EU4 1.35 Ethiopia Guide - It's INSANE How POWERFUL This Nation Is

EU4 1.35 Ethiopia Guide - It's INSANE How POWERFUL This Nation Is

The Red Hawk

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TheAxeaman - 29.10.2023 23:11

No matter what I do, I go bankrupt. The autonomy is horrible and I can't get money or manpower. Yes, I decreased twice.

Barbados Kado
Barbados Kado - 24.10.2023 17:42

what happened in my ethiopia to aksum campaign not to long ago: one of the smaller coptic nations allied medina, so i could vassal them straight off the bat in my second war or so. Then immediately strike makuria before they had a chance to ally mamluks and after 1 month declare on shammar to fully block mamluk expansion into arabic peninsula - try to ally timurids and QQ so that you're safe, then move on to horn of africa and complete as many missions as possible, then you can attack mamluks (ideally together with QQ) - was (and still is) a very satisfying run, hope this helps as you need a little bit of luck but go for that medina ally early on!

Hyperion - 19.10.2023 21:11

How is taking the 'controlled gold mining' estate privelege even up for debate after PDX removed the +5% all power costs debuff? Only a few nations in the game have access to it (Ethiopia, Mali Mutapa and some others) and it's for good reason too. Mana points > pure ducats and this privelege saves you 75% admin points you would have lost getting your inflation under control in exchange for only 15% in raw value. It gets even better. Combined with economic you apparently can get gold mines that NEVER deplete no matter how high you dev them with even less inflation. It's the best of both worlds in that case. Maximized money AND admin points at the same time. Take all of Africa's gold, then if you want you can take all of Mexico's gold (move capital to colonial region, of course) and be insanely rich very early in the game. Not taking it not only means you eat a ton of inflation which means losing a ton of admin points but you risk your gold mines becoming less valuable over time which means even more mana points sunk getting them back up.

Long story short: If you can get it, get it.

Sander Cohen
Sander Cohen - 18.10.2023 15:59

If you keep adal as a vassal, you can use the monument in harer to get institutions, and you'll never have to dev for one again :)

Alexandru Tănase
Alexandru Tănase - 11.10.2023 03:11

Followed your guide and gotta say, first time I completed a mission tree in EU4, felt goodddd....

Shariyar shovon Shovon
Shariyar shovon Shovon - 08.10.2023 19:49

Game name please

Laurent Masse-Navette
Laurent Masse-Navette - 27.09.2023 22:17

I am also running eu iv 1.35 domination and yet the mission tree for Ethiopia looks nothing like what you are showing in your video. It is much simpler and not at all as rewarding. I am thinking maybe I have a DLC that overrides the 1.35 new mission tree. Is that possible? Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Jdmacdad - 17.09.2023 06:25

My main question is why the Ottomans are so much easier the latest patches. I feel like they were the bane of almost all my games, especially as Ethiopia later.

Doug McB
Doug McB - 28.08.2023 23:03

I would love to see "Part 2" on this guide (and your others for that matter). Seeing how to take on the Ottomans to get the last 2 religious sites would be fascinating.

Ádám Tóth
Ádám Tóth - 28.08.2023 16:28

"So this is the point when you start buildung" - says with -38 ducats in the treasury.

Cebulak66 - 27.08.2023 14:03

I would recommend leaving one province Muslim country on Muslim Great work, it's spawning institutions for free but you have to be Muslim to use it

Cebulak66 - 27.08.2023 13:44

If you get economic this gold privilege is no brainer

H4FF - 27.08.2023 11:51

I really enjoyed my recent run as a Jewish Ethiopia. It actually felt easier getting alliances with Mamluk rivals as well. Fun nation!

HulangGulang - 27.08.2023 02:49

Nice video bro, but keep in mind the reason this mission tree built the way it is, it's simply because it gives you the option to ally Portugal, discover the Mediterranean and crush the Mamluks/Ottomans in no time... at the start you basically want to start a war every month and get the Discipline+5 from Makuria Holy Site before they get guaranteed or allying the Mamluks, with this way plus Portugal Alliance event (that gives later money/morale of armies) you can crush whoever it may be up in the north and consolidate Alexandria in 30 years max, then optional is go colonial and rush to India(or by just no casus beli the Maldives). Once the Mamluks or Ottomans are no issue you want to clean Arabia and push to the gold mines south in Kilwa. You can surprisingly become 1st in greatest powers in 100 years, later on even PU Portugal via Favors. Fun fact about the Cawa Units (especially if fighting the ottomans that has ridiculous amounts of manpower)

Every two Cawa's created + consolidated = 1 unit that you paid a pretty small amount of mil Mana+ you don't pay for reinforcements. Super OP

Miguel Martins
Miguel Martins - 26.08.2023 21:57

I love Ethiopia - but it's a shame that they dont get a free colonist with their mission tree or something like that. It's a nightmare for my OCD

The-Lazy-Eumel - 25.08.2023 17:50

Nice to see an updated guide for Ethiopia. I used your last guide and it was probably my most fun and most successful campaign. I even had France and England as junior partners under a PU down the line.

Mark Vernon
Mark Vernon - 25.08.2023 17:47

Could do with a Gujarat guide! Bloody bahmanis beat me up everytime I think I have gotten started well

Drillbob - 24.08.2023 11:27

alexandria is a horrible home node. zanzibar is 100% better
