Beyond Skyrim: Bruma REVIEW - Feels Like Official DLC

Beyond Skyrim: Bruma REVIEW - Feels Like Official DLC


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Michael C
Michael C - 21.12.2021 05:17

Works like butter on my series X

Michael Flood
Michael Flood - 09.09.2021 14:36

Many years later still waiting for anything probably going continue to wait until 2023

Jeam Beam
Jeam Beam - 11.01.2021 23:28

Its sad this mod doesn't let u go into the Imperial Capital

Trader Of Goods
Trader Of Goods - 20.03.2020 08:26

Step 1 : Visit Bruma
Step 2 : Spawn a Bandit with console commands
Step 3 : Wait for them to yell "You Won't Leave Skyrim Alive!"
Step 4 : ???
Step 5 : Profit

Zachary Dorer
Zachary Dorer - 20.01.2020 18:11

Just started this now, I'm loving it!

William Stark
William Stark - 03.10.2019 10:34

I like the multiple endings for the friend of bruma quest line

Taoma H
Taoma H - 02.10.2019 11:27

Just try Enderal.

Jet - 23.06.2019 03:29

2 years

Y2K Savior
Y2K Savior - 10.01.2019 09:39

Wish people would stop bashing Bethesda so hard. Skyrim was itself an amazing game and that's why there's such a big modding community, because it really was an amazing and immersive game itself.

WillToNihilism - 08.09.2018 05:17

Im actually worried about the amount of detail and depth in this game. The amount of content is staggering, every npc has a story and more than half have quests. That's multiple times more deep and thick than any Bethesda rpg where things always feel sparse. It's insane, I have no idea how they can finish this in a timely manner. Jesus I would pay a lot for this.

dcd 2015
dcd 2015 - 06.09.2018 06:50

I am about 24 hours into it. When I started with Inigo, we both had our horses, Once we did the quest with the police chief and the Thalmor took him, the horses dissappeared of the Bruma side, but are still at the gate when we enter back into Skyrim. The individual dungeons and caves are mostly HUGE inside, and very well done and difficult. Almost maze like, so it can take hours to clear one quest. The terrain is horrible mountains with what seems like guide rail trails that cant be ventured off of much. The horse at the stables is slower than shit, you can run faster, so once you loose your fast skyrim horse, its all walking around. The modders had kinda a funny, but irritating sense of humor. Like turning yourself into a animal. Wont spoil it, but what you think in skyrim that worked, DONT always work in Bruma. BUYER beware. You will have ALOT of WTF? moments and Im sure the mod builder intended it that way. . So save it often so you can go back once they get ya. IMO, its harder than skyrim, less cheats, so you have to earn it. I like it. I was getting really bored with skyrim, and this lit things back up for me. I also got the Waterview house mod, and its great. I really like it and use it instead of the city house you earn which is tiny. . The questlines generally have 3 final choices with different outcomes depending on which YOU choose. Over all,, well worth the download. Well done mod with so many questlines. Just a little different than skyrim..

Javier Dominguez
Javier Dominguez - 10.05.2018 06:05

I almost cried due of remebering oblivion

Tanval - 09.03.2018 23:05

I have recently just finished my playthrough of Beyond Skyrim: Bruma. Spending a total of 25 hours in-game. The mod is the best, I have ever seen. My favourite aspect of the mod is that each individual NPC you find throughout Bruma has a story to tell. Now something I disliked was the fact that there weren't as many quests as I was initially thinking. But that did not hinder my enjoyment of the mod at all.

But a question is, have I missed anything from the mod?

Âmÿrä Carter
Âmÿrä Carter - 06.03.2018 07:04

Definitely something I'd want to play; my main is a Breton...
Time for my main to visit home...

Will Tiffany
Will Tiffany - 01.02.2018 10:30

Is the Xbox One version out yet?

Paul Denis
Paul Denis - 12.01.2018 02:38

This is a great mod, but one of the bugs in the game is in Ugly Love where Dumrag won't go towards the trap door to open it. Now I'm stuck with him! He follows me everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE!!

Melon Sherbert
Melon Sherbert - 02.01.2018 00:34

The fact that Bruma is so massive and such high quality, and yet is basically just a demo makes me really excited for Cyrodill: Seat of Sundered Kings.

F mixoplix
F mixoplix - 28.12.2017 05:04

All these reviewers with this Bruma hype. Downloaded it when it came and played it. I was so excited just to discover Invisible borders everywhere. Couldn't explore anything, felt like I had to walk in a straight line. Just completely unfinished, bug-ridden and rushed. The biggest eye candy of all is that tower Cyrodiil. Completely undone and bordered out. Tcl it just to discover more undone aspects of what could be a great mod when its DONE. All mod reviewers are hyping it up so bad instead of talking about mods that are done. Kinda don't even want to play it anymore, beyond reach was way better. WAY better. Lol! I do appreciate the development team for putting it out there but finish it please:) all these lame reviews make it seem like its all good to go when its far from that.

