Stay in - or Leave - a Relationship?

Stay in - or Leave - a Relationship?

The School of Life

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xaroumenotipota - 17.09.2023 14:36

How about when you are two years with someone, you are a woman in your 30s, and they refuse to take the next step or make any concrete plans? 😕 Also never saying ‘I love you’? Yes you can try make things work but if someone is not willing to invest what exactly can you work on?

O'Ambitious One
O'Ambitious One - 14.09.2023 06:31

What if we can get along ok but are emotionally detached and sexually repulsed?

Is that just long term relationships?

O'Ambitious One
O'Ambitious One - 14.09.2023 06:26

No great sex after 22 months? God then what hope is there after 22 years?!

PrincessPikka - 07.09.2023 22:22

I left 19 year marriage & it was the best yet worst thing I've ever done, I didn't love my husband but my situation is still shitty 🙄

KAREN Monson
KAREN Monson - 04.09.2023 15:10

The saying " Listen to your gut feeling" is very true. If something feels off and you keep getting that same feeling repeatedly don't ignore it. Better to leave and if you can do it amicably. If it's abusive just leave as safely as you are able. Nobody wins "living a lie"!

Kang Wan Lin
Kang Wan Lin - 02.09.2023 04:03

This is very good

Robin - 29.08.2023 05:40

I just don’t want to be alone.

Cruce Entertainment
Cruce Entertainment - 28.08.2023 12:43

When it comes to children, you have to realize that their world is not only you, their parents. They have their own lives too. School, friends, sports, music, etc etc. If your bad relationship is causing them to not even be able to enjoy all those other things in life that are important to them, then you need to end that bad relationship so they can start enjoying them. Get the heck out of your kids’ way!

Shade - 24.08.2023 22:14

The hardest part is realizing that love is not enough. If something isn’t working, it doesn’t matter how much you love one another..

Yulia Grushevskaya
Yulia Grushevskaya - 22.08.2023 12:42

😊always see benefits in any interactions some are hurtful but very deep and they teach us our worth, when we did everything and we were rejected it is time to leave 😊. Don't be afraid to be alone😊 it is very beneficial for your future 😊

Felipe Leandro Alves
Felipe Leandro Alves - 19.08.2023 23:49

God damn this channel man, just great

Slimerror - 15.08.2023 03:21

I love the woman I'm in a relationship with right now but I don't think I can do it anymore, everything is perfect but she just doesn't want to 'do' anything with me if you know what I'm saying. But in that same regard she doesn't want me watching pron, I sit there needing the attention and I'm denied or guilt tripped and berated when I make a decision. I don't know what to do anymore. Tonight may be the last night we're together, if she ever sees this I hope you know how much I loved you and wanted to make things work. I just don't know what to do anymore I wish someone else could make the decision for me.

nova - 15.08.2023 00:17

when in doubt, always leave. it's the 2023 way.

Edward - 13.08.2023 18:21

I'm young and with a lot of opportunities, my partner lived her sexual life very fully, but i didn't and now with all this oportunities I have, is a little deppresing, for me to just stay with her. She is such a beautiful person, i wish i could give her everything, i know ill regret it if i let her go. We've been through so much, I did my things and her too, we're hurting because of those things, and I feel cheated, and sometimes i feel some type of discust, we are willing to work on this things but, its so bad, i really wish we could just be happy together, but it seems so imposible, i dont know what to do.

Rae Remer
Rae Remer - 09.08.2023 01:24

After watching this video i decided to call my 7 year engagement off, and today after all the regret feelings, anxiety of loneliness and constant reminders of us i’m so happy i did. He admitted to cheating on me which caused my unhappiness!!!

jeggem - 03.08.2023 16:47

This video is like a Christopher Nolan film. (The music drowns out the dialogue at times.)

