CheckPoint™, the fast and accurate Secure Access Control from OmniPerception.
Using facial biometrics technology, CheckPoint™ provides the ultimate simple, proven and secure biometric access control solution for secure locations. Where you need that extra level of certainty before granting or denying access, CheckPoint™ can easily and seamlessly integrate with your existing access control systems and provide it.
CheckPoint™ is:
-Light-immune - it works well in either poorly lit, dark areas or in bright sunlight.
-Plug and play - quick and easy to integrate into exisiting access control installations.
-Easy to configure to customers' requirements.
-Fully Scalable from one door to many, standalone or integrated.
For more information about CheckPoint™ please contact us on
[email protected] or visit our website
#'face #recognition' #'facial #biometrics' #biometrics #'access #control'