RimWorld Biotech Melee Gods | VOD 09

RimWorld Biotech Melee Gods | VOD 09

Adam Vs Everything

1 год назад

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@Luviabloodfallen - 27.03.2023 12:31

I feel so bad for MndFreeze with the prosthetic arms watching the new guy get the fancy archotech arms when his arms/hands were intact to begin with lmao 😂

@mynoc1113 - 25.03.2023 06:45

Thank you for yet another Awesome vid Adam

@derekanderson6708 - 22.03.2023 22:00

recording has begun!

@Ricochetaglet - 21.03.2023 17:47

Awe man. I hate that slave ship came during the militor raid and Adam didn't see it. It's probably not the case but I feel like there were 20 tough pawns on board waiting to be raised to the heavens!!!

@jjones503 - 21.03.2023 08:09

Longform. Yay!
