Unveiling the Truth: Debunking the Myths Behind LEED Certification

Unveiling the Truth: Debunking the Myths Behind LEED Certification


1 год назад

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@samiraakbarova4187 - 11.12.2023 16:52

Thank you so much!

@arkazabgaming7579 - 28.02.2024 15:55

What is the main point here?? It's not about the myth.
The problem with LEED is that it's not recognised to create an impact. Do you think contractors can't outweigh the profit margins they get from the functional output of concrete buildings than the sustainable benefits from green buildings?.
Do you think they are going to invest more in eco friendly materials than conventional material to reduce CO2 emissions by 1-2%. Remember companies like in the middle East barely have time to even think about green building while they emit tons and tons of green house gases from oil refineries. Is unsustainable building the whole problem in this picture. Wake up.. I'm not against sustainable construction, I am just saying that laws should be regulated so that it creates an impact on the whole benefiting everyone, workers, builders, contractors and the customers. The certification process should not just be a business.
