The Riflemans Assault Pack for the Modern Minuteman | Guerrilla Warfare | SHTF

The Riflemans Assault Pack for the Modern Minuteman | Guerrilla Warfare | SHTF


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@bigoz7 - 31.12.2023 23:31

Cool vid thanks for sharing!

@mrdark9916 - 24.11.2023 22:57

To me, as an UNSUPPORTED citizen with no resupply I am a firm believer that although you use an assault pack for an assault, you MUST have an 90+lb ruck stashed somewhere nearby to live out of/resupply out of for days at a time.
If you don't have access to at LEAST 14-20 LOADED rifle mags(a full 7 mag load out, and a full contingency load out for resupply MINIMUM) that is a huge mistake.. and 8-10 pistol mags. I'm also a firm believer in carrying more pistol mags than most. I don't think people realize how often you'll need to strip kit and blend in and content yourself with just a pistol, and in that case you need to be carrying at least 4-5 mags, NOT the 2 most people carry.

Just my opinion, YMMV boys. Good luck and train hard

@MethodMan-fp3uh - 21.10.2023 11:51

Suggestion.... I highly reccomend a fire resistant face mask or balaclava... They're not expensive, it will keep the sun/ cold/ elements off your face... Without having flammable or melting materials on your face.

@recon1986 - 12.10.2023 05:06

Instead of taking up one of your cummerbund mag pouches for your radio go get yourself some krydex chest rig wings and use that wing on the inside of the cummerbund for the radio. That's what I use so I can still have my mags where they need to be

@Gmar69 - 04.10.2023 07:19

Your First Aid kit is pretty slim bro. It totally lacks A LOT! Instead of that scratchy balaclava, get yourself some camo face paint. Your BCG is really not necessary. Just have some springs, firing pins, and cotter pins or better. Your comms should be in that Faraday bag too...??? In a SHTF situation, you lack quite a bit, as you well know. When I was in Vietnam, for every KLICK away from base, we added an extra mag and water. I could beat up your pack more, but Good Job!!

@throneborn - 06.08.2023 17:20

"assault pack". Look, I'm a gun nut myself, but if you want the media to stop using ridiculous phrases like assault rifle, you definitely need to stop with the cringey "assault pack"

@Herbymac0811 - 01.08.2023 07:57

The ability for a militiamen to grab his weapon and kit and bet out the door in (1 minute) give or take...
You should be able to feed and maintain your weapon, eat and hydrate, patch small or big booboo's, and keep the weather off of you. All for 24 to 48 hours. That's the absolute minimum of ability your kit SHOULD provide. Anything past that is up to you! Just remember guy's.... Ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain! No one is going to carry your kit but you!

@user-zx6lc3lo3k - 21.06.2023 20:35

I found that the iodine tables make the water taste terrible, I carry some powdered drink mixes to help with that. not a lot of choices that are not loaded with sugar though.

@orenjie226 - 21.06.2023 17:28

American style not relevan in asian junggle

@TheTEXMIKE - 03.06.2023 14:51

so you carry empty mags in you pack? the ones in your chest rig empty also?

@alphaomegasurvivalsupply6548 - 16.05.2023 21:52

Synthetic rit dye in brown really makes acu look pretty good and actually usable, people also use apple green and it turns out good too, or a mixture of both can look good as well which all depends on your area of course. There are alot of videos on the tubes showing how to do it, if you do spray paint it eventually that paint will probably flake off into your pack and will be big mess I would think. You can dye most gear like this including goretex and of course nylon, if a guy liked the dye job there is alot of acu out there for low cost. You can also dye using walnut hulls if its ever grid down or something lol, the more you know 🤣 great getting ready no doubt itll be needed. Also don't forget many people are looking at the coming conflict as conventional war like GWOT and other modern battles, however I dont think it will be like that for the most part, it will be more gorilla tactics and covert actions I would guess. We will be fighting a superior adversary not a peer or even a near peer, so much of this standard combat gear may be of no use. I think people forget we won't have all the technology, logistics, and support like the enemy will have. Im not saying nobody will need that equipment just that this will not be the GWOT, and things will probably be totally keep that in mind while building your kit as well. Outstanding job 👍

@frozennorth6527 - 11.05.2023 15:15

I know this video is starting to age, having a spare bcg is tits. PSA also has a field armorers kits full of everything that could break out in the field and it's $20-30 and it's just something a little extra so that you could potentially get that defective BCG back up and running when and if you have the time.

