Facebook Ads For Musicians Are The Biggest Lie In Music Promotion

Facebook Ads For Musicians Are The Biggest Lie In Music Promotion

Musformation // Jesse Cannon

3 года назад

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Jimmy Reagan
Jimmy Reagan - 09.04.2023 00:55

I've tested my music organically on Facebook within my community literally like a 60 mile radius. I've gotten great feedback even from people I don't know that well. I have numbers that align with the songs I think are the best. I was just posting music to people on friends list with a video post and they loved it. When's the last time you saw something on Facebook and called somebody lol. I have a decent local buzz within my friend and family group. Is this a exception to running ads.

Man Dem
Man Dem - 01.02.2023 06:41

i disagree...how bout perfecting and implementing the best of both worlds? organic and paid traffic together

Leezythegifted - 12.09.2022 19:13

I love this video! And I’m a BIG proponent of Facebook Ads to grow your music. I completely see your point and agree with you. What are your thoughts on using FB Ads for music to grow an email list?

mia bailey
mia bailey - 13.05.2022 04:43

Thank you for your honesty.. my music Facebook adds have not been working. So should I focus on putting up more live music videos and promoting them?

mia bailey
mia bailey - 13.05.2022 04:41

Finally the truth spoken about Facebook addss

Rory Troy
Rory Troy - 06.02.2022 06:31

Test out how the songs are liked or not like by live audience response. What you think is a hit might not be and the song you blew off as maybe filler might be the hit. I speak with 30 years of live experience and paying attention to my audience.

Ggfried - 20.01.2022 09:02

Everyone is preaching for his marketing niche, the truth is if your music is really good and you release it consistently (with fb ads or organic) it'll work.

Brad Ferguson
Brad Ferguson - 11.01.2022 09:13

Wish I had a dollar for every time you say "susceptible".

Rachel Mintz
Rachel Mintz - 02.01.2022 21:35

This is insanely depressing. Chock this up to the myriad of reasons artists have some of the highest rates of suicide. I am one of those who has wasted endless amounts of money on playlists and facebook ads. Here's the thing - I do have a fanbase. People do like my music. I have insane connections and am hoping to land a GOOD sync deal this year (I already have a few small ones that are non-exclusive and not moving). I'm literally working with industry heavyweights. I had a fans also like and Spotify took it away. I've received a lot of algorithmic playlist streams. But I feel I've been royally screwed by playlist companies. Now I have very high streaming numbers and very low monthly listeners which is embarrassing to say the least and not a good look for the industry connections in my life! Basically I just need to keep a decent monthly listenership until my album release in summer 2022. I'm really at a loss. I am not one of those people who is able to be releasing a single every 6 weeks. It just ain't happening. I take my cues from the Fiona Apples, Rihannas and Szas of the world and am all about quality over quantity. I want to quit constantly. I'm really at my wits end and I hate spotify for making monthly listeners visible to everyone. Please help!!

Bobby Woody
Bobby Woody - 27.12.2021 18:34

I'm here for the music marketer beef!!

beautifulcaramelman - 11.12.2021 23:17

What about andrew Southworth fam?

Jesse M
Jesse M - 01.12.2021 09:02

two major examples i can think of that fb ads worked for are rappers NF and tom macdonald

Lucas Grey
Lucas Grey - 23.11.2021 10:35

My question is why does no one actually explain how to build a fan base then because you could do the release plan you’ve mentioned in the past but that doesn’t matter if no one is looking taking a chance hoping you get on a spotify curated playlist is like wishing on a star

Q Kwasi Cox
Q Kwasi Cox - 13.11.2021 22:49

Gr8 Vid, U really opened my eyes, I'm glad I clicked this.. keep up the good work Bro.
