Judge Ginsberg dies and women go back into time capsule
ОтветитьNothing cool bout killing babies
ОтветитьIf it truly was your body your choice. Then you be the one that dies
ОтветитьDon't want a baby? Stop hooking up with the first cute guy you meet at a bar. It's not complicated at all, people.
ОтветитьWomen shouldn't have to carry a baby and men shouldn't have to pay for a baby they don't want
ОтветитьPlunge California into darkness.
ОтветитьLAX underground!!
ОтветитьTSA. Stole Charles luggage.
ОтветитьI wrote a joke about abortion...
But i decided not to keep it.
They didn’t blame the Biden administration. If trump was still in office, his administration would have been blamed.
ОтветитьIt's funny that people keep refering what's inside a pregnant woman as "baby". If it's a baby, a tiny, defenseless human being, and you kill them what does it make you? A pro "choice" or a pro MURDER?
ОтветитьAbortion is murder. You can call it a right, a choice, you can call it whatever you want but it is still the snuffing out of a human life; the most innocent life. People want to forego birth control and then make an innocent pay for that? Repent of this evil or see how God deals with it in the coming months. Then you will know why. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. There is no other answer.
ОтветитьThere is no constitutional right to abortion 😂 it’s some shady extension via the 10th amendment. It was a stretch to begin with. It will never be reinstated.
ОтветитьSave child life ,save water & save tree......
ОтветитьImagine what will happen when they find out how many babies are killed when people ejaculate...
ОтветитьImagine a world where woman has to be responsible for her sexual choices that result in a child without escaping the imagine you're a man! Welcome to the reality of equality.
ОтветитьOh dear Roe and Wade are just pieces of paper! Never mind!
ОтветитьLove life continue the right to life it doesn't matter how many year's it is that how each and every one you has as a human being so why killing human life banned yes that is how the one that is speaking out for this crime.
ОтветитьThink God rode wad is over
ОтветитьTrump & the republicans who say they are pro life really mean pro control a womans body, why don't they try pro control a mans body instead & make free vasectomies mandatory😊, it's been done in India, imagine how many unwanted, unplanned pregnancies that would save a woman & how much money it would save tax payers when a man either doesn't want to or can't pay child support.
ОтветитьIf libs don't like state laws they need to make weed illegal again
ОтветитьAccording to the left, men can have abortions; therefore, abortion isn't a women's issue.
ОтветитьNo abortion?🙃
ОтветитьThank god. Now the states can deny the right to murder a child.
ОтветитьAs a person without a uterus, I can’t comment on abortion. I can however dominate you at every sport. 🤷🏿
ОтветитьI don’t think old men (most politicians) should be making decisions over a women’s body.
ОтветитьRoe Vs wade is just another way of dividing people
Ответитьwomen have no right to kill their baby.
I agree with the judge decision.
I'm in support. Granma Sam public gotta enough bills to pay. No man wants pay child support anyway
ОтветитьStop killing babies.
ОтветитьI don't the government should be involved but I'm not complaining
ОтветитьStupid people are fertile..smh
ОтветитьPeople that believe the only two options are to kill it or abandon it. There's better ways guys. Prevent the problem before it happens. Adoption is great but it shouldn't be your only other option.
ОтветитьFortunately, the re-criminalization of abortion in Canada through legislative and/or judicial means will never see the light of day. Evidently, abortion has long remained a 'proverbial' third-rail of Canadian politics.
ОтветитьOne massive step backwards
ОтветитьWe went from thrust that needle in everyone’s arm suffocate them under a mask and lock them up in their homes to my body my choice the government cannot make always saying what I can do with my body real fast
ОтветитьWe should not only let these timing to seven Birches we should force them to
ОтветитьI only found out of this "Roe versus Wade" after watching Maude. (Not from United States) Really good show, and it was aired in 1973. If a show 50 years ago brought a topic that is still debated today, I really wonder if the country is even competent, or in other words, smart.
ОтветитьI swear to god if men could be pragnet then abortion would be protected but men can't get pragnet unless is few niche examples of trans men so abortion would probably be banned😞
ОтветитьYou Shall Not Kill Your Neighbour.
Exodus 20:13
ОтветитьI believe abortion should be a woman’s right because of bodily autonomy. Legally, you can’t force anyone to use their body to keep someone else alive. You shouldn’t give a fetus a right that no one else has. Even if it’s to save someone’s life, you can’t force a death row inmate to donate blood, and you can’t take organs from a corpse without prior permission. A corpse has more rights than a living woman when it comes to bodily autonomy. A fetus isn’t a separate human until it’s born. When it’s in the womb, it uses the woman’s body. Women should be the ones deciding on their bodily autonomy, not the state.
ОтветитьPRO-LIFE IS A LIE !!!
ОтветитьTo answer your question it means that we choose to protect the lives of innocent children rather than killing them for people's convenience
Ответитьit was bad law with a terrible back story.
ОтветитьYour body, OUR choice 😂
ОтветитьWhat happened when Biden Harris forcefully gave vaccines or else we were not allowed in your jobs at offices where was our body our choice thanks to Trump even though i dont support him he did a good thing by appointing supreme court judges