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Chris Jonson
Chris Jonson - 13.09.2023 21:13

I still got Rick Hatton as the best pure body puncher

Chris Jonson
Chris Jonson - 13.09.2023 21:12

He’d of beat most of the 90s guys uk and USA apart I take it he was avoided he’s underrated definitely

Dale Gordon
Dale Gordon - 27.08.2023 00:16

Real icon in the business ❤❤❤🇯🇲

Kruger Savage
Kruger Savage - 01.08.2023 07:34

I see some Bud Crawford in him, most notably the inside work and "not having to worry about his own body being snatched". Amazing.

Carson James IV
Carson James IV - 25.06.2023 17:43


Mitchell Gustafson
Mitchell Gustafson - 20.06.2023 16:20

Only one fighter honestly ducked McCallum and that was Tommy Hearns. They both held the 154 title at the same time for a while. Nobody knew better how good McCallum was than Manny Steward.
Leonard was out of commission with the eye issue and retirements. Duran was working his way back from the humiliation of the no mas fight and sidelined by losses.

Remember McCallum won the title in 84 and it was not until 87 after beating McCrory and Curry that he was talked about as a top opponent. By then Leonard and Hagler were unavailable because they were fighting each other. Hearns moved up to 175 that year to fight for that title.

Trebor Yeldnif
Trebor Yeldnif - 13.06.2023 08:44

Micky the best of best when it came to bodysnatching hits! This is his legacy of all-time fluidity! One Luv ❤️!!!

Игорь Тихонов
Игорь Тихонов - 05.06.2023 00:13

Слава Богу! Здравствуйте! Маккаллум, смотрю ломал людей через корпус, отбивал сперва туловище! А затем уже, и по второму этажу! Шикарный боец! Спасибо!

Mark Ant
Mark Ant - 31.05.2023 15:59

mcCallum had the same reach as Ali

1uty13 - 21.05.2023 08:37

What does body snatcher mean?

iAmEdwardBibbins - 03.05.2023 16:12

I can see where coach Derrick James got his style from. I see Errol Spence modernized similarities but it’s damn near exact!!

Muhammad nur Amin Bin Abdullah
Muhammad nur Amin Bin Abdullah - 30.04.2023 13:31

His remain me to the micky the irishmen ward...kill the body the head will go on...

Eclisis - 26.04.2023 10:49

Shawn Porter should've emulated this guy's style

garrison 68
garrison 68 - 01.03.2023 12:29

What this guy did to Collins and Watson was startling.

Robert Pierce
Robert Pierce - 28.02.2023 11:46


Che Che
Che Che - 27.02.2023 04:56

McCallum was like the body Surgeon in the ring

ccali327 - 19.02.2023 13:02

Mike McCallum, aside from being an excellent body puncher is one of the most underrated guys out there. Easily an all time great in some big divisions, and not as well known as some contemporaries.

A few things... first McCallum punched to the body from range because he was a taller longer fighter. It wasn't the opponent. He would have smothered himself had he gotten in too close. This is, defensively, a bit more dangerous as he is more in range for opponent counters. When you're at mid distance like that, you're almost always in an opponent's firing range. What he does is let his hands go after with a few sharper punches to keep his opponents playing defense until he can get out of range.

The thing is ... what Mike is doing is hardly "special" from a technique standpoint. Guys are taught these fundamentals all the time. What makes McCallum special is that he would commit to the body, and his balance was solid such that he could throw 4-6 punches up and down from all sorts of positions, slip, return fire, and/or get out. What should be emphasized is that command of range through balance and positioning and excellent sight/reflexes make this happen. A lot of taller guys use their legs and distance chiefly to get out of position. Mike will actually stand in front of you, make you miss, and make you pay. You can even see in some of the clips, he is punching and moving backwards, maintaining perfect distance between his feet the entire time. It's almost like his legs just slide underneath him.

If you have really solid balance, keep your feet in position, and have a great sense of range, you can do almost anything because you're always in position to mix offense and defense. Mike can slip a shot from the outside, throw up to the body and head quick while maintaining range. When his opponent tries to fire he slips and returns or more fire or he can get out. I always tell young fighters. Balance and good feet are maybe the most important things in the sport.

Brian Driffin Jr.
Brian Driffin Jr. - 03.02.2023 21:51

Great assessment!

Michael Ferto
Michael Ferto - 20.01.2023 08:18

...I remember him training...We trained at the same gym in the 1980s.....He could wing those body shots...

