DIY Biltong / Jerky Dryer Box Build

DIY Biltong / Jerky Dryer Box Build

DIY With Greg

1 год назад

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@WoodlandRevivals - 23.06.2023 20:10

This wood is crazy! Wish I could get a slab of it over here! Another amazing build brother 💪

By the way, those screws are called Chicago Screws 😎

@igorkaiser8804 - 23.06.2023 22:18

Biltong is baie lekker 🙂 Your Biltong Dryer is the best I have ever seen. I build my own Biltong dryer three years ago but the drying process didn't works good because of higher huminity in Germany. Best greetings from Leipzig, Igor

@roscolife7804 - 24.06.2023 08:47

Mitre the corners and drop the vent holes down to make sure you get full circulation Greg. But that’s a beauuuuutiful dryer dude

@colinanderson1655 - 22.07.2023 14:22

An absolute work of art 😀🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

@McCavity2 - 14.08.2023 21:25

That’s really beautiful box you’re building there, I really like the result! I have had the privilege to visit Gauteng several times back in the early 2000s. On most occasions I had a very beautiful accommodation in a small guest house in Midrand. I Very fondly remember the Biltong that was almost ubiquitous there. The landlords of the guesthouse where I stayed occasionally would take me shopping and help me select various Biltong types - I remember at least Beef, Ostrich and Kudu and all of them were just amazing. Over here in Germany it‘s almost impossible to come by any Biltong and even if I can get my grubby hands on a minuscule sample every now and then it‘ll be either prohibitively expensive or difficult to deliver and usually it‘ll be just beef anyway - in no way comparable to the variety I enjoyed in SA. I did find a recipe a few years back which I‘m preparing every now and then but it‘s done in a few hours in the oven - a far cry from the original. I hope at some time I can get a genuine box like yours over here or maybe even DYI one ❤

@thewalkingrob8840 - 31.08.2023 06:12

Those led lights are going to heat it up?

@Pony5950 - 02.09.2023 13:09

You've got not air movement at the bottom of the box. The ventilation holes need to be at the bottom of the box not 3/4 the way up. Blow smoke through the vent holes into the box with the fan on and you will see the air movement that you have got.

@nicholaslawler369 - 26.10.2023 20:34

How do I buy one?

@purshothamnaidoo8412 - 13.11.2023 13:27

Awesome project! Looks phenomenal. Well done boet👍👍👏👏👏

@tyhanley4512 - 02.12.2023 03:26

Beautiful work!

@matthewbarrette278 - 02.01.2024 00:25

What dimensions did you go with?
Beautiful box, going to try and make one similar all the way here in Canada.

@chrisphipps6062 - 03.01.2024 16:04

I was thinking about building one of these. As an American I’ve never used one, but I’ve been thinking about salt trays to maybe help pull moister?

@russellbarnes-t4u - 07.01.2024 17:05

Nicely built. I have a sister in tokai Cape Town. Whenever I visit from the uk I get biltong. Two comments. Should you have a light in the box just for warm air flow? Secondly should the vent holes be nearer the base to allow for the air to flow the full length of the box?

@Mikehdy - 13.01.2024 10:00

Air vents in the wrong place, fan in the wrong place, no heat source, rails to close together, biscuits showing, door not closing flat, average hinges and different screws, clunky latch. Well you did ask😀

@MynhardtDicks - 19.01.2024 11:14

The wood you've used is amazing. The LED looks amazing. Glad you didn't add a heat source, saw some comments about heat source. The last thing you need to make proper biltong is a heat source, you're not making jerky:) Air vents would be best at the bottom of the cabinet as you need the air to flow over the meat. It looks like a 120mm fan, which is to big for the box, you just need 80mm. 120 could dry the outside to fast.

@ArizonaTwenty - 12.02.2024 18:30

Wow very good idea indeed

@leoncloete1441 - 15.02.2024 03:24


@Migwellpillay - 22.02.2024 04:15

Can u make me one and wat will the price be

@williammaxwell1919 - 29.02.2024 09:36

Bilton is not a South African delicacy, it is a staple food item in the southern parts of Africa.

This build is another take on "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Or to express it another way "Give a man a bilton box and trach him to make bilton, you'll feed him and his family for a lifetime.

Kudos you

@toby5904 - 08.03.2024 00:28

That looks incredible. well done.

@PiercePro-bw4uh - 22.03.2024 07:04

Wow! What a lovely finished product!

@scottpatnode92 - 25.03.2024 08:50

i add screen to inside over holes

@planecrazyish - 26.04.2024 10:22

Beautiful work 👏👏👏👏👏👏

@_TommyP - 03.05.2024 04:05

Lekker. That wood is stunning too

@Rick_Sanchez_C137_ - 19.05.2024 07:25

I like it! The drip tray needs to have sides going up (and no finger hole), but 100% awesome other than that!

EDIT: After seeing it in the room, I think it needs a matching humidor at the other end of the bar to really jazz the place up!

@SeifOmar-qh9jq - 19.06.2024 13:41

baie mooi, the only thing that i would add is a metal drip tray. instead of the glass one, and with the metal trip tray it will create character, and you can CNC the groves on where it can go on the sides.

@rudyjoshua5918 - 16.07.2024 22:17

Love it, and subscribed...

Question does the fan blow in air and through the vents out or is the fan blowing air out

@tontobb8956 - 25.08.2024 16:16

If I may provide my opinion
The air holes on the side should be down on the bottom
Reason being as rhetorical air is drawn through. It’s drawn through evenly help to get even air flow through out the box
The drip tray is a great idea but need to be raised a few inches of the bottom and also drilled to promote even ventilation throughout

@gavkemp4825 - 08.09.2024 13:06

Inspiring, fantastic job. 😊

@datboidvon - 15.10.2024 00:00

Best I’ve seen by far

@JMe14-dl5nh - 26.10.2024 00:13

Awesome. How much will it cost to build.

@robinread2250 - 06.11.2024 19:16

Damn nice boet

@jojomackay3093 - 08.12.2024 19:48

Awesome! Where/how can I order one - please!

@Thebestyudas - 23.12.2024 02:33

Should I keep my light on the whole night?

@ReynoldsUnleashed - 19.01.2025 07:02

can I order one😀

@fromcodetocraft - 23.01.2025 02:45

Just love it, love the wooden finish.

@ebrahimtootla7505 - 23.01.2025 23:12

amazing.. love it.
brass fitting would also be am amazing option

@paulallen1304 - 29.01.2025 22:09

Nice, that type of wood looks beautiful. Good job.

@LouisJenner - 30.01.2025 15:43

Hi daar ek stel in een belang asb.
