How to MANUALLY Migrate Your Wordpress Site (still works in 2024)

How to MANUALLY Migrate Your Wordpress Site (still works in 2024)

Josh Hall

6 лет назад

502,680 Просмотров

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Seddik Houdjedje
Seddik Houdjedje - 23.09.2023 13:44

Very helpful. Clear and smoothly delivered. What a gift you are to a learning community!
thank you so much

Poet Life
Poet Life - 23.09.2023 05:22

I thank you for this usefull content.

Web Design
Web Design - 21.09.2023 17:24

I love you man💪

You are an excellent teacher

Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!

Sonny OSteen
Sonny OSteen - 20.09.2023 19:54

unable to download zip file. error:{"err_code":500,"message":"Async task timeout","status":500}

Pure Peaks
Pure Peaks - 18.09.2023 18:01

As a total beginner you lost me in the first 20 seconds!! Sorry

Patryk Danych
Patryk Danych - 14.09.2023 00:31

I have found missing tables. I did not see them on the left sidebar in phpmyadmin, but I found them scrolling down the table list (previous I picked my database). I did not know phpmyadmin dont show every tables on the left sidebar. Thanks for your helpful video :)

Very helpfull tutorial, but I have a little problem. When I have imported my .sql database file, I dont see tables like xyz_options, etc. Maybe this database was created in older WordPress version, and in consequence there are not tables like these. Do you know how resolve this problem to correctly upload website with new url's?

Ashton Zain Lima
Ashton Zain Lima - 05.09.2023 16:58

You are the BOMB, works, thanks man!

Janine Kurzinger
Janine Kurzinger - 25.08.2023 23:13

does it work with divi? also the host I'm on is on windows servers the one I want to move to is on linux servers will this tutorial still work for me?I'm so glad you have this here I just hope ti will work going from my curren those with Plesk to cpanel on a new host. I will also be transferring my same domain. will that work?

Hifaa nailaa
Hifaa nailaa - 17.08.2023 23:15

thank you amazing tutorials

Loren - 30.07.2023 02:55

Is the process the same if you have multiple sites/domains on one private server? To migrate to a shared server, still within bluehost. Would I still work out of public_html or would I go into the nested files and compress wp-content individually for each site within the folder tree? Hopefully this makes sense

CC_SniperGirl - 24.07.2023 20:59

I was starting to work on a WordPress site local thinking that would be easier to implement than reproducing a Figma design, but then I thought "I better make sure this will be easy to migrate". Love that WordPress lets you own the whole install, but this is way more involved than I realized. I don't want to break anything, so I think I'm going to stick with Figma.

Pup & Puss
Pup & Puss - 23.07.2023 16:15

Thank you so much for this tutorial! It is a life-saver! Following this, I have avoided $49 charge my host was going to charge me!

Zaki Uddin
Zaki Uddin - 16.07.2023 08:54

Perfect! Everyone says that plugins are easier and to just let them do the work for you. But honestly, I feel safer with a simple manual backup; it could be my OCD but knowing with 100% certainty that all my files are backed up (locally) feels more reassuring than relying on a plugin to do that for me on cloud storage.

jonny777bike - 15.07.2023 23:41

I'd like to do this because frankly I can't afford it. It's seems so many things are subscription based and I can't afford it. I'd love to be able to transfer it to a custom lamp stack. Id like to use my Raspberry Pi 4 and make it a LAMP or a LEMP stack.

Josiah Banjo
Josiah Banjo - 15.07.2023 14:28

After, watching so many tutorials on migrating WP sites, this is the best so far. Thanks @Josh

T George
T George - 12.07.2023 02:13

I just have a small 5 page website, that I have never touched since I built it 6 years ago, nor do I ever need to edit it.
I have always been with Bluehost and the WordPress. What is the cheapest company I can use to simply continue having the same simple 5 page informational website, of which I'm never going to manipulate? Any information is very much appreciated! TY

devolii - 08.07.2023 21:14

If I create a Website with Premium Themes or Plugins like Woodmart, Divi, Revolution Slider, and Visual Composer then What will happen? Is it possible to transfer? My question is that Most of the Premium themes is used for single user and when I transfer my created Website with The Premium theme then what will happen when I transfer to another server and domain? Because after completing the transformation we are two users of one Premium theme? Hope you Understand Sir. Would you please help me to clear the fact?

Mohamed Abdalla
Mohamed Abdalla - 07.07.2023 01:06

you are the best, you explained it in an easy way. many thanks :)

Guglielmo Giordani
Guglielmo Giordani - 06.07.2023 19:38

Thank you!

Paul Konyango
Paul Konyango - 22.06.2023 07:24

Amazing tutorial sir

JAXXI Studios
JAXXI Studios - 17.06.2023 23:34

I tried to migrate from my old host (000webhost) to a new host because the all-in-one wp migration plugin didn't work for me. I have followed the instructions from your video and didn't work... could you explain me why, it could be a hosting problem or anything else?

