Men and women DON'T NEED each other anymore: the consequences of replacing necessity with desire

Men and women DON'T NEED each other anymore: the consequences of replacing necessity with desire


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@adu5335 - 11.01.2024 23:51

Isn't it a fact that without men women's life will be impossible?
Men need women, yeah for sex. Wait till the sex rotots go mainstream. It won't be men crying fowl, it will be women.
There, I said it. Call me a misogynist .

@tat3179 - 11.01.2024 05:05

What do I think? Maybe passport bros have a point. Western minded women, which doesn’t only exist in western countries, are increasingly priced to the point of "the juice ain’t worth the squeeze". That is what I think.

@ginapanopoulos6533 - 09.01.2024 20:37

Everyone wants their peace, but at the cost of loneliness. So many people are depressed and unhappy because of the loneliness.

@davonel126 - 08.01.2024 16:41

The arrogance of an advanced and materialistic nation just seeps through this thread 😂. For the first time I disagree with the doc on a material level we don’t need each other but there is so much more to the development of people even beyond reproduction

@bradrogers4281 - 08.01.2024 09:29

Just keep working on them sex robots. Once they become more realistic and Affordable Plus a few more advancements in the artificial womb. which can already almost carry a baby full term and has full termed other mammals. We can already create an egg from a skin cell of any human. I see a future where women are completely undesirable As well as unneeded. Misogynist absolutely but I don't hate all women just stupid women Unfortunately that's a large portion of them. As usual mental engineer themselves out of the problem and rebuild the world that suits them. Sorry ladies.

@falconinflight6235 - 06.01.2024 19:33

How about marriages' fail rate of 60%?

@phantomplastics6582 - 06.01.2024 19:20


@Goodman849 - 06.01.2024 03:45

Women cannot handle the truth. Don't need don't want and it's dangerous to live with a woman. The new dysfunctional laws made it so. I'm.alone but not lonely and have options. Women need social interaction more than men. I'm a passport bro and am needed elsewhere . Not sure what the old single women are going to do when they hit 40 hard. Noticed many lonely single mums. Not that they would admit it. Too proud for that. Pride comes before a fall. 40 year old women have a long way to fall. Being alone is peace and safety. Sometimes that's bliss.

@theswordofvengeance1352 - 05.01.2024 02:11

Men and women DON'T need other people. They want other people. It's genetically encoded to want to pair off and procreate. Thousands of years of this, plus thousands of years of socialization, have affirmed it. It is only in the last few decades that this has come unraveled... with long term consequences perhaps dimly viewed at best, but definitely dismally viewed.

@BlackLion76 - 04.01.2024 04:04

Next time a woman calls you misogynistic, ask her to define misogyny & specifically state how you are so. I bet cold hard cash that she can't. It's just a feminist word feminists like to throw around because they think it sounds cool.

@TheMrmodernmonkey - 04.01.2024 02:05

relationships are for poors

@douglasmaclean5836 - 03.01.2024 06:52

Awesome video. the latest science on female desire has proven that you can't beat biological programming... after 3-5 yrs, romance plummets....
... Psychologist & Primatologist Dr. Kim Wallen (EmeryU Atlanta), has shown in his Rhesus monkey compounds, that female monkeys run the show wrt every aspect of monkey life, they are the Generals in War, the head of politics, they initiate ALL Sex, they do all the Objectifying (shock!) & don’t hesitate to abandon their children to chase after various objects of desire .. they're basically *RAW*. Male monkeys on the other hand, tend to live to the side of family life & ....wait for it.... are SWAPPED OUT after ~3 yrs !!! 😱…why ? the female monkeys get too bored to have sex w them (shock!) (~3.5yrs in the wild) ... sound familiar ? If it does, no need to ever beat yourself up. Just don’t forget, gym/haircut.

@margaretc5679 - 02.01.2024 19:02

I've been saying this for years. It seems so obvious! Very well said.

@allenchung14 - 02.01.2024 17:49


@michaeljoseph258 - 31.12.2023 12:23

Love truth facts

@ferindies8606 - 30.12.2023 23:08

You should work on your thumbnails, they are getting boring and you have a lot of competition out there, there are many other misogynistic creators, you’re falling behind

@emailaccount4483 - 28.12.2023 00:23

The only thing men and women actually NEED is what they already HAVE which is the eternal light of Pure Being. All the rest is just childish desires stemming from mistaking oneself for what one is not. Dream ✨

@tennisiswonderful - 27.12.2023 09:00

Your best video, hands down.

@janiece8439 - 26.12.2023 02:46

The lack is appreciation not necessity Nobody feels being loved is a blessing any more The cure is humility

@davidsf101 - 23.12.2023 23:53


@mikec5603 - 22.12.2023 22:54

Actually the 45 million Americans went from middle class to becoming poor because of offshoring of manufacturing jobs overseas to increase corporate profits since NAFTA in 2000!

