Build and Deploy: TWITTER clone with React, Tailwind, Next, Prisma, Mongo, NextAuth & Vercel (2023)

Build and Deploy: TWITTER clone with React, Tailwind, Next, Prisma, Mongo, NextAuth & Vercel (2023)

Code With Antonio

1 год назад

218,408 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar - 10.10.2023 13:53

Zustand not working on switching the auth modals
pls help

PFearr - 27.09.2023 02:48

You create this amazing thing you deserve a lot more subs

Cao Quốc Minh (Official Youtube Channel)
Cao Quốc Minh (Official Youtube Channel) - 21.09.2023 13:54


Learn with Rohit
Learn with Rohit - 17.09.2023 17:20

i am not able to import react-icons properly what can i do i was tried about
npm install react-icons
npm update react-icons
and all other methods what can i do ??

Gaurav Raj
Gaurav Raj - 15.09.2023 17:26

i completed everything and there's no error while running on local host but its having some error connecting to database when i deploy it on vercel

Vishal Singh
Vishal Singh - 15.09.2023 00:13

How to deploy this?

Qlevr QT
Qlevr QT - 14.09.2023 02:31

I'm only 8min in but so far I wish he explained way more of the reasoning behind doing things. I still have zero clue what is going on, especially because my version of next.js is newer and so it's hard to even compare what I should do instead. I can't believe he doesn't even explain the tailwind className convention

Swetha Sona
Swetha Sona - 05.09.2023 05:16

But I didn't get pages module..wgat would be the reason for that??

Greg Collins
Greg Collins - 26.08.2023 20:44

Hi Antonio, I really have enjoyed watching your tutorial videos with todays newest coding technology. Can you possibly do a tutorial video on like a Facebook clone because your coding is very clean? I’m looking for a good social media clone where I can share images, videos, comments, likes, etc across a community website that everyone I know is used to using. Keep up the great videos, I’m really enjoying watching them.

Raju Mudavat Group
Raju Mudavat Group - 26.08.2023 13:44

Amazing amazing job😊

Shreyojit Das
Shreyojit Das - 23.08.2023 20:51

sir can u please teach typescript and tailwind css??

0859_ Lê Minh Hải
0859_ Lê Minh Hải - 13.08.2023 11:15

if you follow someone else, you lose the one you were following before ==> use let updatedFollowingIds = [...(currentUser.followingIds || [])] instead of let updatedFollowingIds = [...(user.followingIds || [])]; in follow.ts

Icongrindset - 04.08.2023 13:29

Can someone explain how is the follow and unfollow functionality working? I tried but I couldn't wrap my head around it.

William Plays0402
William Plays0402 - 04.08.2023 12:25

Meta must have used this tutorial 😂

MoBix - 03.08.2023 19:13

AMAZING, but you've said "just make sure the files your uploading are not too big otherwise it's not going to work". can you tell me what you meant? i'm guessing it's b/c you're converting it to base64. if so what size is the max amount?

John Thomson
John Thomson - 01.08.2023 23:23

I am really enjoying these in depth tutorials. I have one question (so far) and it's most likely my inexperience talking but why do you wrap your onClose, onSubmit etc in useCallback?

Umar Khan
Umar Khan - 01.08.2023 02:13

Helppp!!!! The newer version of next js makes it harder for me to follow videos as new folder structure been made after we create new next app

Abhiram Edupuganti
Abhiram Edupuganti - 26.07.2023 17:15

im not getting the pages folder? is it due to the udpate

NOEOO Myanmar
NOEOO Myanmar - 26.07.2023 11:52

Do you have react-native projects plan ? Currently I learn react-native is so boring.

Abhay Sharma
Abhay Sharma - 23.07.2023 14:16

Can you help I'm getting [next-auth][error][CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR] after hosting on vercel

Garik Melqonyan
Garik Melqonyan - 22.07.2023 14:26


Matshiro - 19.07.2023 17:12

I must say after an hour you sounded like you are either stressed or without focus (maybe overworked).
Remember to take regular breaks from work :D

Guardian Gaming
Guardian Gaming - 18.07.2023 10:51

Just a question, how are you typing 'sfc' and all the const stuff pops up?