Edus Portal
Edus Portal - 16.06.2023 15:50

can you do video on this How to Move WordPress from a SubDomain to a SubDirectory

X3joyXD - 16.06.2023 15:35

LIFE SAVING VIDEO. A big and fat: Thank you!
That video explained it gorgeously easy.

Ljubomir Goronja
Ljubomir Goronja - 16.06.2023 03:21


I've purchased domain name in NameCheap and I instaled package from another domain in CPanel file manager. This page now has all elements from previous domain.

However things have changed and I need different set of files from yet another domain to be present on this one.

Can I simply delete all files in file manager from domain I'm working on and then select all/copy >> paste all files from the domain I actually need?

Will that create any problems?

I can edit content in Word press bit by bit manually but if there is a way to copy/paste this all at once it would save me hours of work. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

Ashutosh Shukla
Ashutosh Shukla - 14.06.2023 13:07

Thanks, Josh Great vid seriously helped me a lot

- 13.06.2023 20:04

Thank you

Angie Kuo
Angie Kuo - 11.06.2023 04:48

Thanks so much! I have successfully migrate the site! :)
That you told us to drink a coffee is most helpful too!! Love it!

Martin Mpukani
Martin Mpukani - 07.06.2023 03:03

Was actually stuck that tables prefix couldn't understand why the data was going a different. Video was very helpful 💯👍🏽

Gabriele Sanetti
Gabriele Sanetti - 14.05.2023 06:46

Really good tutorial! The only thing, when I try to login in Wordpress, I can't. The page remain on login and it doesn't give me any error.
What should I do? Thank you

barkingbandicoot - 10.05.2023 07:38

The only tutorial that adds all the pieces - and does so clearly!

Fynn Dee
Fynn Dee - 03.05.2023 22:22

Thank you so much. No plugin worked for me so far. But now I've got it.

Pangardi - 03.05.2023 15:36

Thanks man, helped allot!

J.H. - 02.05.2023 21:01

This tutorial helped me a lot, huge thank you💗

Caleb Richard
Caleb Richard - 26.04.2023 19:54

I used this process and followed every step you outlined, and it worked on the first 2 websites I did it on. And now, for some reason, it's not installing the plugins on Wordpress. They show in the file manager, but they don't exist on the Wordpress Plugins side. Any idea why this is happening?

shailesh mota
shailesh mota - 20.04.2023 16:19

amazing help and it help me a lot to migrate my one big size of wordpress from one server to another server..........thanks a billion
josh .......... u r amazing

MaryKate Giarrocco
MaryKate Giarrocco - 19.04.2023 23:23

Can I migrate my Wordpress site (that has been made using Wordpress block) hosted locally to another local host?

Calvin Galabuzi Kakumba
Calvin Galabuzi Kakumba - 17.04.2023 19:28

Who still needs to pay for plugins. Thank you

Dr. Mikeal Hughes
Dr. Mikeal Hughes - 17.04.2023 13:01

I have some questions. I don’t use Cpanel, to expensive for a nonprofit organization. I host my own site. Recently built a new server, Ubuntu 22.04lts. I have a backup of my word press site. I’m trying to figure. Out how to install Wordpress using aapanel. Or if I was going to install Wordpress directly from command line in the server. I did this 7 years ago. When you don’t install word press once a week you forget how. Any help appreciated.

Maria Ali
Maria Ali - 17.04.2023 06:39

After purchasing the All in one WP migration, I spent 15 hours uploading three times without success. My site is up and running after trying this manual technique once. Thank you so much!! You are amazing!

David McKnight
David McKnight - 30.03.2023 07:41

I just migrated a Divi site from GoDaddy to HostGator, worked perfectly thanks to this video. Well done!

Jasmine Rob
Jasmine Rob - 23.03.2023 12:12

Great video! Your explanations are so clear, Installation with plugins is all can talk about but this is a deeper technical stuff. A talented explanation!

José Antonio Esteve Saez
José Antonio Esteve Saez - 15.03.2023 17:37

after 5 years still being the best tutorial

JEŻYK Centrum Kreatywności
JEŻYK Centrum Kreatywności - 15.03.2023 12:06

Thank you very much ! :)

CDGMR1 - 14.03.2023 22:31

We used several auto transfer plug-ins and we end up with broken pages. We may have to do a manual transfer.

stevestizzy - 11.03.2023 00:28

Mate thank you from the bottom of my heart <3

You saved me from tremendous upcoming stress :P

忆夕子墨 - 06.03.2023 12:06


Only Goyard
Only Goyard - 03.03.2023 20:55

I have 250 tables when I check all do you think it grab all of them on the other pages or just 1st page

Mukhtiar Ahmed
Mukhtiar Ahmed - 01.03.2023 12:40

Hey Nice video

maxime archambault
maxime archambault - 14.02.2023 21:12

big thanks to your video move 4 site with you indication,

PIPO Plays
PIPO Plays - 14.02.2023 14:52

Thank you so much. All the other tutorials which used plugins either didn't work or just wanted money.
