NTopNG - A Free, Open Source, Self Hosted, Network Monitoring and Analysis Tool.

NTopNG - A Free, Open Source, Self Hosted, Network Monitoring and Analysis Tool.

Awesome Open Source

3 года назад

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DMeyer - 05.09.2023 10:39

i can't even use the filter...i click on it and nothing happens..till now ntopng doesn't convince me

Ahmad ben saoud
Ahmad ben saoud - 30.08.2023 01:50

This was the first tool i used in my begin, i love this tool , this tool helped me to solve many issues in my network

Robert Brown III
Robert Brown III - 03.04.2023 20:08

Still getting "bad gateway" errors when attempting to access the show notes for this video. The only way to copy the docker conpose file provided is by copying it off the video.

Arul Prakash L
Arul Prakash L - 22.02.2023 10:06

Thanks for the video, I tried on docker 23.0, the container is running but the port is not getting exposed. Any advice?

Yeah Nah
Yeah Nah - 24.01.2023 17:13

Can you install this on a Raspberry Pi? Are there any guides for that. I have a Macbook but it’s not accessible 24/7 like the Raspberry Pi is.

Mehrdad G.
Mehrdad G. - 19.12.2022 01:18

Your videos are simply Awsome!!!! Many thanks.

Przemek Skw
Przemek Skw - 14.12.2022 11:57

Hello, I try installiing with Your docker-compose and have that error:
ntopng-ntopng-1 | exec /usr/bin/ntopng: exec format error
ntopng-ntopng-1 exited with code 1

saSha - 01.12.2022 14:25

My GUI is buggy for some reason. Not sure if that's a Firefox issue.

T M - 08.08.2022 23:51

Installing this in Docker is a mistake. This application is available precompiled for most major distribution environments. It is updated regularly, so why add Docker which makes updating much more difficult?

Omar Chiguer
Omar Chiguer - 22.07.2022 06:07

Just stumbled on your channel… Great content.. Thank you, Sir!

Donald Williams
Donald Williams - 18.06.2022 21:39

Great video! Thanks. I tried to install it inside docker that was inside an LXC container! yeah, not so much. haha I installed docker on 22.04 VM using your info on installing docker and it worked like a charm! Thank you. I need to more with docker. I use LXC on Proxmox with great success. The updated version of this since your video is really impressive. Two thumbs up!

Bernd Eckenfels
Bernd Eckenfels - 28.05.2022 09:05

Use the -br(ief) option to „ip s a“ to prune that output down when you look for interfaces

Boris Vokladski
Boris Vokladski - 21.05.2022 14:17

Cool video. Does NTopNG require a lot of RAM and CPU to run ? Right now I´m using ElastiFlow to monitoring my home network (approx. 15 physical units + 10 - 15 virtual machines) using netflow. But Elastiflow uses a lot of RAM (approx. 11 GB), and I´m looking for alternatives that is less RAM hungry.

Martin - 21.04.2022 23:20

Hi there , with this network monitor can we monitor every user which software or application are using on the private network ? thnx

oneito - 15.04.2022 16:19

can NtopNG b used to limit internet speed per IP, for a defined private ip assigned to a user?

Vadim Kutia
Vadim Kutia - 14.03.2022 01:18

Please, make video about Shadow Daemon WAF

anshal Kumar Rajput
anshal Kumar Rajput - 13.01.2022 21:32

Is it secure for big private organisations network monitoring purposes?

PK - 05.01.2022 04:45

Good content

Backtrack3332 - 21.12.2021 19:28

It's crazy how much better the community edition is. If you don't force the community mode, CPU Idle was at 60%+ and accessing the site was constantly 100%.
