 06.11.2023 17:06

windows win here ngl

@kiillabytez - 05.11.2023 15:02

Windows user: Windows works for me the way I want it to.
Linux user: I prefer my privacy so I'll stick with Linux.

Windows users don't care what everyone else is using, but all Linux users care about is that they aren't running Windows.
What's wrong with that picture?

@alpenspass - 04.11.2023 14:53

good video!

@davidwentzel1560 - 25.10.2023 03:08

MAC users are special people

@rarenightcore - 21.10.2023 22:13

Linux: "I'm better! I'm faster! I'm free and open source! I am the future of technology"
Windows: "I control the economy and my software works"

@user-ds4cd6kc3f - 14.10.2023 09:13

All I can say is that I'm not searching for a version of Windows that doesn't break its desktop with its own updates or has an uncertain future because of constant turmoil from lawsuits and source code wars.

@bobpeters61 - 03.10.2023 03:18

I miss Windows 7. It was the best OS Microsoft ever made. Now I use Linux because Windows 10.

@badmusicvids5655 - 13.09.2023 15:25

"Use the right tool for the right job"
To that, I say "use the tool that does not actively sp on you"

@AdamAdam-dn4st - 07.09.2023 13:40

I use visual studio code on an 10 year old laptop

@Subusca - 03.09.2023 07:39

I like how the Windows user is glowing blue.

@Praw-Too-Ehleem - 01.09.2023 13:15

I currently use windows for desktop, ios for tablet, android for phone, and after I'm done with my research I'll have linux for desktop as well. The fact that people get so culty over this is weird. Like seriously, people need to get off eletronics for a second and go outside. Go hike, go mountajn climb, go play a sport, go work on a car, learn guitar, lift weights, build something with your hands, just do something else lol. These eletronics are becoming peoples identities and that's super weird. If the internet ever went down, these types of people wouldn't know what to do with their life. With the AI, vitural reality, etc etc, I only see this getting worse lol.

@agustriwidodo4687 - 05.05.2023 06:33

the difference is that the beard is shaved, the windows user doesn't have a beard, the edits are very detailed. Awesome 😁😄😄😄

@mzakyr42 - 26.04.2023 07:16

this is relatable

@tokyolovesme9722 - 05.02.2023 23:57

;D could be your best work so far!

@eno88 - 04.11.2022 17:03

I love this self pissing contest.

@whosonedphone - 28.10.2022 00:54

Switching to Linux made using the computer fun again. Like turning on a Commodore 64.

@ChuckNorris-lf6vo - 20.10.2022 11:33

Maybe focus on engineering solutions to common pain points when switching between OS and choosing OS and distro. Such as input lag, the general feel and responsiveness of the system, how fast you can do many things by being quick with the mouse and switching between productivity and leisure apps. So far Microsoft is winning because they took care to have things such as "ENHANCE POINTER PRECISION" and overall higher speed, responsiveness and uptime for normal productivity + entertainment scenarios. As well as the CPU, GPU power efficiency curves. These have been more optimized on Windows out of the box and we have more control on Windows with apps such as ThrottleStop especially for laptops. Sooo......... Who can fix all this??? Regardless of OS/distro. Also I think that Microsoft are steering improvements to Linux to be Not in these areas so by refocusing (sponsoring) efforts, they are neglecting these issues in Linux.

@aaravssi - 11.10.2022 17:47

I personally love linux for my personal use but my daily work doesnt allow it so i just use wsl

@abbasnosrat8898 - 01.10.2022 00:52

Mac vs linux

@robbs96 - 29.09.2022 04:41

that was pretty fair. I love the laughing at the fruity computers at the end.

@palladini9718 - 28.09.2022 17:56

I loved this video! My Daily Operating System is Linux Mint. I can do everything I need to do on Linux Mint, and do it with less cost than I could do on Windows Operating system

@GergiH - 27.09.2022 20:07

"Use the right tool for the right job" is to live by. For coding, Linux all the way, for gaming, only on Windows.

@alastor--radiodemon7556 - 27.09.2022 15:53

All of those reasons are why i dual boot 😎

No seriously i game a lot and mostly do all my work and everything on windows on the other hand I'm reinstalling arch 4 times a day cuz messing with my os is just so damn fun Linux is a super sandbox for geeks and techies and i love it

@LinuxLaravelLuminaries - 25.09.2022 07:52

Talk on the proton project that by windows, using on new processor and unable to boot any Linux base os , want more information on thiss

@shazib1081 - 25.09.2022 02:40

loved it!! keep up the good work! XD and please do bring the mac users too in the next one!

@lordtherr5514 - 24.09.2022 16:08

I'm using Linux and I'm gamer. If game isnt working I'm playing on geforce

@Jagi125 - 23.09.2022 17:18

Of course minimalism matters. I don't need to change my computer/laptop every 2 years or so, for it to run fast!

And Windows doesn't have nearly as many keyboard layouts as Linux. I use programmer dvorak, that's unavailable on Windows. Even worse, you need admin preferences to swap escape and capslock. Which sucks for using work laptop :/

@bennypr0fane - 22.09.2022 16:06

Man, this is way to balanced and civil... Probably because you're arguing with yourself :-)

@nightfox6738 - 22.09.2022 11:36

Windows is moronic in the way it shoves its design philosophy / workflow / applications etc down the user's throat. Every time I install windows I have to explicitly disable like twenty settings / "features" that I don't want, and even then there are some I CANT disable. That never happens with linux. The thing I hate most about windows is that microsoft thinks they know what the user wants better than the user does. While I'm sure for some users that may be the case, for anyone with enough experience to be running a *nix system it's a slap in the face and an utter annoyance.

furthermore up until the recent release of powershell, windows command line was an absolute joke. The command prompt still being included in windows systems is also kind of a joke.