Mahira - 31.07.2023 22:01

We are just fine now! Not leaving him anywhere till i die

yasser s
yasser s - 18.07.2023 13:37

Stay or leave? I see many comments about people leaving their partners because they don’t feel fulfilment bla bla bla. I think if you can’t feel fulfilment in your life maybe you should try to look in the mirror maybe it’s because of you not your partner or the relationship, every relationship has issues and all people are different, If there is a problem you should talk and work on it as a team and not come here to share it with the whole world except your partner. Actually i think it’s toxic and you should leave for your partner sake if u can’t work as a team. It’s just sad to see how people break up because they don’t feel content in their relationship, it’s life u will feel happy, sad and not content from times to times not your partner fault. Punishing the people who loves you won’t solve the problem in fact you will end up like the guy on the couch. In life you will feel happy and sad whether you are alone, with or without friends single or not.

Dan Strommen
Dan Strommen - 15.07.2023 03:53

well I didnt learn anything new with this video

Erkan - 14.07.2023 14:13

We have been on and off for so long now I am so exhausted. It’s difficult because we have a baby together. I have ended it but part of me wants to go back but I know it’s for the wrong reasons. I have been here before, I have gone back many times to feel the same exact way. I need to be strong

jyoti singh
jyoti singh - 12.07.2023 16:41

I broke up after spending 8 years in a relationship, the point that triggered me was when he said to his friend that I am his good friend and he does not feel necessarily bound to me in this relationship. At this time I decided to have an open conversation about the present and future of our relationship. I asked if he wanted to work on our relationship to make it better and he said I don't know what else I can do. At this point I decided that we better get out of this relationship and here I am. I feel relaxed, light and clear. I have reflected so many times in past months on my decision and every time my heart said you made the right choice.

Merve Kurtuluş
Merve Kurtuluş - 10.07.2023 22:24

illustrations are so good, i couldn't listen sometimes because of cuteness of the characters, well done :D

Trippy - 29.06.2023 02:47

After 22 months?!

Thunderbear94 - 27.06.2023 08:23

I was on a relationship with an older man for almost 10 years. The relationship felt stale after a while and we drifted apart. Sex stopped. Company became scarce and we were basically just used to each other's presence, not "in love". The last year we were together, I met someone else. I like him very much, but he was also seeing someone else. Our fling made him realise how much he actually loved his partner and he left me. I tried to get back to my partner, but things were already too bad between us. A while later I met another man, who I actually didn't really like but was attractive enough to make me feel comfortable with him. He's very smart, accomplished and kind. Just not my type. Months passed, and I was dating this man while my relationship with my partner was wittering away. I chose to leave my partner and create this romantic Fantasy with the new guy. For a few months it was glorious. Until I realized how miserable I was without my ex. I took this video's advice and left my partner to start a life with someone I didn't even really like , and now I'm trapped, alone, frustrated and sad. Don't be like me.

Someone From somewhere
Someone From somewhere - 14.06.2023 06:14

It will be 3 years in august and now the relationship feels like a sentence. Long distance relationship and introvert partner is a deadly combo. I was so in love and now i feel hollow with all the silence between us.

Hamilton - 13.06.2023 19:42

I never found one! The single women in my church wanted bad boys!

Nick Garcia
Nick Garcia - 07.06.2023 06:03

My partner left because of my actions. Me being mad at my family in turn made me treat her in ways I never wanted to. All I want now is time with her. But underneath I’m just happy she did something to make her truly happy. Even tho it’s no longer with me.

Kill Moose Kill
Kill Moose Kill - 31.05.2023 18:15

This cartoon convinced me to leave my wife and kid.

AG J - 30.05.2023 16:42

the music is too loud

Bread liker
Bread liker - 20.05.2023 07:23

We are for 3 months together and she is in deep depression, she doesn’t want to go to psychologist or get help from parents, it’s getting slowly onto me, I’m scared she will do something to herself if I end it with her, she crys over small jokes and gets mad over smallest incidents. I need help

sensible self-defense
sensible self-defense - 19.05.2023 07:31

The top comments on commitment are by male names. Tbe top comments on leaving are by women names. 70+% of breakups are done by women. Have women been sold a lie in the modern world? Are theh too emotionally driven?

Darrin M
Darrin M - 27.04.2023 16:07

The big question is , is there any hope left ? Do you have the energy to fight for what's worthwhile to you ? Uphill battle at best but it can be won.