@juanfigueroa-serville2465 - 13.04.2023 18:44

Thanks for the video bud. I would also add a small torch cigar lighter to start fires, a compass, changes of socks, bar of soap with plastic storing case and small towel / baby wipes for short missions, deodorant, bottle of Aleve, toothpaste and tooth brush, all in case you have to save a hottie in distress that you minimize smelling like ass and also not having bad breath….lol. Antibiotics pills and topical cream, cellphone chargers, pen and marker, protein shake packets, high energy snacks, sunglasses, insect and mosquito repellent, and knee and elbow padding.

@save2a4all - 12.04.2023 23:38

Nice video. Ps - hope you get the audio issues worked out. Could be mic or mic placement, sounded very rough and echoey.

@MannyScoot - 12.04.2023 12:53

I have my old GI 3 day Assault pack and still use it to this date .......I have a ziplock and added a P38 and a P51 can opener (5) Bic Lighters and (10) CR123 batts for my Eotech optic .....In another I have a GRAYL GeoPress 24 oz Water Purifier Bottle...... and a couple of Curaplex Stop The Bleed Intermediate Kit with CAT Tourniquet ......pack the rice that you have in your sock as a support in Ziplock bag and that way you have a half a pound of rice to eat in case of an emergency like a Vietcong would do .....Good Job man.....Keep it up ....

@gunnersecuador7515 - 12.04.2023 00:49

Your on the right track however, if your intent is to help others you will need to be more specific, and not put out bad dope. I get it, your just starting out so don't take the following as me busting your balls.
The following are some tips, you may want to consider in your following videos. These are not just my opinion but lessons learned over the course of my twenty two years of service.

The first thing that comes to mind in this knowledge transfer is, "Ounces equal pounds, and pounds equal pain". While it is said that gear loadout is mission dependent, there are things that should be a constant across all the platforms/gear you use. It is not uncommon for a three day patrol to turn into a seven day patrol.

One of the most important things to do is test every piece of gear you intend to use. For example, load your pack, and run with it, jump up and down, get prone and roll around with it. This tells you several things; How the pack will ride, does it cause hot spots, does it restrict movement, does it make noise, will it explode wide open when you take a fall etc.
Important areas to note are; The material 600 denier at least, the zippers, the stitching, buckles and straps, is it treated on the inside to prevent water intrusion etc.

If you wear eye pro or glasses, you will want a leash on them so when they get knocked off, and they will, they have retention. Having a spare is great, but when you come into contact is not the time to be digging them out!

Field strip, any gear possible. By that I mean remove packaging from chem lights etc. having to remove packaging slows you down, and creates trash you will have to deal with so you leave no sign.

As far a batteries go, extra is a must. I always install new batteries prior to every patrol or mission. Murphy's Law is always in effect!

Your rear bag, as you refer to it is extra weight. Find another way to support your rifle. Besides, rice, beans, popcorn etc. will all expand, and rot once they become wet!

Eliminate any extra weight. Being in the field, on the move is very taxing. Extras like speed loaders, and tool sets are not needed. Instead carry a multi tool, they have ones that are specific to the AR platform if you like. In lieu of a tool bag, you should lock tight every fastener on all your gear, it is also a good idea to attach a leash or safety cord (550 cord) to items you can't live without; optics, NODS, GPS , compass etc.

You show a pencil, and pens but nothing to write on!? Ditch the #2 pencil and get a write in the rain pen, and pencil along with a write in the rain notebook. The first time you draw a map or record coordinates with that pencil, fold it up, and stow it you will find the lead will smear all over and render your notes useless. You should have an admin kit, with all you need for recording or keeping important info.