Then the federal reserve increased the money supply and government debt from 800 billion in 2012 to 31 trillion today. The net effect of of those two decisions was to cap wages for the last 20 years while prices of real estate, rent, insurance, transportation went up more than the stagnant income. The net effect is a lowering the standard of living especially for the younger generation who are forced to live with their parents. Those people need a partner just to rent a one bedroom apartment and move out of their parents house.

@carlmiller8138 - 20.12.2023 21:38

Funny thing is.. women all want the sexy, big dik price of Ariba and she's in her own movie until the price says.,
Hey I'm good looking, rich and got game and frame..
eff this toad that movie star looks better.

@josephhorswell4839 - 20.12.2023 16:20

Everything in our society is built & maintained by men. The world would grind to a halt without men. Women will always need men. They just think they don't.

@JettMoress - 20.12.2023 03:24

Read "A world without men" by Aaron Clarey, women probably never liked men so just give them what they want: leave.

@leojanuszewski1019 - 18.12.2023 21:48

I've long thought this. Today's female doesn't need a man to protect & provide. Today's male doesn't need to commit to get laid. But both suffer for this over the long term.

@Harvest133 - 18.12.2023 16:21

Women still need men, but since the support they get from men is abstracted in the form of government and make no mistake, without the government supporting women, discriminating in favor of women, and more, the majority of these women wouldn't be anywhere near as successful are they are. This abstraction allows women to easily delude themselves into thinking they are "strong and independent", but watch how they'll wretch in horror once men stop paying the majority of taxes.

@whocarescrapsa - 18.12.2023 12:27

The bit that confuses me...for the last 100 years, all adults were expected to be able to feed themselves. Women worked as nurses, hair dresses, seamstresses and before the photocopying machine was invented, companies had typing departments. A woman only became dependent on a husband if she chose to be a mother (to get married and raise a family). People brag about not needing a man as if it is a new idea and impressive. The fact that most seem to think it is bragworthy - creates the impression there is a deeper meaning behind it. The message is very clear to all men. Unfortunately, good men are no longer protecting women from bad men. Personally, I would never date anyone who spews this nonsense. It is almost impossible to go on a date without this being vomited at you. It has got so bad that I start off new dates by saying "I am a strong independent male, and I don't need a woman!". When they roll their eyes at me thinking I am mentally handicapped, I say "Now you know what we think of you when you say that!". That seems to stop the silliness for a while.

@Work-xi3vp - 16.12.2023 09:22

If ever the tides turn back, and I doubt they will given choice overload, necessity would again have to return to trump desire.

@freedomariseagain5814 - 14.12.2023 17:01

Hooking up. As Prostitution must be banned!!!! Otherwise. Free sex for men provided

@freedomariseagain5814 - 14.12.2023 16:58

Simple: women run half naked and complain men viewing them. What is the conclusion??? Seriously

@omarsaeznavarrete9253 - 12.12.2023 14:56

Good morning sir Orion..the lady that say that to you is because she know that is truth what is going on.
Many guy dont care any more and womens dont need a man in their life any more...
Some people think is some thing new or a new situation but send the end of the 1980s many mens began to not gettting in any type of relations with womens...or prefert to fund a woman in other continent like Asia , and Africa and even Latinoamerica..when I use to live in London in the 90s I remember how many womens complain that many of them could not find a man...many of this womens began to go to African contries and Caribeann looking for mens.
Many got marry first time or again even some of them in their late 50s and even 60s but when many of this womens bring the mens to their contries..
Many of them put so much emotional and mental pressua on this mens many of them ending running away from them and still happen.
In country I live now I see that every day mens that dont want to have a woman, because is to much trouble and not much of happines..when you get marry or even to have a girlfriend..because you are not only dialing with her.
You have to deal with her friends or sister even mothers that made any relation imposible to handle or to find peace.
And is the matter of the money..that is real problem to..and womens like to with hold sex from mens.
That made many mens angry and violent.
And you have to deal with the female friends of your wife or girlfriend that try to get to bed with you and their friends talk bad about your woman.
To made you go with them to bed and for many mens like a not go zone.
But even with that you dont get any respect from any woman and even they ...put anything you say or do like is not truth or real.
For many womens us mens always got somethign extra that we are trushworde of their love and attention.
And after the time you get tired.
Really emotionally tired..and one day you just give up and dont care to have a woman in your life any more..
And if the robots or IA came to be real...many mens and womens will prefert to have a robot...
And not deal with a real person.
Already in many Eropeans contries..the baby borns are few and more few every year.
And even the only choice for women even in the country I life is to get sperm from frozen labs...I know like 3 of them that got girls like that.
And the most amazing thing is the 3 womens I know got girlf with artificial insemination..only girls not boys..and that put more need for womens to get a man.
But with womens with so much high standarts...many of them try to became lovers of other men...or live their life alone..or going abroad and have sex with other guys with not really got result..
Many womens get venarious illness for having sex with guys like that.
But many womens dont want to came to terms with what is happen..