Daniela Salazar
Daniela Salazar - 26.04.2023 07:42

I watched this video a long time ago foolishly wondering if I was discontent with the relationship, but after a few months of seeing him drift apart and wondering what was wrong I remembered this video and finally realized that after all this time of me complicating the relationship and hurting him, he know is the one who wants to leave me

melonenjoyer - 03.04.2023 07:51

It's only been a week since I've been in a relationship (my first ever one) but he has been my crush 5 years ago, so I guess we've known each other for a while now, I overthink too much and being in a ldr really does suck because I think too much of the negatives.. I just hope we last long because I do love him but idk where life will take me because Im second hand guessing myself every few times when he's an amazing guy

Maria Sanchez
Maria Sanchez - 25.03.2023 18:13

We should be happy with ourselves first and then share that happiness with our partner and in return receive love back

liliesandlavender - 24.03.2023 23:14

the best test in my opinion is this- we all feel very alone in life, and that really is sort of the burden of being an adult. it's very unpleasant, but it's very normal. we're wired to believe that we have to choose a partner, and maybe in previous times, it would have been unavoidable. but we now live in a time where choosing a partner is an option, not an obligation. so with this in mind, you have to ask yourself: when I come home to this person, do I still feel lonely? and even worse, do I feel somehow even lonelier in their presence? if the answer is yes, then it is time to leave. if the answer is no, and you really are being honest with yourself that you do in fact feel comforted and not codependent, then it's worth saving. I feel that many of us don't recognize just how lonely love can make us feel. so much so that, being alone feels better than being with them. be honest with yourself, and you'll find your answer. don't ever be afraid to be alone, because nothing will make you feel more alone than staying with someone who makes you feel lonely.

struggle93 - 15.03.2023 19:17

What to do if my feeling faded and he still loves me like the 1st day ? Any advices?

Marissa Abston
Marissa Abston - 15.03.2023 04:27

If it was only a question of do we love each other I wouldn't be questioning anything because we do. It's about our principles lining up and they don't seem to be no matter how hard we both try. I feel so exhausted and Tired it feels like a constant battle that will never be done

Lee Berry's HGV C+E
Lee Berry's HGV C+E - 06.03.2023 00:37

I have had this feeling & need to leave my wife to be after just 4 years together. She has done nothing wrong her self but I can no longer stand her stuck up & ignorant 24 yr son & her lazy 18 year old daughter or her 83 yrs attention seeking mother 😡. I work long hours & feel like a bill payer rather than her future husband. The sex life has been gone for 3 years ect. But that a side I am a solitary person & very independent in life I enjoy my own space way more than having a partner but some how I ended up moving in 🤔I wish to return to my own life & just be single from now on I am 44 she's 54. I have already started the process of moving stuff out bit by bit I can just tell her I am going and ghost this relationship once & for all.

Denilson Moreira
Denilson Moreira - 02.03.2023 02:02

Such heavy but necessary advice.

Ashley - 27.02.2023 18:46

my relationship is saved🥹

Humanist - 22.02.2023 22:28

Beset by unusually pathological patterns...and yet....

Zoe Anaam.
Zoe Anaam. - 22.02.2023 13:48

Did you just made illustration of God?? We Muslims believe in higher power who is supreme and high then our mind can ever comprehend and it's insulting to illustrate something which you associate with God... You would have felt insulted if someone had made such illustration of you. I'm really hurt by that and I unfollow you for this reason. I simply don't wanna engage.

javon before the journey
javon before the journey - 19.02.2023 09:45

drizzy - “her loss”

Giulia Mari
Giulia Mari - 14.02.2023 17:52

When I calmly tell him how I feel he says WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS NOW??? It is impossible to speak with him🥲🥲

no•name•nya - 06.02.2023 15:46

Single mom ruin everything

TTgeo Pol
TTgeo Pol - 05.02.2023 04:20

The defects appear bigger the lesser the love for the other person.

Bunnybeetle - 04.02.2023 15:30

Just leave the first time they make you cry and question the future with them.