Roger Tan
Roger Tan - 18.07.2023 09:35

what are these: NEXTAUTH_JWT_SECRET=

Atabey Demir
Atabey Demir - 16.07.2023 12:56

I am super excited to watch how Thread developed

Guardian Gaming
Guardian Gaming - 16.07.2023 09:55

I found your channel a couple months ago, and your content has treated me well! Thanks for the amazing content!

Eltarus - 15.07.2023 13:16

Mark Zuckerberg likes that

dinal - 14.07.2023 20:32

legend's started from here

Luka - 13.07.2023 17:22

A great guide! Helped me figure out how to work with uploading images. Though, in my opinion, instead of typing "data" field in "PostItemProps" interface as "Record<string, any>", for example, you could use "Post" type, provided by Prisma, (import type {Post} from '@prisma/client') from what I read it's a better practice for typing. P.S. that goes for all Prisma instances

UPD: The method described above does not include related fields in its type. In this case, you can do:
import {Prisma} from '@prisma/client'
type Post = Prisma.PostGetPayload<{ include: { user: true; comments: true } }>; (in this case, "user" and "comments" are related fields that you want to include. In "PostGetPayload" "Post" is your model name.

This way your "Post" type will include all the fields and will be typed properly!

Send In The Clowns
Send In The Clowns - 13.07.2023 12:18

the app is running fine locally, but when i push it to varcel only the land page shows and none of the logic works. any insights would be swell. cheers

Misbahur Rahman
Misbahur Rahman - 12.07.2023 10:50

Why there there no retwitte function

Peter Varga
Peter Varga - 09.07.2023 18:32

Hello! I deployed the app to my VPS. However after login or logout, it redirects me from my server to localhost:3000. How to set it up tp stay on server URL please?

IL B - 09.07.2023 15:59

great video!!! but i wanna change about database, so if i wanna add 'title' in the 'Post' in schema file, what should i do ? i justt added 'title' and modified other files i think there is sth i missing .. ., pleas help me thankyou !

Jesus Vargas
Jesus Vargas - 08.07.2023 08:06

I have a problem with the Bio updater, and it's the same as you did and I can't find the error

Thomas Le Clec'h
Thomas Le Clec'h - 06.07.2023 15:02

Meta's been watching your video...

4aka - 21.06.2023 14:59

Hello from Kyiv, thank you for content man, now me and my friend trying to learn programming, sometimes we have difficulties, and i think it is normal for us, because we are beginners, wish you have a good day, more and more subscribers 😊

anishwar sharma
anishwar sharma - 21.06.2023 04:21

@codewithantonio learned a lot from the tutorial, just having a problem deploying it on Vercel, it is getting deployed fine but all the APIs are giving a 500 server error, can you see a reason why?

mithil damani
mithil damani - 20.06.2023 10:26

Hey Antonio, how should I go about the project since I am getting a different folder structure when I do create-next-app.

MC Basyar
MC Basyar - 19.06.2023 17:31

hei Antonio, i have already deploy twitter clone, but when i login i got the 500 server erroor and when i try to signup i got the error, how to troubleshoot?

Peyman J
Peyman J - 16.06.2023 03:50

Thanks Antonio, went through the entire project, very valuable, I have one bug with followers but the rest looks good

Matty100 - 13.06.2023 23:14

Hey Antonio, I am having an issue with the followers. It doesn't show when I have a followers or let me Unfollow. Is this part of the issue you mentioned or is it a type o? I have no issues with the login. Could you tell me where I should look to fix this error? I re watched the section where you made the follow section and I can't find my error. It shows following but not followers? Thank you for the walk through it has been a lot of fun and great info!

drago - 10.06.2023 15:51

Great project! Learned a lot from building this. Thank you Antonio <3