Having cordage is always a good idea, however. it should be rolled, and stored properly so it can be used in a minute. Rather than a bundle of 550 you spend ten minutes to untangle!

Another extra, you carry is ear pro. In a typical squad, not every member has coms gear (radio). If you don't need a radio to talk to higher authority etc. don't carry the extra weight. If your not wearing your headgear, simple squishy ear plugs will suffice if you really feel you need it. You will typically remove ear pro to conduct SLLS anyway (Stop, Look, Listen, Smell).

If you are on a dismounted patrol, your feet are your primary concern. I always carry three pair of Marino wool socks, one pair on, one pair drying, and a spare. Change them often, or you will pay for it! If you feel the need to carry undershirts, underpants etc. that's your call. many after a few days are going "Commando" anyway, so why carry funky drawers with you!?

Stay away from scented comfort items. Wipes are great but you don't want to be setting up an ambush smelling like a babies ass! Patrols are not an opportunity to meet women, so don't prepare like it is.

I noticed you are sporting one of the folding antennas. This is fine "If" you happen to be the coms guy, and need to maintain coms with a distant TOC etc. For squad coms you want a short stubby ant. to keep your range down to a minimum. Otherwise you are broadcasting to a larger area, and you will pay for it.

You did not have any Nav. gear. You should NEVER leave your safe area without GPS, a compass, and maps, period. You also did not show any lights for night use other than chem lights? A good headlamp, with both red and white light, as well as a small handheld torch are very handy.

You mention carrying an empty bag or pack. I would suggest a dump pouch, which can be used if you do conduct an SSE (Sensitive Site Exploitation), and need to carry any items.

As far as "Battle Field Shopping" goes, you can pick up your adversaries gear but you need to consider the fact that if you are set up for an AR platform, and pick up an AK platform there is not a direct crossover for pouches etc. Stick to the common platforms and ammo in your AOR (Area Of Operation).

As far as rations/food goes, 2 packs of tuna and a single 100 oz. bladder are not going to get it done. Yes, you have water purification on you but wells can be poisoned etc. You never want to rely solely on possible water sources. I always have a cargo pocket for "Lickies and stickies", (Hard candy, nuts etc.) things you can eat on the move that provide energy. At the end of the day, certain things are most important; water, food, shelter, ammo, first aid. That is what will keep you alive, and in the fight.

No trained unit simply decides to take a hike. You have a primary objective, even for a simple patrol which includes routes, way points, rally points, emergency rally points, alternative routes etc. All team members are briefed, and know where they are going and understand what to do when something comes up, like contact.

You have to understand that while Rifleman win battles, logistics wins wars. Having said that I would encourage you to be more detailed in the gear you choose/use, and point out why you selected that item, and how you intend to use it. There are MANY sites doing the exact thing you are trying to do, so putting out well planned, logical information in an easy to understand manner will be what makes your site good or just more noise.

Many have learned the lesson that, being in the field while exciting, and stimulating. Can also lead to maximum SUCK real fast. You quickly learn what gear is needed, and what is just extra weight, which is now killing your neck, shoulders, back, hips, knee's and feet! You also find out with a quickness, what gear works and what is total shit.

Good luck.

@xyrovice - 08.04.2023 21:51

I see many marks of a pro (ziplocs, baby wipes, crucial spares). If you can streamline some 'packaging' you can save a some weight and a lotta space (BCG in a smaller case, strip the allen keys from the carrier tool). Overall great approach, well thought out 👌

@thecritician8772 - 07.04.2023 14:15

Whats the exact name of the bag can't use the link in the description

@samuelkuntz3393 - 05.04.2023 08:04

Great vid

@OSA4224 - 03.04.2023 16:01

Seriously, If you're going to make informational videos, you need to learn how to speak! " all right," " ummm," "so" "ahhh," repeated constantly show you're an amateur, and people lose confidence in your knowledge!

@teddy2guns404 - 31.03.2023 05:07

Love the vids homie. This is the way.
