Summoning this secret "enemy" in Terraria ─ TRUE Torch God..?

Summoning this secret "enemy" in Terraria ─ TRUE Torch God..?


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@kitten.5906 - 27.12.2021 22:57

Just wait for someone to make a mod for the torch god boss or something, and ofc I think it would be a boss that does bullet hells attacks like supreme calamitas

@magmacrafta2671 - 20.12.2021 03:45

What mod did you use?

@markeye2043 - 13.12.2021 15:16

Is this in base game or calamity or other mods?

@worldboxvn8214 - 06.12.2021 11:34

If kaiba play this game ,he will say : It is not a creature ,it a GOD. GOD can't be kill

@bubbs638 - 06.12.2021 00:28

Me who uses sand to kill moon lord:
Oh yes, that's a boss you can't kill with sand

@danielpepel6765 - 05.12.2021 17:47

What’s the weapon that placed glass

@sirgouki6207 - 05.12.2021 03:32

It has those stats because those are likely the default for entries in the journal so it wont cause an error regarding referencing a null value, or so the entry wont have all 0's and look unpolished like so many AAA games do with their bestiaries. Also, the entity you're spawning is a placeholder, which is there due to how the game works with boss fights, and this is technically a boss fight. Likely, it's got some code that runs a timer and despawns the object running the event once it has reached what ever time ReLogic coded for it. In other words - this entire video is speculating on things that were already answered by ReLogic themselves, and can be answered by anyone with programming knowledge, and trying to make something from nothing.

@Upup2211 - 05.12.2021 02:03

Buy a mic

@VoidWorldGaming - 04.12.2021 16:51

My head cannon and short story for this is that:

The torch God isn't the actual torch, that torch it's just a vessel for it, which is just a torch meaning the torch itself is weak(that's why it has 20 HP).

What it really is, is a foreign entity that rivals the power levels of the moon lord or any creature within Terraria.

This god like being was born into a void gone of any light or warmth however still containing planets and black holes all trapped in a endless void leaving the entity feeling lonely and bored.

So it decided to try to focus it's mind to find other beings like itself and ended up tearing reality and peering into another universe which would be Terraria.

It's first glimpse into this new universe was the humble and unexpected torch, to the entity the flames of the torch moving elegantly with life ended up hypnotizing it, since it's never seen something like it.

This being ended up falling in love with torches that it started to become a protector of torches and stop abuse of torches(e.g torch spam) by giving anything warnings to stop if deemed their action is torch abuse.

It ended up loving torches so much that it decided to make its vessel a torch, unfortunately torches are relatively weak to a bunch to things that it would just be stupid for a god to make one a vessel.

But because it was their beloved torch it gave it a lot of immunities so the vessel can survive, but since it's just peering into Terraria using a torch as a vessel it has missed some things to give an immunity for...

@botrux1713 - 04.12.2021 01:11

The reason you would want to do that is that your characters luck increases and so drop rates do too

@wigglerlesbian - 01.12.2021 22:49

Event summons and immediately kills torch god off screen when you run out of nearby torches I'd guess

@aveanth - 30.11.2021 17:06

i bet a torch god spawns in place of one of the many torches needed to start the event

@fatal6315 - 29.11.2021 07:48

Accidentally spawned that one in while fighting golem

@spidertiger585 - 28.11.2021 10:16

i want a mod that makes these things spawn, but disobey gravity, during the torch god event. also they would have to be able to be hit by all weapons. but they drop a bunch of hearts and a few potions so it would make the event more interesting, maybe make them spawn in rarely and make the torches stronger to balance it

@elecric - 24.11.2021 20:14

The Torch God seen in the beastiary is actually a guy named jim "The Torch God" is his dnd name

@squeezysneezy3043 - 24.11.2021 16:27

Bro I first found out about this dude when I placed to many torches in the dungeon scared the living heck out of me

@doplop - 22.11.2021 15:32

wait oh my god i wanna like. draw the true form of the torch god or something

@vldmt2720 - 21.11.2021 21:09

Question :Is torch god on ps4 yet?

@Xizilqou - 20.11.2021 06:29

Re-Logic should do something more with Torch god, maybe a hardmode bullet hell boss or something like that.

@phoenixchase9271 - 19.11.2021 07:08

I’d say the reason why some “oddball” weapons work is because their projectiles and likely their AI is unique and maybe torch god was made immune to the normal weapons by the devs or its AI just doesn’t register them but it can for some reason register the unique weapons (like I said likely due to the devs not patching it

@hedgehog3180 - 19.11.2021 02:54

The Torch God being the only boss in the game the player doesn't kill and instead just survives implies that it is more powerful than every boss in the game, including the Moon Lord and modded bosses, which perhaps is fitting as a truly poweful god wouldn't need to fight a mere mortal.

