This is Why You REALLY Shouldn't Be on the Dark Web

This is Why You REALLY Shouldn't Be on the Dark Web

The Infographics Show

2 года назад

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@austinmcl - 12.03.2025 04:05

Just don't look at that kind of stuff on the dark web.

@joelynej9 - 10.03.2025 03:17

Here’s the thing about Luca Magnotta. He should’ve been arrested for posting the videos of the cats being murdered and tortured before being murdered. Their life is not less than the human‘s life that he got arrested and put in jail for taking had the cops done that guess who still would’ve been alive The person he killed by protecting animals we actually protect humans too. People need to stop being selfish and speciest

@mairaineplayzgames2205 - 08.03.2025 20:46

there is no "anonymous" on the internet.

@Athlas87 - 05.03.2025 06:18

Man watched a lot of your vids but the level of BS in this video about this topic

@LukaZatko - 04.03.2025 23:55

why would u be a target if u only ordered drugs what are u talking about xD

@davidripley2916 - 01.03.2025 18:56

Dark Web= Pandora's Box 📦 👌 ✨️ ( all the Bad Stuff)

@peasterdelryn3915 - 28.02.2025 01:09

Dark web = web made up by fbi to catch curious offenders

@KyleGaudet-ek6ux - 24.02.2025 18:31

"don't go on the dark web" Then proceeds to show us how to use it

@nicksalabash6097 - 20.02.2025 11:16

Im a huge weirdo but yea there's no such a thing as true trust nowadays with any human being

@samuelfajardo9307 - 19.02.2025 02:56

This is really dark and messed up

@beggarsbeliefsideshow - 17.02.2025 09:48

If someone was to order from thier ten times how many times would u get the product

@pyrolight7568 - 17.02.2025 06:56

The dark web is the internet circa 1995.

@gregackerson5957 - 16.02.2025 07:50

Wow, the FBI did something good, first time I've heard.

@moomoof8720 - 12.02.2025 21:44

the war on drugs wasn't a failure it's real purpose has worked it was never made to help anyone but harm communities and keep civil rights groups down

also if the tor (whatever the name is) was made by the us government why would it be ...hidden by them....

@verb0ze - 12.02.2025 21:19

This video should have been titled "here are all the wonderful things you'll find on the dark web in case you didn't know ... For education purposes" 😂. Why did I waste time watching this?!?

@ausferret - 11.02.2025 14:50

A place to find out of print books?

@Melkanea - 03.02.2025 23:55

austria is in the wrong spot!

@HeyItsAmandaJ - 02.02.2025 13:25

This is horrible :(

@zmd0one - 01.02.2025 22:14

"you really dont know what you are getting from dark web", bro you dont even know what you will get from your plug.. that's why the drug tests are avaible to test the substances beforehand.

@MrIzzy4real - 31.01.2025 01:12

There are actual jobs where people watch flagged videos to be monitored for removal... many of them have PTSD from it.

@thatrandommexican3519 - 23.01.2025 21:24

Thank you for the video. I have been investigating the dark Web and was thinking of exploring it, but after seeing the video and testimonials of it I've decided against it. Thank you for saving me from probably seeing some trauma inducing stuff

@positivebearer - 16.01.2025 05:56

There was one story about Drugs on the dark web I heard to be true this person was trying to buy coke so he did a line and was in excruciating pain and left his nose bleeding he had it tested it was cut with human bones

@abd7xman314 - 15.01.2025 11:27

Selling speed 😂😂😂

@mitchellcervantes7689 - 13.01.2025 08:28

reddit used to have some really intense subreddits, not that long ago either.

@JustRandom.7 - 12.01.2025 06:11

How about reading the bible? Or books from the bible?

I haven't really read the bible as a whole myself... but I've read some parts of Proverbs and some of Revelations, and it's really interesting and enlightening.

@ryanbrady2464 - 12.01.2025 01:21

Pure evil is on dark web. The bar is never low enough for some people.

@aaronjefferson60 - 11.01.2025 19:37

I don’t think it’s worth it

@Jamalderkreal - 10.01.2025 14:18

The police knew what they were doing

@lalthanpuii3839 - 08.01.2025 16:27

Bro I am 16 yo from mizoram and I enter dark Web regularly through TOR with the help of VPN and I trust Tordex the most altho there isn't many sites as others

@romeomk510 - 08.01.2025 13:05

The Powers That Be:
"We don't intervene against drug sales because we can't make money off of them. It's because we care about people dying."

Also The Powers That Be:
"Here’s a pill to un--alive your baby. That'll be $89."

@andrewmoris5355 - 08.01.2025 11:05

Oh yeah because when you buy anything from anyone else like unilever you absolutely am sure whatever you're taking is good. Or big pharma, paracetamol is never cut up with aluminum to increase the weight ratios. Deepweb markets offer the same quality as any other business. Want to be sure? test it and stop being a spooky cry baby. There is no good money in this world, only cold hard business. Grow up.

@NevieDal - 07.01.2025 20:04

I think that disgusting people have things for sale on the dark web that people are blackmailed with, for example I think that things that women are blackmailed with are for sale on the dark web and that pimps can buy them.

@erickanter - 07.01.2025 13:56

Professional hitman do not use the dark web. Get real.

@herbhungry7565 - 07.01.2025 13:25

The drug war is a failure. No such thing as a controlled sale. Be wise. But always speak out against prohibition. Buying anything illegal comes with many risks no matter the method... fentanyl and xylazine are evil...

@ZeroAlpha1173 - 07.01.2025 07:12

Incorrect, the deep web is just not indexed but is perfectly accessible by anyone. The dark web is the hidden one that requires another browser to connect to the node. I am a security researcher and have knowledge of this.

@psidvicious - 06.01.2025 02:58

I feel like getting a shower just after that, let alone a visit to the dark web 🤢

@DiqtucsDiqmah-ek4ju - 05.01.2025 17:07

This thumbnail is so funny. Oh my god!

@davidalvarez4949 - 05.01.2025 11:44


@MEME_Rizzify - 05.01.2025 05:04

dear fbi agent, these are just for educational purposes, trust me, i believe in Jesus, im never ever in my life going anywhere near the dark web, ive heard of the terrible things that people have saw there and i will never go there

@FigueroaWharton - 04.01.2025 15:34


@elm_mln_7 - 04.01.2025 07:48

Basically, Discord lol.

@fivenightsatthefreddys - 04.01.2025 01:36


@brandonhaygood5286 - 03.01.2025 20:09

I'd worry about the FBI, but they're all too busy perp walking Luigi.