CJ 4K - 17.10.2017 01:38

I'm having trouble finding Harran. I looked for him in the serpent cave because a guard at pale pass told me to do so. But no map marker popped up. I went in and killed all the smugglers and the few goblins that nested in the cave/passage. But no sign of Harran.

Lawrence Yeomans
Lawrence Yeomans - 17.10.2017 00:45

Boo hoo hoo Sony fan boys next time pick the better console and do your research if you wanted mods but got a PS4 and didn’t do your research don’t cry. Deal with it on get the goood old Xbox and join the master race with pc

Michael Jermann
Michael Jermann - 11.10.2017 04:03

This was one of my favorite mods for Skyrim! The only real problem I had, which you apparently avoided, was almost certain CTDs when entering or exiting the city of Bruma, but once I got out into the wilds I'd have no issues. Textures not loading was another minor issue I had.

M'aiq The Liar
M'aiq The Liar - 17.09.2017 16:08

Should I play this now or wait until its complete for the full experience? I heard the guild questlines and stuff aren't finished, I wanna play it but I'm unsure if its better of waiting to enjoy it more

Justin Muir
Justin Muir - 14.09.2017 16:07

Just came out on xbox!!!

Dylan Woodward
Dylan Woodward - 07.09.2017 03:05

I was so impressed with this mod, played it on the xbox. Very large so had to get rid of quite a few mods I liked :( but honestly I think it was worth it. Im surprised we have people like this doing mods... they should be making they're own game!

copper00 - 06.09.2017 20:22

Are you in Skyrim in this?

Noah Ellison
Noah Ellison - 04.09.2017 03:48

They should add a load screen to the city of Bruma to help with performance.

Noah Ellison
Noah Ellison - 04.09.2017 03:46

Is nobody going to mention that the land mass is completely different from oblivion? I suppose that's intentional, though. This isn't a remaster after all.

Noah Ellison
Noah Ellison - 02.09.2017 09:58

Does anyone know the differences between the PC version and the Xbox version? Curious.

Freddirak - 21.08.2017 22:24

"Everyone sounded the same, not vocally of course."
Yeah, because that leaves you with Oblivion's voice acting.

Brynjar Mauseth
Brynjar Mauseth - 10.08.2017 12:06

Can you use other mods together with the Bruma mod? Thinking mainly graphics/textures mod, or will this screw up the Bruma mod? Im using Special Edition

Slaanesh - 06.08.2017 22:11

Whoever made this is a damn saint.

WR3ND - 29.07.2017 08:26

In summery: This mod is freakin' amazing.

John Niño Langbid
John Niño Langbid - 27.07.2017 05:41

i need help im stuck in loading screen oh my god

Slayer - 26.07.2017 11:42

I wanna move to pc but the problem is how do I set it up

Lorraine Western
Lorraine Western - 25.07.2017 10:19

are there any new spells or anything?

TheCrusaderBin - 24.07.2017 17:49

Cool mod for sure. I'd try it out, but I think that like most players in the world, I played the game from the start load of times, but never finished it even once.... Total conversion mods are kinda reserved for after completion, so.... That brings the ETA to kind of... never?

Ben Graves
Ben Graves - 23.07.2017 03:44

Are you playing as your Dovakhin? Or do they make you create a new player?

FalckFTW - 22.07.2017 11:31

I think SE version is finished...

Gur - 21.07.2017 18:48

2 fps

brandon God mode
brandon God mode - 20.07.2017 08:53

So in other words buy a pc cause ps4 got cheap mods

Jaylen Mcbride
Jaylen Mcbride - 20.07.2017 02:37

Fuck Sony!!

ubersaber2 - 18.07.2017 19:10

i never had a problem with any fps drop in bruma. mayby i need a ton more mods

tiptoe joe
tiptoe joe - 16.07.2017 14:36

this is coming to xbone? fuck this shit lmao I'm getting an Xbox just for this shit I swear to god

Andrew Malone
Andrew Malone - 15.07.2017 02:43

Any idea on release date for the Special Edition supported mod?

Zaid Sabsabi
Zaid Sabsabi - 14.07.2017 09:09

when you play a mod like that , you need to forget that it was made by modders because it will just ruin your experience ,

eric s
eric s - 14.07.2017 07:06

"stop right there criminal scum"
this HAS to be in there

Bernardo Blanchet Ramírez
Bernardo Blanchet Ramírez - 14.07.2017 07:04

A near perfect mod.

Onion Rings
Onion Rings - 13.07.2017 22:38

I hope skyblivion ends up this good

BoayGaming - 13.07.2017 21:52

New Creatures were disappointing, damn...still no one cracked that behavior files XD
