Why Only the Happily Single Find True Love

Why Only the Happily Single Find True Love

The School of Life

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@DontPretendtoCare - 04.01.2024 14:23

Love isn't real. This is a waste of time.

@aspiringrootwoman24 - 30.12.2023 16:35

Imagine other pair bonding species trying to convince themselves that they should be happy alone 😂 these big brains are a double edged sword

@fonya_thee3026 - 18.12.2023 09:16

Moods and endless wanted things, or such expetations dont match the situations .

@TheNewjanaful - 14.12.2023 14:06

the best description I have ever seen!! 10x a lot!

@Baplopird - 08.12.2023 21:04

The Sexual Revolution and its consequences were a disaster for the human race.

@inuhundchien6041 - 07.12.2023 10:47

Im happily single but I don't think I can find true love because I'm TOO happily single. I don't think I dislike other people, it's just that I'm too selfish and refuse to compromise on anything that's why it's impossible to have a partner.

@Chevalier2749 - 29.09.2023 21:12

I don’t know if it’s good news or bad news

@sunshinequeen3824 - 02.08.2023 19:17

Waiting til marriage to have kids.

@DarthObscurity - 20.07.2023 19:00

The last few videos I've watched from this channel have missed the mark like they are a blind person throwing a dart at a moving dart board someone said they were standing in front of but it's actually behind them and in another room entirely.

Different writers for every video or something?

@DarthObscurity - 20.07.2023 18:58

Never once heard of someone being happy they lived without a loved one or family on their death bed. Know what I have heard a lot of? "Wish I would have found someone or had a family."

Throws a huge wrench in the idea that the natural state is being 'alone but not lonely'. Most people who are alone are lonely.

"Coupled" people don't hang out with single people because every single person I know bashes couples and people who want to be with another person. Lmao. The happiest people I know are 'coupled' people and the most miserable people I know are single.

The last few videos I've watched from this channel have missed the mark like they are a blind person throwing a dart at a moving dart board someone said they were standing in front of but it's actually behind them and in another room entirely.

Different writers for every video or something?

@DarthObscurity - 20.07.2023 18:54

This would all make more sense if it wasn't a proven fact that 'coupled' people are happier AND live longer. Any chance you have some data or is this all someones anecdotal experience?

@DarthObscurity - 20.07.2023 18:52

I'm a skeptic, so I have to ask.... Where is the data? Is this someones anecdotal experience?

@DarthObscurity - 20.07.2023 18:50

So.... If someone decides they are happier with another person......

You say..... What?

"No you aren't, you can't know yourself unless you're alone and you have to be happy alone before you can be happy with....."

This channel is very rigid to it's own philosophy and most of it ends up being very circular and, in the end, meaningless.

@13janvi - 17.07.2023 23:31

Things come to you when you least expect them

@rs0620 - 17.07.2023 18:49

It's not even the being single that's unbearable. It's the stigma and pressure society puts on single people to find someone. It's easy to say to not let outside opinions affect our lives, but actually applying it is a herculean task. Anyone would know. If being single was just normalized and not looked at with such negativity, wherein the assumptions are made that the single individual is probably ugly, or unlikeable, or depressed, or just generally undesirable in some way, then maybe, single people can just be content in their solitude.

@AlexisTheDragon - 05.07.2023 23:25

This has got to be the biggest load of cope shit I ever heard.

@kiddytube3915 - 29.06.2023 15:08

I was happily single for more than 10 years until I met a narcissist and my life was hell for the next 7 until they discarded me..

@JOEYDEEZ369 - 25.06.2023 02:51

Lotta thirsty women out there… I ain’t one of those Thank you indeed !

@smoker6683 - 19.06.2023 13:51

I'd love to see people touting this platitude be "happy with themselves" after being single for 9 years. Lets be real, most people who achieve relationship status are conventionally attractive and hop in and out of them at least once a year. This platitude claims that people in relationships are inherently better, that they must have earned what they have rather than it just being coincidence or chance. A normie being happy while single because they were only single for 4 months isn't some kind of "prerequisite achievement", its just a side effect of life-long social confirmation and approval that they have received from family, friends, partners, and the fact they're neurotypical + attractive so aren't constantly rejected with the other person not even bothering to get to know them.

@alaaaaa4132 - 16.06.2023 22:05

That’s stupid

@petekdemircioglu - 10.06.2023 23:17

Yes. Never be dependent because you can’t know if it’s love if you do and can’t make the right decision

@xpindy - 01.06.2023 04:11

I don't dispute that, for most people , true romantic lifelong love is unobtainable. The bad news is that that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Much of what you postulate is so incorrect that it pains me that you've been doing this for eight years. I was going to suggest you rename your channel "Making failure palatable through sharing".

