Frequency Divider - Theory and Prototyping Example

Frequency Divider - Theory and Prototyping Example

All Electronics Channel

3 года назад

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@imzack27 - 16.10.2022 09:49

Curious if there are ever issue with the startup time.

If no filters are employed, I'm also wondering what all possible frequency conditions it could 'lock' onto.

@omsingharjit - 09.09.2022 05:32

This is the Thing !!!
is there also Analogue multiplayer ?

@jeremycole3008 - 31.07.2022 21:36

I got 2 questions: #1 - If the Speed of Light is 299,792,458 meters pers second, and I assume the velocity of the speed of waves in copper is 95% of "c", then am I correct to conclude that: 299,792,458 times 95% is 284,802,835.1 meters per second, divide by 800 million, you get a full wave (in copper) of .356 meters, which I converted to 14 inches full wave. So, are your copper strips 14 inches in length, 7 inches in length, or 3 1/2 inches in length? #2 - How far can you move away from your 1.6 Ghz input can you go before you no longer get 1/2 on your output ? Will 1.4 Ghz input give you 700 Mhz, or will you be too far from the center, to get "center" ?

@mofaelectronics1295 - 02.07.2022 05:50

hi i want to record and digitize rf signals in 2 ghz with real time sampling my rf signal isnt repeatitive can I use this frequency divider to decrease signal frequency to record it with lower sample rate digitizer?

@amirb715 - 11.06.2021 16:31

Excellent work. Are these micorstrip lines all made by copper tape on a one sided PCB?

@rubenhidalgocarrillo - 11.06.2021 10:18

Great video. Thanks.
