How Cambridge Analytica Used Algorithms To Trawl Through Facebook User Data | Mach | NBC News

How Cambridge Analytica Used Algorithms To Trawl Through Facebook User Data | Mach | NBC News

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Birmingham England FA CAI
Birmingham England FA CAI - 05.08.2022 05:47

Young and beuty anything true .

Helen Jarvis
Helen Jarvis - 12.02.2019 14:40

There is a classic phrase:
“if your not paying for it, your not the customer, your the product being sold”

Alexis Olvera
Alexis Olvera - 15.04.2018 01:57

I dont have Facebook

Scott Sch
Scott Sch - 13.04.2018 19:20

This is also about the power of media to influence voters. Are votes really representing a persons views?

TSVETY - 13.04.2018 17:42

Facebook is just the start. You can't stop social engeneering anymore.

J. Sarnak
J. Sarnak - 13.04.2018 05:01

This video is misleading, and you wonder why the American Public does not trust mainstream media. Saying this started in 2013?? What started? Just this App? Data Mining has been going on longer than this 1 App. You want people to believe that this 1 company did something that no one else did. That is a "lie" Obama's election team data mined for the 2012 elections. Facebook has been selling data since the beginning. Zuckerberg did not really create "Facebook" but he sure did know how to generate income from everyones profile.

Mainstream media should be ashamed of themselves, be honest tell people that you are doing a political opinion show, do not tell people you are just reporting facts, because that is just not true.

Bud E
Bud E - 12.04.2018 15:37

So you're telling me no other political campaign in modern history has used the internet and data mining techniques to target specific voters and understand the voting preferences of the populace to their advantage? WTF???

Bud E
Bud E - 12.04.2018 15:33

As someone else put it - if a social media site is free, then most likely YOU are the product.

sailendra kc
sailendra kc - 07.04.2018 07:33

I see no problem on it. I only give public infos in fb. So if they do anything it dosent harms me. The ads are ads it dosent matter what they are. I suppose

Matthew Lugo
Matthew Lugo - 06.04.2018 04:35

People are so butt hurt about trump lol

cafeta - 01.04.2018 22:41

First was Russian Collusion... Now is FaceBook AI data!!!
Tomorrow is Aliens Piramid Puerto Rican entiglement!

Leo Joey
Leo Joey - 01.04.2018 15:03

just wish that fuckwit didn't buy instagram because I actually like insta.

Андрій Шерстюк
Андрій Шерстюк - 29.03.2018 02:39

Yes, facebook and google were not created to serve us, but to manipulate us by selling stuff and forming some views that benefitual for them...

Hiang-wah Peh
Hiang-wah Peh - 28.03.2018 09:13

The FB-app started as a free ( no $$ involved) friendshare craze which was beautiful but then it spiralled into a $$-making/churning machine, and that's why it is screwed. I started on FB too, but it started asking for my user-data info (eg. pic, etc) and I noticed (as well) all those constant fake/outdated users' pics and news, postings,etc. and I so decided then to opt out of this digital FakeBook realm. I am glad I did, I don't need FB (people/friends think I am anti-social). I am also now very aware that Google (and, actually my very "presence on the grid itself") is being used to influence back my consciousness and the decisions and views I hold, which isn't all bad (it can make life easier and living more convenient). The point here is to be AWARE, it is a digital boomerang and you need to keep an eye on it all the time otherwise you can get whack by it returning :))

mubariz salim
mubariz salim - 28.03.2018 08:52

Ban Facebook!!!

Eshaan Menon
Eshaan Menon - 28.03.2018 06:09

What if I told you that the complex algorithms are something a first year computer science student could have built in 3 days

Angelina Matthews
Angelina Matthews - 28.03.2018 05:05

I am so confused....I thought it was the Russians. God you cannot even follow this garbage anymore, from Russians, to stormy daniels, to this rubbish. Liberals and Demoncraps you lost fair and square, get over it!

erniecho - 28.03.2018 02:53

Fine billion on facebook now!!! I want some results for not putting privacy control on facebook!!!!

Behfar Bastani
Behfar Bastani - 28.03.2018 01:07

So they used user data to target ads. Everybody has been doing this for decades in both business and politics. Another nothing burger.

Jenny - 28.03.2018 01:03

"That broke Facebook's rules"...right...

carolcheny - 28.03.2018 00:36

In other words, Cambridge Analytica did nothing wrong. They were doing ad targeting just like any ad company. They are good at it.

Leonard Ball
Leonard Ball - 27.03.2018 22:55

GOP, Bannon, and Russia? Facebook took their word they deleted it?

Crazy Life
Crazy Life - 27.03.2018 22:32

LOCK UP Donald Trump

Charles Brightman
Charles Brightman - 27.03.2018 22:22

Can some entity please find and publish the supposed 4000 - 5000 data points that Cambridge Analytica supposedly utilized against their own fellow human beings?
