The Kingdom Hearts Secret Boss *NO ONE* Knows About!

The Kingdom Hearts Secret Boss *NO ONE* Knows About!


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Deadly-swordsman - 27.11.2023 20:11

in recoded i was trapped in the colosseum level where it's a turn based rpg with annoying unfair rng

Earth Tree
Earth Tree - 27.11.2023 07:39

I got Ultima weapon on Recoded for my DS so I understand your pain. However it would have been better to break into it with about 30min of command testing if you aren't gonna level to 60 at least (honestly idk anyone who got to 80). Judgment triad, Zant, triple pursuit, and cures ofc would have made the whole thing easier. Also getting used to the dodge mechanics of this one since it's the 2nd most broken just behind Aqua in BBS

RescueRex - 26.11.2023 19:02

Yeah I don't really get the hate of Re:Coded, I think it's really fun, yeah story wise it's kinda nothing, but it's a really fun game, and I like Data-Sora (he's a bit more like aware for lack of a better word compared to Sora, which is fun)

GODLHEA - 26.11.2023 16:26

These two battles were hard, but I beat and I felt your pain when losing bro 😂

Nevict - 25.11.2023 21:21

Not only I faced against bug Roxas, but I also cleared all the challenges of the floors and got all the rewards, while playing on the DS. I never bothered with the avatar system though.

Darb_is_I - 25.11.2023 20:09

always nice to see someone mention Re:coded as a game!
It has favorite implementation of the comand deck system, but its sucks that so few people can play it, with it being left without a remake...

captian bacon
captian bacon - 24.11.2023 13:23

Recoded is my favorite of the 3 games with the bad kingdom hearts combat cause all its weird gimicks made it so kool. (Ie i think its better then bbs and DDD)

Richard Ward
Richard Ward - 24.11.2023 06:56

I have fought both of these at level 1 with max stats (200). I loved this game and did floor 1 to 100 of Avatar Sector at least twice.

Chaddy - 23.11.2023 11:42

Honestly with how good mobile devices have become with gaming, cod mobile, arena break out, the former apex mobile, i could see a game like re:coded getting a nice greatly expanded remake or final mix version with better graphics, more worlds and content on current mobile devices, i was only ever able to play 358/2 days and Recoded on my phone via the NDS emulator and i still have the rom and emulator installed after nearly 2 years, i understand that the game wasn't well regarded but I'd have liked to see a remake for the 3ds at the time

timothyfrancis3 - 21.11.2023 18:10

I actuallly remember how difficult this was

Heyho Brando
Heyho Brando - 21.11.2023 11:36

Though I never experience the detamined riku fight I remember when this game came out a lot of people in my school there was a kingdom heart fan club and everyone worked together to get the 100 floors to do this fight, I only ever got to floor 87

richi maldonado
richi maldonado - 21.11.2023 08:22

Nah we gotta talk about the one in bbs secret boss with the lightsabers

Prince_Troii - 20.11.2023 19:17

Husbands 😂😂😂 “term used for enemies who support their stronger counterpart “🤣🤣🤣

Prince_Troii - 20.11.2023 19:06

These edits and memes were hilarious

Brickjester - 20.11.2023 17:03

you should have been 80 like the area warning said

Daryl Hadvard
Daryl Hadvard - 20.11.2023 07:32

Not trying to brag AT ALL. But I actually beat Re:Coded 100% back in the day I think I was arround 12.
I actually feel proud of myself right now X)
Although I probably grinded way over lvl 80.

If anyone's curious My best friend and I both had Re:Coded and 358/2 we didn't really know about the fixed avatar's but found the trick of changing different parts.

Austin Poppema
Austin Poppema - 20.11.2023 01:30

Didnt know i was a tryhard till i watched this
E: i loved recoded, its just crazy remembering being a kid doing all this, remember the gold and dark shrooms? Me and my three sisters helped each others avatars, we couldn’t believe many didnt know about riku

DamagedDevourer - 19.11.2023 00:01

Does Dark Inferno (KH3) count as a secret boss? If so, he's my favorite. I remember fighting him a Level 60-ish, and I wasn't very good at the game at the time (mainly bc I didn't know how to guard at ALL). I beat him on my third try with Starlight by just abusing the I-frames of Payback Strike and sandbagging with Elixirs and Curaga. He's my favorite boss for two reasons: Because he's COOL AS HELL, and because he taught me how to use Guard and Reprisals efficiently.

King Demitri
King Demitri - 18.11.2023 19:38

Re:Coded is criminally underrated as far as “fun” goes

Shy Studio
Shy Studio - 18.11.2023 07:48

Skyward pepole are saying their is a secert boss in kh that no one talks about and has not bin found in decades. It’s In gba chain of memories expect idk how to access it

WestGunner - 18.11.2023 06:00

Fun fact: I feared the Eliminator so much as a kid that he gave me nightmares about his encounter. and the system sector battle theme gives me PTSD thanks to him.

Confused Master
Confused Master - 18.11.2023 04:42

The re-coded bosses were a bitch imo. Me and my friend both had a copy and we were both dying to them constantly. I beat data roxas first where he was able to beat data riku before me. both are soul crushing even on overleveled characters on easy mode.