Mario Lewis
Mario Lewis - 12.01.2023 08:12

One of the best who ever laced them up👊🏿

WINKY - 10.01.2023 00:15

People don’t talk about his fights with curry, jackson and the Toney trilogy. They’re all damn entertaining

Whiterun_Gaurd - 18.10.2022 18:59

Slip body body head. Pull body head. Sounds like a nice drill to learn.

apolyed apolyed
apolyed apolyed - 14.10.2022 05:45

9 minutes.

Sage - 27.09.2022 17:59

his nickname should have been changed to "The scrotum smasher" with all those lowblows

Anthony Avella
Anthony Avella - 10.09.2022 06:44

Best body puncher ever - Rocky Balboa

michaelkeha - 27.08.2022 22:01

He fought using the Marciano method of everything is a valid target hit it hard enough and you break your opponent

Malcome Gazadar
Malcome Gazadar - 23.08.2022 22:51

mike mycelium was easily the best body puncher of all times you see some people don't know how to watch a boxer in fighting

HUJAMBO Korodani
HUJAMBO Korodani - 08.08.2022 20:37


Talk It Over
Talk It Over - 19.07.2022 03:48

Good stuff right there! MM was known for his body shots for sure but what I appreciated was how he set them up. It all starts with that footwork and jab. plus he had a great and natural understanding of angles. Which allowed him to throw body shots from up close but he could also do damage throwing them from distance. As shown in some of these clips. Head shots look pretty for knock outs but the real work is digging that body. You can get lucky with a head shot, those body shots is putting in that work.

David Love Official
David Love Official - 11.07.2022 06:01

Thank you brother.

Mark & Leon's World
Mark & Leon's World - 07.07.2022 20:12

I've been following boxing since the 60's.. Duran was best as "part of the whole package", "The Monster" is the mostdevistating! Great work David!!

William Davis
William Davis - 05.07.2022 08:32

Jack Dempsey, Rocky Marciano, Joe Frazier.

G McMullins
G McMullins - 04.07.2022 20:39

I think his style comes from training on heavy bag hanging from a low setting. Heavy bags hanging low forces one to work more on body shots than head shots. I noticed that when my bag was hanging low I started getting more comfortable doing body shots.

Thorjack Peligroso
Thorjack Peligroso - 01.07.2022 22:32

4 best ways to land a body shot :
1. Jab, straight right, left hook to the body.
2. Double jab, right hand to the body.
3. Jab, right uppercut, left hook to the body.
4. 1-2, left hook to the head, right hand to the body.

시크릿 ⚡️미라클
시크릿 ⚡️미라클 - 29.06.2022 00:54

80년대 ❤마이크 맥컬럼

dalton damm
dalton damm - 23.06.2022 12:55

What are his best fights

dalton damm
dalton damm - 23.06.2022 12:50

McCallum vs roy Jones or him vs James toney would be the fights I would want broken down. But I happen to be new to his fights.

Dominique Paige
Dominique Paige - 23.06.2022 05:17

Kinda has similar fighting style to errol spence especially the inside game

Danvil - 15.06.2022 03:57

Awesome breakdown of a true leverage & tactical genius.

LS K - 14.06.2022 15:07

This channel is still awesome I might have to become a patron again

Guns&Butter - 13.06.2022 07:17

He reminds me of how Errol Spence Jr gets u outta of there body snatchers 💪🏾💯

GRIFFON cs - 10.06.2022 03:53

Just watching all these body shots makes me want to throw up...

raxmanbox - 10.06.2022 00:10

Folks like to compare today's risk vs reward match making with the glory days of the 4 kings... but that's when risk vs reward started in earnest. My all time favourite fighter Tommy Hearns was wbc champ at 154 when McCall had the wba belt circa 1984... Hearns wanted none of that risk while setting up the reward of a hagler fight and hoping for that Leonard rematch

Mongezi - 09.06.2022 22:50

Errol Spence jr has a similar style.

I am Jungle
I am Jungle - 05.06.2022 14:56

Didn't work against The Goat 👉🏾 Roy Jones Jr 😂

Alex Ong
Alex Ong - 05.06.2022 12:18

I have a request, please give us a breakdown of Carlos Monzon, one of the greatest Middleweight fighters there ever was, he was as good as the Marvelous Hagler was.
Even though he was a shitty husband, he was still a phenomenal fighter.

moto W
moto W - 05.06.2022 09:24