@monaural2.988 - 31.05.2023 01:10

I believe that my decision to be single for life has led to my existence being less stressed than many others who are paired up, and sooner or later resentful of that once-special other whom they once were eager to lock down, but now feel “trapped” and “bored with the old battle-ax”. Familiarity Breeds Contempt. You cannot know thirst unless you make the conscious decision to make the water fountain difficult to reach.

@idol_wannabe - 13.05.2023 10:32

porque me das esperanzas huevon!?

@NarnianLady - 18.04.2023 13:21

I disagree strongly. My observation has been that happy marriages were those partners that genuinely wanted love, partnership and family. Yes I have heard many times that I should be content as single, but that is dishonest. Often that demand is made by those who themselves are married..

@Sonofagreatdad - 01.04.2023 00:26

idk. even if you don't like the torah. it is the basis for a large percentage of the earths population's blue print to living. "it was not good for him to be alone" is straight from the book

@TellyTingzChannel - 13.03.2023 10:19

The happily single don’t find life because I’ve been happily single for 1 years

@ShinobuSakurazaka - 03.03.2023 05:04

Friendship and sex are, despite all the gadgets, still remarkably hard to come by.


@ZeroCtr1 - 26.02.2023 11:52

Ain't now love in US especially with modern women

@metsrus - 23.02.2023 13:01

No one or thing can make you happy in this world. When you learn to love yourself, only then can you spread love to others. The worst thing a self hating person can do is get married and have kids. They will only continue the cycle of self hate to their family and generations to come.

@GoldenMushroom64 - 10.02.2023 13:29

Beautiful video as always

@Waterlooplein1 - 08.02.2023 20:42

Alone isn't hard. It's relationships that are hard.

@felipegomes403 - 23.01.2023 16:44

That's bullshit!

@hahahaaaaz - 14.12.2022 14:33

1000 % facts!

@hahahaaaaz - 14.12.2022 14:33

1000 % facts!

@Nicole-jj3hi - 11.12.2022 08:41

Were those birds humping? 😮

@zero5496 - 09.12.2022 21:51

Like I always say, if you can’t find love, then becomes someone you can fall in love with

@randybaca6132 - 08.12.2022 15:43


@jameslowry1 - 31.10.2022 18:33

Only the happily single find love don't make me laugh because I have been single for over 60 years and have never met Miss right yet which is understandable when she doesn't exist

@sammie4695 - 01.10.2022 10:46

I'm a widow in my seventies. By now I don't care what people think. Because during my younger years I cared too much what people think and it was easy to be manipulated by people. Now that I don't give a damn, I finally have that peace within myself I was always looking for. Be yourself, make friends with yourself and everything will fall into place.

@koutoumukei - 20.09.2022 11:37

Say you waited long enough. How do you know that you have finally found the right person. That "special feeling"?

@penseagrandegrandeseancole7974 - 04.09.2022 06:29

I’m sorry… ahaha but this is a lie. Love comes to those it comes to…you’re telling me that everyone with a good relationship doesn’t mind the idea of being single for the rest of their life. Not true. If seen successful relationships come about in all kinds of ways. This is only half of the story, and a good way to make people feel positive about their singlehood. It’s half a lie. I know handfuls of people who are single and over 45…because they are “content” not only so, but they are giving, kind, know who they are, have self respect, etc. What this video is saying is half truth. I probably sound emo cuz I am. But take away the passion and my words are still true. The love story is not a one size fits all. We have to face being lonely and being content with it because theirs no other option -well healthy one depending on your definition of that lol. But that doesn’t mean we should make up philosophical poetry to hide from the truth. I think the answer is feel the pain, keep becoming better, keep in touch with your romantic desire, and be grateful for everything. People are not perfect. You won’t be perfect when you find the “right person”. Also love’s a choice. I know that…cuz I was adopted. Lol. So good idea that people should be content being single. But this is in someways invalidating of the obvious truth that simply put, sometimes we don’t have what we want. Period. Still I appreciate and enjoy this channel and a lot of the content.

@buddhistichindu - 29.08.2022 02:32

This is so wrong. I don’t know who wrote this, but being happily single is not a prerequisite for finding a good partner. You doing the work on yourself and realizing your potential is what will open up your life to finding a partner, not being happily single.

@TheGreatOldOak - 16.08.2022 11:12

If you are hungry, don't eat. Only eat when you are not hungry.
If you are lonely, don't pursue a relationship. Only pursue a relationship when you are not lonely.

If you are hungry or lonely fix that somehow... I don't know how though.

@kimberknutson831 - 13.08.2022 18:49

Brilliant as always. I love and appreciate this channel more than I can adequately express in words. Since words are what I have at my disposal right now, thank you. : )

@Gishanness - 10.08.2022 12:37

You're a brain dead moron. Whoever in Satan's many names you are. I pity the deluded maggots who listen to your bullcrap.

@totalfreedom45 - 31.07.2022 22:36

It doesn't matter whether we're single or in a relationship, without love and sense of humor life is meaningless. 💕☮🌎🌌