EvilM0nkeyRules - 17.11.2023 21:17


Carbon Cross
Carbon Cross - 17.11.2023 03:48

lol.. i actually liked coded. Floors need to be cleared out slow and in sections to make it easier

cym999 - 17.11.2023 03:22

Im so fucking glad this shit got the recognision it deserved i lived this hell i got the ultama weapon it was a personal achevenet and as a souls vet, i lived for this hell worth the satisfaction of doing this was worth

theg theges
theg theges - 17.11.2023 00:12

Im glad I just found this video, ReCoded was my first KH game and I actually beat data Riku earlier this year. Im so close to getting 100% just need more avatar outfits.

Dilly The Pickley
Dilly The Pickley - 16.11.2023 23:34

I actually did play Re:Coded on the DS (or rather the 3DS). I actually think it's a pretty solid game.

AerialAce755 - 15.11.2023 17:25

The trick is to play the game up to this point yourself so you're warmed up and understand how the enemies work. :p

Mr. Mystere
Mr. Mystere - 15.11.2023 14:44

I had no idea these two bosses were that secret. I learned right away that you want to have Oathkeeper equipped when going up against enemies who love inflicting status ailments on you. You can survive Eliminators MUCH easier that way.

Cam Can124
Cam Can124 - 15.11.2023 01:57

I have played Recoded on DS. I beat data Roxas and got the secert movie. I never found these 13 levels

kingofmonsters14 - 14.11.2023 20:47

bro having a mental breakdown unlocking them, let alone fighting them

Zanagi ZenGamer
Zanagi ZenGamer - 14.11.2023 18:19

Until now I still have ptsd with Dustflier

flygon kerel
flygon kerel - 14.11.2023 05:34

oh wow, i'm impressed. i never knew about debugged riku

flygon kerel
flygon kerel - 14.11.2023 02:18

oh god this gave me re:coded ptsd

VirginEarz - 14.11.2023 02:16

I don't know if this is common knowledge but this vid made me thibk of the secret boss in olympus of recoded where you can fight sephiroth, it's not a "secret" boss but it takes you a hell of a time to get to him though

flygon kerel
flygon kerel - 14.11.2023 02:16

i actually played re:coded on the ds lmao

flygon kerel
flygon kerel - 14.11.2023 02:14

i bet its a gummy ship boss

Gamechamp3000 - 13.11.2023 19:46

Are you sure you can't streetpass people without other DS's? I grinded for 100% Avatar items way back, and I remember there being a pity streetpass mechanic where fake balloons (just like the ones when streetpassing non-Coded games) would be pulled out of the aether after leaving the search mode on a while. Am I misremembering and that was only in TWEWY? Those are the two games I had to do vanilla DS streetpass grinding shenanigans, and I know at least one of them had the pity pass mechanic.

EDIT: Okay I actually googled it and yeah, the game features a pity pass mechanic. Additionally, the pity balloons are always random avatars, rather than the fixed avatars that spawn when getting a genuine streetpass, so you can in fact 100% complete the game with a single DS since these random avatars will give access to more floors than just the fixed ones.

Vespiquer - 13.11.2023 19:29

Im just revisiting your channel after a while and i forgot how funny you are lol time to head back to all the videos i missed lol

Casual Dragoon
Casual Dragoon - 13.11.2023 15:24

As someone who grew up with Re:Coded on the DS, and loves the game to pieces... Yes. Just yes.

boobtube - 13.11.2023 14:45

Kingdom hearts shoulda ended like 15 years ago

TheKayasto - 13.11.2023 12:36

KH2 sephiroth is my all time favorite boss battle in games I think. KH series has tons of great secret bosses but kh2 sephi takes the cake. kh2 data battles are also some favs. crit mode and data battles really got me to learn KH2's battle system beyond mashing X. in other words I got good lmaoo still havent beat lingering will :') I refuse to just cheese the fight until i manage to beat it "fairly"

Bloodless Dragon
Bloodless Dragon - 13.11.2023 11:52

I applaud and appreciate you for doing this for those of us who couldnt cause brody my mental when i was a kid playing this and now wouldve had me committed lol

Stefan The RainbowPhoenix
Stefan The RainbowPhoenix - 13.11.2023 11:06

This video is way longer than it needed to be.

Justin Smith
Justin Smith - 13.11.2023 08:11

Now Re:coded I never did finish 100% but days I did I got all the anti bosses and 100% mission mode...and if it's who I think you mean that awful dustflier too

Ibrahim Bhatti
Ibrahim Bhatti - 13.11.2023 06:47

I remember playing reoded and never being able to kill the eliminator iv beaten like every other boss on crit on all the games but that red guy was too much

Sebby_Man - 13.11.2023 01:15

I actually played recoded on my 3DS, and when I saw that the DS games where only movies I was pretty sad I found both those games pretty fun😭

MegaManNeoX - 13.11.2023 01:08

This should be renamed, "The secret bosses of re:coded" as I thought this was going to cover ALL of the secret bosses...

Paxton Jordan
Paxton Jordan - 13.11.2023 00:21

Fantastic video