Windows security is a joke as well. Just recently there was a zero day that enables priviledge escalation via a "support tool" that's not supposed to be accessible but was and was reported to microsoft years ago and was promptly... ignored. For those of you who've heard about this, yes I'm talking about MSDT. Sure, linux occasionally has security exploits pop up, but as linux is open source they're almost always fixed very quickly.

Windows updates are annoying as hell. You can delay them, but you can almost guarantee that even if you turn automatic updates off, windows is going to keep badgering you about it until you install them. However turning off updates isn't even a good solution because you need updates for security fixes etc. But when they break something, you can't roll back the update yourself. You're just screwed. In linux you don't get automatic updates unless you explicitly set them up (which nobody in their right mind does) and more importantly if something breaks when you install updates, its very easy to roll back the updates you installed and even install just the packages that aren't broken / dependent on broken updates.

So basically, tldr windows does dumb shit and then locks away your ability to change anything to fix that dumb shit.

@pyrokamileon - 20.09.2022 04:23

does that mean you can get Justin Long?! lol

@amongusisdeadstopjokingabo1484 - 18.09.2022 19:13

It takes me just as much time to customize my distro as much time a Windows PC takes time to boot up. :D

@stagdragon3978 - 18.09.2022 04:28

I have a friend who had a bad introduction to linux... like most things that we disagree on. They had a guy who was in their server playing Centry Age of Ashes. This new game made by a company that was not really to sure what they were doing. On a linux system. So already there's this person who's trying to play an already shakey setup... on Linux. So the only thing my friend hears is "UGH! hold on I have to re-compile this." or "dangit the game's shaders are all wrong!" But then they preach how good linux is. So of course friend of mine is exposed to this. So when I say "yeah I'm learning linux." He was ready to castrate me.

@bertosudu9506 - 17.09.2022 20:37

Kali linux hak wszystkie sprzenty linux runing PS4 telefon na adroidze XBOX RAZBERY PI

@jonathont5570 - 17.09.2022 03:12

well since windows decided my 2 year old laptop isnt supported on 11... they are gone from my last gaming pc.

@dayne6260 - 16.09.2022 02:10

I could not agree more that it's about using the right tool for the job. I need Windows to adopt two of my favorite features in Linux: dynamic tiling and dynamic workspaces, to consider the move back to Windows. Powertoys gets close to solving the tiling issue but still doesn't cut it for me.

@Beryesa. - 15.09.2022 23:49

Is that blue glow coming from BSOD xD

@buster5283 - 14.09.2022 12:44

How do you stop audio drivers or whatever in linux from having issues? I have had 2+ times where the audio completely stops working in different linux distro systems including Bodhi Linux and Manjaro and have had issues routing audio through hdmi cable to tv on linux? Audio stability and software support are the only reasons I still use Windows. I have a lot less audio issues on android compared to regular linux distributions too for some reason too so I am confused why there are more issues on desktop or laptop linux distribution installs.

@laboratorioassistenza3837 - 14.09.2022 11:00

That looked like when I talk to my brain to find a solution 😆

@rahulroyroy70 - 14.09.2022 07:18

Game support is better on windows end of discussion 🤠

@luispedro111277 - 14.09.2022 00:59

everything in linux is free ,don't cost a dime ,,,freeeeeee and works,,even on a potato ;-)

@williampaxtonrobinson6112 - 13.09.2022 20:26

Should have told him about how much drive space is wasted on the obsolete code of Windows 10 and 11 and why we need 3.XX in 2022. Basic install of Windows 10 without even using the Microsoft Store is 60GB. I can do Linux+ my entire selection for the software store together to get to this point.

@ronwike524 - 12.09.2022 00:07

Let's not forget what China did on May 20, 2014 and then South Korea on May 19, 2019. Guess what happens when you Google these two items?

@Siskiyous6 - 11.09.2022 23:07

I could care less about gaming, I love Linux.I do a lot of Ham Radio on it!

@arkoprovo1996 - 10.09.2022 21:13

Honestly, I use Linux for everything. For the few Windows games, isn't it better to just use a Windows VM? And coming to powerful computers, that needs a shit ton of money you know? My desktop (core 2 duo E8500, 4 GB DDR2 RAM, GT710 GPU (nouveau)) still runs fine. And during the pandemic and lockdown, when millions dropped out of school since they lacked smartphones, let alone an x86 PC, it kinda hits hard, when chads like those you portrayed, dis Linux and old, less powerful computers, which could actually be a holy grail in fixing this issue.

@captainkats - 10.09.2022 17:36

Yeap, pls add the mac user to the debate. This was fun!😁

@kennymorelandiii9406 - 09.09.2022 23:27

Hey Chris it's amazing that you managed to find your doppelganger and get him on the channel. It's almost like you two are the same person as not once did you interrupt eachother. Absolutely beautiful chemistry you both have. Awesome work!