@apex9841 - 11.12.2023 20:51

This is the one point i disagree with you on. It doesn't matter where we are in the world. Men and women will always need each other. We can act like it but we'll suffer the consequences like depression and being angry at the world.

@parkermcginley3708 - 11.12.2023 09:09

I agree, with some caveats. First off, its the less WE PERCEIVE that we need each other. Men and women just from a purely social, point of view very much need contact with the opposite sex, the frequency of that contact can be debated but, none would say it is not a necessity. To maintain optimal functionality and move society along family units need to be formed, and men need to do manual labor (less so in the modern day, but never will certain jobs not be laborious and those jobs are almost always done by men for the express reason that physiologically they can handle it and women cannot)and women need to facilitate that manual labor by cooking, cleaning, and raising children. Secondly, we have a tendency to believe history is very much the dark ages, especially pre enlightenment history, it would be inaccurate to call most of European history (at the very least) purely subsistence(if you desire proof, look to the cathedrals, some of which have taken six centuries to build) by all accounts the medieval peasant probably had a comparable( or better) life to you. They worked 35 hours a week, spent most of their time with close family and friends( and probably f*cked their wife a whole lot more than you do). Thirdly, we are a tribal species, designed to take care of their kids for at least 15 years, pair-bonding is not some red pill fantasy but, biological reality men are meant to provide for their children by bonding with a woman and women are meant to care for their children by pair-bonding with a man, people usually mistake the feelings that this causes for love, this is pretty purely chemical though. I'm not saying that love doesn't exist, but that feeling of the honeymoon phase is meant to bond a woman to a man and ensure enough sex happens that man is similarly bonded as the bonding process is shown to take longer in men, probably to ensure conception.

@ashlavanadis - 11.12.2023 06:27

This is not a bad thing. It means now you get to choose, and she gets to choose, and it is by free will that love flourishes. It is a choice and takes work. Some people are willing to do the work for a high-quality woman, Others just want to get their beak wet and will miss a level of connection that is uplifting.

@StuJones-gn7te - 09.12.2023 23:33

Men have never needed women. Women were a luxury in most of human history. Historically, only about 40% of all men reproduced at all. We don't have numbers, but I suspect the current generation will be lower.

Your statement is incorrect, that women don't need men, though. A woman doesn't need A man but women in general need men, if they expect to survive, even in modern society. Modern society was built and is maintained and kept running by the daily grind of billions of men. If men stopped working tomorrow, society would collapse overnight and the human species would be gone in a matter if months (at most).

So she may not need me but she needs the men in her society. She better hope she and her "sisters" don't annoy enough men into quitting.

@midkort - 09.12.2023 18:58

God's reason for marriage is NOT down to these bare necessities.
As long as humans continue this reductionist thinking, they will not find the satisfaction they seek.
This has proven true time and again, no matter what the prevailing rhetoric might be.

@MsMojomaster - 09.12.2023 18:57

why would you appolagize to a dumb feminist?

@joeylopez7978 - 08.12.2023 08:56

Women today just want everything without offering anything.

@joeylopez7978 - 08.12.2023 08:50

Women will always try to shame people talking about this as misogynistic because they want men to be ignorant so they can take advantage of them.

@Nobleheart111 - 06.12.2023 13:55

And good riddance to Bad Women!😄

@BrettAdamMusic - 04.12.2023 19:44

“Need is an illusion.” Conversations with God

@lsporter88 - 04.12.2023 08:25

Agreed. This will sort itself out in a couple of generations. Fast evolution with large amounts of growth is just going to be brutal and painful. Many of us who can't or won't adapt to this new complexity will be left behind and bred out soon. Great commentary.

@josueenalien1857 - 01.12.2023 11:35

You're talking that shit. Thanks.

@talicbronze2319 - 29.11.2023 23:24

Dude is a real thinker! A philosopher.

@noidreculse8906 - 29.11.2023 06:06

MGTOW by necessity 🖕🏻

@sayuri3917 - 29.11.2023 02:28

I discovered this channel yesterday and I'm devouring all of its content. I'm an "ugly duckling", so I didn't have much "practical" experience with men, as I ended up focusing my life on other things. In no way did I consider you a misogynist. Some women simply refuse to accept the reality of the facts. Men and Women are different and I personally find that fascinating. I don't want another woman. I appreciate masculine men and I realized that I need to improve my communication with men and take my share of the responsibility. I hope one day to come back here to share your advices worked and that I found a decent guy to make him happy. P.S. Sorry for my English. It's not my mother tongue.

@ronnie1638 - 28.11.2023 21:33

Oh snap… men are waking up!!! Women are screwed 😂

@naturalforlife6741 - 28.11.2023 21:11

Things are reverting back to when we evolved. I always believed that we were originally herd animals. We are the 4th ape. Besides the Orangutans,Gorillas, and Chimps, we are the 4th ape. Our genetics for survival makes us want to mate with different partners to ensure our species.

@Bae23745 - 28.11.2023 04:05

What type of new relationship dynamics do you think will start to emerge?