@electrojoe5385 - 18.11.2021 03:24

When me and my friends were preparing for plantara we placed too much torches that we summoned torch God event loooll

@Subject_Keter - 17.11.2021 20:11

Torch God is going to be the sun or something... and you just blew up his favorite little sun with a t o x i c a r p!

@purplelotus531 - 17.11.2021 12:17

Probably they had to give him values for each stat to enter him on the bestiary

@jeezuhskriste5759 - 17.11.2021 06:59

In case you’re wondering why you would want biome torches: aside from looking cool, they make you luckier. Placing biome torches in their correct biome will increase the chance for certain things like fishing to go well, to a certain point.

@manerscount123 - 17.11.2021 03:00

Terraria 1.5 the Torch God Update

@fractalfalco3964 - 16.11.2021 15:41

It is regarded with the same immunity that applies to enemies within solid tiles, i.e enchanted sword, man-eater. Only weapons that can go through blocks (even just a little) can damage it.

@thesongbird1679 - 16.11.2021 14:20

the creature is a sort of "placeholder" npc that the game uses to detect if the event should start. basically the game checks if the requirements to spawn the npc are there (so are there enough torches nearby) and if yes then for a split second that creature spawns then is despawned as the event starts

@Heidijackward - 16.11.2021 02:20

I wonder what the torch go true form is hmm i wonder if any terraria fans made some hyper realistic art for it

@datormentxd - 16.11.2021 00:31

God abuse 123123

@_Tzer - 15.11.2021 14:21

Alright but when are we getting moon lords legs boss.

@shbmd451 - 15.11.2021 10:03

I'm gonna say it they're gonna make it a secret tough boss later on

@eugeniopalaganas2752 - 14.11.2021 11:50

Does The "Projectiles" Hurt Cus I Coulve Never Survived that

@zombie.200 - 13.11.2021 18:32

Im gonna explain why does this Torch God enemy exists on the bestiary.

"The Torch God" or "Torchus" (in the game's assets) is NOT a placeholder, it is an ACTUAL boss, with a AI and ATTACKS. It does not attack is because the AI is disabled, plus its heavily WIP, i readded its AI and the game crashed several times because of it. Reason why it can't be hit by most of the weapons is because of some junk code in its AI, and also its stupid hitbox. So i can pretty much say that originally you were supossed to fight against it as a actual boss, but was scrapped and turned into a event.

@zombie.200 - 13.11.2021 18:28

Im gonna explain why does this Torch God enemy exists on the bestiary.

"The Torch God" or "Torchus" (in the game's assets) is NOT a placeholder, it is an ACTUAL boss, with a AI and ATTACKS, reason why it can't be hit by most of the weapons is because of some junk code in its AI, and als

@ruzzeltape1191 - 13.11.2021 05:51

Maybe when you start the The Torch God (event) the The Torch God (Creature) spawns in one of the torches that fires on you and when you completed it the creature will die and gives you the Favor.

@GalactaKiller - 13.11.2021 04:12

Well, let's just wait til modders do a full-on boss for that event !
Y'know, for post Moon Lord ... as a "rematch" :)

@mrspy5736 - 12.11.2021 22:05

I need a bunch of torch God torches now

@ximirux2408 - 12.11.2021 18:25

Oh gosh... this is just a thing for a bestiary it's not a real enemy like kmon, it's like oooh a secret boss anemy torch god wow wow can't be damaged wooow stop being silly and use your brain, they just added that so there could be a bestiary entry

@thekindhakerro82 - 12.11.2021 00:25

What a fool You are, how can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence

@Benjamin_Aveyard - 11.11.2021 21:49

torch god isnt a secret

@benjaminplays3696 - 11.11.2021 03:51

So basically:
How many is too many?

@Thoughts-kc6qe - 11.11.2021 03:34

how to get the mod to summon things?

@Jackpkmn - 11.11.2021 01:56

It's actually not so mysterious. The Torch God is definitely Red, who doesn't like it when you spam normal/ultrabright torches all over your world.

@hugowildoer7198 - 10.11.2021 21:51

What da titanchromee doing-stake alt

@MRtorch-dm7rk - 10.11.2021 18:50

torch god ha? he/she nothing compared to the real torch, ME

AND IGNORE THE CAT PROFILE...... it's a distraction
