What is Worship? from DOCTRINE Video Bible Study with Francis Chan - Bluefish TV

What is Worship? from DOCTRINE Video Bible Study with Francis Chan - Bluefish TV

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@MarcosRodriguez-le7oz - 04.12.2023 23:34

Does worship really mean to play or sing a slow song to God? No. Worship means doing the will of the father. Paul tells us here in Romans 12:1

@bdault - 23.06.2023 19:09

Singing is a form of worship, but worship goes way beyond that. To worship means to bow before the LORD

@phionanabasumba7298 - 23.02.2023 10:47

Great 👍 masage

@novagreene5364 - 01.05.2022 00:23

So Profound wish it was longerrrrrrr omg

@PatrickSteil - 13.06.2021 13:47

Adding on to what Francis said:

Love requires self-sacrifice.
Love requires obedience.
When we WORSHIP we have to do so from this standpoint - sacrifice of self and obedience for to worship HIM is to get down on our knees and love HIM and only HIM.

So it isn’t about “being fed” or “do I like the music” or was the preaching great, but rather did I walk into his presence and now down in my knees and WORSHIP HIM!

This is why for 2000 years the “worship service” was always fully dedicated to HIM. Prayers to Him, Reading of His Holy Scripture, sharing in communal prayers to Him, preaching about Him (for His glory, not ours) and for breaking of Bread so that we might consume HIM and have a personal encounter with Him!

This is what the Catholic Church has done and still does now 2000 years later.

If you do not experience worship this way - if worship just means singing, your church has lost what it means to truly worship Him.

@jaypoirier8780 - 12.06.2021 18:28

How the Holy Spirit gunna convict me in under a minute? Lol

@michelbel58 - 28.04.2021 15:02

Worship Jesus

Did Christ Our Example Mention To Change Sabbath to Sunday !!!

There are questions as christians we need to ask ourself, no matter the religion we are, concerning the plan and the will of Christ, was the plan of creation was the perfect plan for humanity .

What's Christ plan for humanity before sin !!! Two alliances were made by God to Adam, one were rest day and the institution of marriage that Adam and Eve would teach to there descendants. That was the fondation for humanity. Was it a jewish law.

Jesus worshinp and obey the Father everyday but rest on shabbat, why because Christ was part of the creation and gave Adam the rest day, this is why He tell the Jews:Then he said to them, the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath ... Mark 2:27

Did Christ annonce worship on Sunday Resurrection Day !!!
Did Christ as Creator, when He was in earth ad the intention to change the plan of creation concerning the rest day and the institution of marriage !!!

Historically Christians are unaware that the Emperor Constantine in AD 321 in accordance with the Church of Rome changed Saturday to Sunday and used Paul's teachings to establish this change.

-During his ministry, did Jesus Christ inform his disciples that sunday worship will be observed, after his death !!! No
-After His resurrection spending 40 days with more than 500 disciples before going to the Father, did Jesus Christ mentioned and establish Sunday worship for Christians !!! No
-At Pentecost, did the Holy Spirit guide the new church to be observed on Sunday worship, in the apostolic meetings of the book of acts !!! No

Nowhere is mention that sunday worship was established in the church by every apostles.

What are the two recommendations of Jesus Christ to his disciples:
Because, I tell you, as long as heaven and earth do not pass, a single iota or a single stroke of the letter will not disappear from the law until everything has happened. Matthew 5:18

Jesus Christ told them to teach them to keep everything I commanded you. And behold, I am with you every day, until the end of the world. Matthew 28:20

And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Mark 2:27,28.
It's mean that the rest day was made since the creation for man for eternity.

For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will create shall stand before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name be. At every new moon and every Sabbath, all flesh will come and worship before me, says the Lord. Isaiah 66:22,23.

Jesus is the keeper of all commandment is it mean that we can convoit the neighbor wife and so on !!!! We should read all Matthew 5

Removing the rest day from the ten words the law of love of God, is transgressing the law of liberty.

If you fulfill the royal law, according to the Scripture: You shall love your neighbor as yourself, you are doing well. But if you respect people, you commit a sin, you are condemned by the law as transgressors. For whoever keeps the whole law, but sins against one commandment, becomes guilty of all. James 2: 8-10

In Christ Alone

@annamabunda3188 - 03.02.2021 08:54

Thanks very much for the explanation of worship .

@marshannamaxwell2581 - 17.11.2020 07:38

this is so good

@namarcamusic - 28.09.2019 05:10

Jesus showed us exactly what worship is. Going down even unto death to lift up and Glorify Father.

@LearnEnglishESL - 15.08.2016 13:11

Good points. Worship can be practical: "The man who makes a piece of notepaper to the best of his ability, conscientiously, concentrating all his forces on perfecting it, is giving praise to God. Briefly, all effort and exertion put forth by man from the fullness of his heart is worship, if it is prompted by the highest motives and the will to do service to humanity. This is worship: to serve mankind and to minister to the needs of the people." - Baha'i Thought

@nataliadelafuente5894 - 19.10.2013 03:47

Its short but deep!

@reinaryugu218 - 29.09.2013 22:00

This touches me.

@candieMP - 19.09.2013 20:01

I have to 2nd that AMEN! Such a simple and wonderful truth. We take so many "Christian" words for granted, we hear them so much but haven't really taken time to dig into their deeper meanings. I plan to gather my kids and have them watch this after school. :)

@JJ2INC - 18.09.2013 20:17

